
  • 网络fluidity;Membrane Fluidity;LFU
  1. 用此法测定了艾氏腹水癌细胞的膜流动性。

    In this way , the membrane fluidity of living Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was determined .

  2. 枸杞多糖对细胞膜流动性及蛋白激酶C的体外效应

    Effects of Lycium barbarum polysaccharide on the cell membrane fluidity and protein kinase C in vitro

  3. 中药热毒清对淋巴细胞膜流动性和DNA合成的影响

    The Effect of Re Du Qing on the Membrane Fluidity and DNA Synthesis of Lymphocytes

  4. 饲料中维生素E、蛋白质及某些微量元素对大白鼠红细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effect of VE , Protein and Some Element in Diet On Erythrocyte Membrane Lipids Mobility

  5. 锌和维生素E对肝辐射损伤脂质过氧化和膜流动性的影响

    Effect of zinc and vitamin E on lipid peroxidation and membrane fluidity in liver with radiation injury

  6. 胰岛素对人红细胞膜流动性及ATP酶活性的影响

    Effects of Insulin on Human Erythrocyte Membrane Fluidity and ATPase Activity

  7. 维生素E对创伤小鼠T细胞功能以及脂质过氧化和膜流动性的影响

    Effects of vitamin E on T cell lipid peroxidation , membrane fluidity and T cell functions in traumatized mice

  8. 目的:利用四氧嘧啶诱发大鼠体内广泛脂质过氧化,研究β-胡萝卜素(βC)对红细胞脂质过氧化和红细胞膜流动性的影响。

    Objective : To study the effect of β - carotene (β - C ) on lipid peroxidation and RBC-membrane fluidity of rats inflicted with alloxan .

  9. 与对照组和vc治疗组相比,毒素组红细胞膜流动性显著降低,vc治疗组较毒素组升高(P<0.ol;P<0.01)。

    Compared with the control group , the differences were significant in various venom groups ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. COPD患者红细胞膜流动性、氧自由基变化及抗氧化剂对其影响

    Changes of erythrocyte membrane fluidity and oxygen free radicals and actions of antioxidants on it in COPD

  11. DHA,EPA对耐力训练小鼠红细胞膜流动性影响的实验研究

    Effect of DHA and EPA on mice with tolerance training in fluidity of erythrocyte membrane

  12. 说明脂肪族类两亲物对SR膜流动性的影响与脂肪链饱和程度有关。

    It indicated that effects of amphiphiles on SR membrane fluidity depend on the degree of saturation of aliphatic chain .

  13. 细胞功能分析结果显示:补充500IU/kgVE8周后,大鼠红细胞膜流动性和淋巴细胞转化率均比对照组显著提高(P<0.01,P<0.05)。

    After 500IU / kg VE supplementation with 8 weeks , the erythrocyte membrane fluidity and lymphocyte transformation rate were significantly increased .

  14. 结论认为降钙素与1,25(OH)2D3不同,它促进人成骨样细胞增殖和降低细胞膜流动性。

    It is concluded that calcitonin might increase the cell proliferation and decrease the membrane fluidity .

  15. 焦痂毒性提取物D1对大鼠肝线粒体膜流动性的作用

    Effects of D 1 , a toxic substance isolated from burn eschar on mitochondrial membrane fluidity

  16. 结论EGF、NT有维持肝细胞膜流动性和胞浆钙稳态的作用。

    Conclusion EGF and NT have a function of maintaining membrane fluidity and steady-status of cytosolic calcium of hepatocytes .

  17. 益气养阴方对白血病K562细胞周期和凋亡率及细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effects of reinforcing qi nourishing on the cell cycle of leukemia cell lines K562 and apoptosis and the membrane fluidity

  18. 结果高分子右旋糖酐造成了大鼠红细胞变形性降低(P0.05),聚集性增高(P0.01),膜流动性降低(P0.05)。

    Result HMWD injection decreased red blood cells deformability ( P0.05 ) and liquidity of membrane ( P0.01 ) and increased erythrocytes aggregation ( P005 ) .

  19. 年龄变化及人参皂甙Rg1对大鼠脑皮层细胞膜流动性的影响

    Effects of age and ginsenoside Rg1 on membrane fluidity of cortical cells in rats

  20. β-淀粉样蛋白和载脂蛋白E4降低神经元膜流动性

    Amyloid beta protein and apolipoprotein E4 decrease neuronal membrane fluidity

  21. 本文采用正交实验设计的方法,观察维生素E、硒、蛋白质、锰5种因素2种水平对大白鼠红细胞膜流动性的影响。

    This paper adopted the method of orthogonal design to observe the effect of two level of selenium , manganese , VE , protein and zine in diet on erythrocyte membrane lipids mobility .

  22. 目的:应用自旋标记电子顺磁共振(SpinlabelESR)技术,探讨电磁脉冲对海马细胞膜流动性的影响。

    Objective : Spin-label electron spin resonance ( ESR ) spectroscopy technique has been used to investigate the membrane fluidity changes of hippocampus neuron irradiated by EMP .

  23. 微粒体膜流动性降低(P0.01),微粘度升高(P0.01),分子排列有序性系数升高(P0.01)。

    The membrane fluidity of microsomes was reduced ( P0.01 ) and microviscosity and the order coefficient of membrane lipid molecules were increased ( P0.01 ) .

  24. 结果仅在128μg/ml剂量水平观察到细胞膜流动性的降低,但8,32128μg/ml3个剂量组均未引起细胞内DNA损伤。

    Results Decrease of membrane fluidity was found in group of dose 128 ? μ g / ml , however no obvious damage to DNA observed at every dose level of 8,32,128 ? μ g / ml.

  25. 喂饲高胆固醇诱发的实验性动脉粥样硬化(AS)兔血清总胆固醇(TC)及丙二醛(MDA)水平明显升高,血小板膜流动性明显降低。

    Serum total cholesterol ( TC ) and malondialdehyde ( MDA ) levels increased and platelet membrane fluidity decreased markedly in experimental atherosclerotic rabbit models induced by cholesterol-feeding .

  26. mDC的膜流动性最大,其荧光偏整度P值为0.062±0.001(P<0.01);

    Fluorescence polarization measurement indicated that the membrane fluidity of mDC was the highest and it 's fluorescence polarization P value was 0.062 ± 0.001 ( P < 0.001 );

  27. 目的探讨肝、肾移植术后,患者红细胞膜流动性与环孢素A(CsA)药代动力学相关性。

    Aim To investigate the correlation between erythrocyte membrane lipid fluidity ( LFU ) and pharmacokinetics of CsA in hepar and renal transplanted recipients .

  28. L(7811)白血病细胞线粒体膜流动性的测定

    Detection of Mitochondria Membrane Fluidity in L_ ( 7811 ) Leukemia Cell

  29. 但微粘度(η)和红细胞丙二醛(MDA)上升:η值由0.8433±0.0215上升至1.7285±0.1451,表明膜流动性下降;

    The microviscosity ( n ) and the MDA , however , increased . The n value increased from 0.843 ± 0.0215 to 1.729 ± 0.145 , indicating a decreased membrane fluidity .

  30. 甘油三酯中的长链多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)可通过改变恶性肿瘤细胞的膜流动性使之对其它治疗敏感。

    PUFA ( Ployunsaturated fatty acids ) in lipids make tumor cells sensitive to treatments by modulating the membrane fluidity .