
  • 网络self-design;Autonomous Design
  1. 该软件具有智能设计、自主设计、三维造型、动态模拟等功能,对产品开发、泵性能优化等具有实际意义。

    Its functions include intelligent design , autonomous design , 3D modelling and dynamic simulation . It has practical significance in product development and pump performance optimization .

  2. 利用自主设计的总线宏,完成了部分重配置的实现。

    Using self-design FPGA internal bus macro to implement the partial reconfigurable system .

  3. 支持教师自主设计Web教学模式的网络辅助教学平台的研究与实践

    Research and practice of network aided teaching platform supporting teachers to self-design Web teaching mode

  4. 利用自主设计的内嵌式ASP实现交互式用户界面

    Implementing Interactive User Interfaces with the Independent ASP Component

  5. 在自主设计的FPGA芯片结构的基础上,本文提出了一种全新的编程文件格式定义。

    This thesis puts forward a brand new programming file format based on the self-designed FPGA chip structure .

  6. 采用自下向上的设计流程,在没有嵌入式操作系统支持的条件下,自主设计和实现了嵌入式USBHost功能。

    The functions of embedded USB Host was designed and implemented by using bottom-up without supporting of embedded OS .

  7. 本文自主设计了Al2O3陶瓷人工半髋关节股骨头磨具的机械联接传动系统。

    Having designed a mechanical system for the grinder of Al2O3 ceramic femoral head for artificial partial hip joint .

  8. 应用自主设计的数据采集卡和Visualc++6.0编译器,开发了一套可视化的应用程序,实现了智能控制。

    With the self-determination data gather card and Visual ( C + + ) 6.0 , a visual application was designed to realize the intelligent control .

  9. 然后自主设计出了多组组合型和时序型硬件木马电路,并且通过了功能仿真和FPGA验证。

    Next , some Combinational and sequential Trojan circuits are designed , and successfully passed the functional simulation and FPGA verification .

  10. 关键词:DNA,智力系统,万有智力,智因,智因自主设计论,哲学,认知科学。

    KEY WORDS : DNA , intelligent system , universal intelligence , intelligent gene ( IG ), theory of independent intelligent gene , philosophy , cognitive science .

  11. 选用IGBT作为功率开关器件,自主设计了一套驱动电路对IGBT进行驱动;

    Select IGBT for power switch device , design one urge circuit for IGBT independently ;

  12. 最后根据实际需要详细介绍了自主设计的一款Typeb型读卡器的核心部件&射频模块的电路实现方案和具体电路及程序。

    In the end , in detail introduces the implement project about circuit and program of the kernel components of a Type B IC cards reader , the RF module , what is completely made by do-it-yourself .

  13. 欢迎提供DIY自主设计款式定制!

    DIY ★ welcome to provide their own custom designs !

  14. 苹果公司表示,将在Mac电脑上改用自主设计的芯片,并计划在今年底发表首款采用自家芯片的Mac电脑。

    Apple says it will switch to its own chips for its Mac computers , saying the first machines will ship this year .

  15. 然而升级或复用已购买的IP同样也会带来签收整体设计时的附加成本和风险,相对来说自主设计则具有更多的适应性和灵活性。

    However , to migrate purchased or re-use purchased IPs will have additional burden and risks of signing off them , while in-house designed ones will give the most flexibility .

  16. 在研究分析国外时钟分布网络理论成果和设计实例的基础上,本文根据X微处理器的具体设计要求,自主设计了系统级时钟分布网络。

    The paper researched the advanced theories and the design examples of clock distribution network , then designed the clock distribution network according to the requirement of the X microprocessor .

  17. 由于硬件系统及驱动程序完全自主设计,为对系统进行二次开发和扩充、采用DSP专用数字处理芯片固化压缩算法及智能监控算法提供了余裕;

    Because the hardware and the driver are designed independently , there is much margin to reexpand the system , fixing the compression algorithm and intelligent monitor algorithm in DSPs .

  18. 并以自主设计的LD参数测试仪为核心搭建测试系统,对模型进行实验验证。

    The test system , whose core is the LD parameter test instrument designed by ourselves , is established to validate the control model .

  19. 根据实际操作经验,自主设计模糊控制规则,并运用Matlab平台与传统PID控制方法进行仿真对比。

    Based on actual operating experience , fuzzy control rules are designed . In this paper , using Matlab software to simulate the fuzzy controller and compared with conventional PID control methods .

  20. 在自主设计的总线访问专用IP核的基础上,提出了基于SOPC技术的总线控制器和应用处理器的融合方法。

    The fusion method of the mvb bus controller and application processor using SOPC technology is presented , based on the independently designed bus access IP core .

  21. 针对柳钢2800mm双机架中厚板轧机,自主设计开发了完整的LevelⅡ计算机控制系统。

    An entire Level ⅱ computer control system for 2 800 mm medium and heavy mill of LISCO was independently designed and developed .

  22. 自主设计,研制出了一种MGWC;我国自主研制了8艘浮式生产储油装置(FPSO)。

    There are eight floating production , storage and offloading systems ( FPSO ) researched and developed in China .

  23. TiAl基合金的籽晶法定向成形实验是在课题组自主设计研制的宽调速电磁成形定向凝固设备上进行的。

    Directional solidification of TiAl-base alloys using a polycrystalline seed material are studied by using self-made EMCS experiment apparatus with wide range of velocity .

  24. 阿莫鲁索又在做新的尝试了:自主设计。本季将有NastyGal设计的第三个系列推出。阿莫鲁索说:设计是我们顺水推舟的下一步。

    Amoruso is attempting another move : in-house designs ; this season will mark the third collection by Nasty Gal. ' Designing was the natural next step for us .

  25. 本文在对调光领域最新标准DALI协议进行介绍的基础上,分析了三种DALI解决方案的优缺点,提出了自主设计的基于通用芯片的低成本DALI系统。

    After introduces the DALI standard protocol , compared the advantages and disadvantages of three DALI system designs , this paper bring forward a DALI system design using common chips .

  26. 介绍了一种利用自主设计的内嵌式ASP实现动态Web页面与应用程序相结合的方法,这种方法使应用程序能够完全脱离标准ASP解释器而独立解释ASP脚本。

    Introduces a method , which utilizes a customized ASP component designed for the combination of dynamic Web pages and applications . By this method , the applications can interpret ASP script independently without standard ASP interpreter and Web server .

  27. 使用C++语言自主设计的软件接口提供了控制边缘扫描控制器的动态库函数和自动解析边缘扫描描述语言(Boundary-scanDescriptionLanguage,简称BSDL)文件的类。

    Software interface designed independently using C + + includes dll which can control the BST controller and BST class which can automatically identifying the files of Boundary-scan description language ( BSDL ) .

  28. 从安全性角度考虑,我国需要自主设计一个分组密码作为F8和F9的内核算法。

    From the security point of view , China should design a block cipher as core algorithm of F8 and F9 .

  29. 本文通过实验重点研究了可燃性气体(CH4)在不同条件下的爆炸极限和对应的临界氧含量,自主设计和建造了油气燃爆特性实验架。

    This paper major research on the gas explosion limits and critical oxygen content of flammable gas CH4 under different conditions self-designed and built the experiment apparatus of hydrocarbon explosive properties .

  30. 苹果公司称:“iPhone6s和iPhone6sPlus的内置芯片均为苹果自主设计的A9芯片,这是全世界最先进的智能手机芯片。”

    The firm said : ' With the Apple-designed A9 chip in your iPhone 6s or iPhone 6s Plus , you are getting the most advanced smartphone chip in the world .