
tuō táo zuì
  • crime of escaping from custody
  1. 脱逃罪既遂应根据不同的具体情况来选择相适应的标准进行判定。

    Accomplished escape should choose different circumstances to determine standards compatible .

  2. 论脱逃罪的几个问题

    A Tentative Study on Problems about Crime of Escape

  3. 论脱逃罪的主体

    On the Subject of Crime of Breakout

  4. 司法机关应从多方面入手积极预防脱逃罪的发生。

    The judiciary should be multi-pronged approach to actively prevent the occurrence of the crime escape .

  5. 无罪的人能否成为脱逃罪的主体,应当区分不同情况分别把握。

    Whether an innocent person can become the subject of breakout or not , different instances should be taken into account .

  6. 将脱逃罪细化,在《刑法》中增设被监视居住者脱逃罪及帮助脱逃罪。

    To escape the crime detailed in the " Criminal Law " was added to monitor crime and help residents escape escape crime .

  7. 脱逃罪的主体是依法被关押的罪犯、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人。

    The subject of crime of breakout is the offender , the suspect , and the accused who is detained according to the law .

  8. 不具有脱逃罪特殊身份者只能在共同犯罪的情况下构成脱逃罪的教唆犯或者帮助犯,而不能构成共同正犯。

    People who are without the specific identity of Escaping crime can only be abettor or accessory in joint crime but not the group perpetrator .

  9. 关于脱逃罪的认定问题,在司法实践和刑法理论上表现得比较复杂,造成具体理解和认识上的差异。

    Crime of the problem on the escape , criminal justice theory , practice and performance were more complex , resulting in the specific understanding and awareness of differences .

  10. 脱逃罪的犯罪构成有严格的时空要素,构成脱逃罪,行为主体必须在司法机关依法限制自由的时间阶段,同时具有从监押状态下逃跑的主观目的,故其又是一种亲手犯。

    Actors must be restricted in the phase of free time by the judicial , and they are with the subjective purpose of escaping from custody at the same time .

  11. 脱逃罪作为侵犯国家司法权的一类犯罪,在中外刑事立法上存在立法体例上的重大差别。

    As one of the crimes against the jurisdictional right of the country , crimes of escape are very different in legislation of China and other countries in the world .

  12. 对各国立法体例做出比较,了解和把握各国的立法体例的不同及其原因,对于完善我国脱逃罪的立法具有重要意义。

    It is very important to grasp well the differences in legislation of China and the countries in the world for us to consummate the legislation of the escape crime .

  13. 但从对国家司法权的完整保护的视角看,脱逃罪的保护客体应当是国家的拘禁作用。

    On point of view of protection to the whole jurisdictional right of the country , the function of imprison should be considered as the profits protected by law in escape crime .

  14. 本文就有关脱逃罪主体、目的、罪数、培形态以及共犯上的若干较存争议的问题进行了较为深入的探讨。

    This paper makes a tentative study on the problems about the subject , the purpose , the quantity of crime , the pattern and the joint crime about crime of escape .

  15. 脱逃罪是一种严重破坏国家司法管理秩序的犯罪,历来受到各国立法机关和司法机关的重视。

    As a type of crime which seriously breaches the order of justice administration , crime of escape has been put into much attention by the legislatures and judicial organs of different countries .

  16. 无罪而被错误羁押的人如没有暴力、胁迫、毁坏监管设施等行为,只是单纯脱逃的不宜认定为脱逃罪。

    Innocent person in custody was wrong if there is no violence , coercion , destruction of facilities , monitoring behavior , simply to escape the crime should not be recognized as escape .

  17. 出于某种考虑又自动返回的,以及出于某种考虑而暂时中断的,均符合脱逃中止的法律待征,应以脱逃罪论处。

    Automatic return for a consideration , then , as well as for some considerations for the time being interrupted , are consistent with the law to be imposed to escape suspension , escape the crime should be punished .

  18. 不具有脱逃罪主体特殊身份的人教唆、帮助具备脱逃罪主体资格的人脱逃,应成立脱逃罪的共犯。

    Offenses subject does not have the special status of the person who , to help with the qualification of the person to escape the crime to escape , an accomplice in the crime of escape should be set up .

  19. 具体应修改为:依法被关押在羁押场所或押解途中的罪犯、被告人、犯罪嫌疑人脱逃的,构成脱逃罪。

    Concrete shall be amended as follows : according to the law to be held in places of detention or escort on the way the criminals , the accused , the suspect escaped , and constitute a crime of escape .

  20. 脱逃罪主观方面为直接故意,实施脱逃是为了逃避羁押和刑罚处罚,发展过程中既有完成形态,又存在未完成形态;可以单人实施,也可表现为共同犯罪。

    Offenses of subjective intent to direct the implementation of escape is to escape the penalty of detention and punishment , both to complete the process of development patterns , then there is unfinished form ; can single implementation , but also showed a common criminal .

  21. 违反法定程序关押的人,如果该关押行为是由法定机关做出,而被关押人又符合逮捕、拘留的条件,只是实施关押的程序有所欠缺,可以成为脱逃罪的主体。

    Prisoners who violated legal procedures , if the act is held by the statutory authority to make , The detainees and has complied with the arrest , detention conditions , but the implementation has been the lack of procedures for detention , the crime can be subject to escape .