
  1. 您要什么来着,中杯脱因拿铁

    What did you have again ? A medium decaf latte .

  2. 这是一座相当有型的咖啡屋,店内播放着黑胶唱片,装饰着爱迪生灯泡和陈旧的摩托车,用蓝色班丹纳扎染手帕当餐巾,不供应脱因咖啡。

    It is a highly stylized coffee house where they spin vinyl , decorate with Edison bulbs and old motorcycles , use blue bandannas as napkins and do not serve decaf .

  3. 氮氧化物(NOx)是公认的主要大气污染物之一,选择性催化还原(SCR)烟气脱硝技术因其较高的脱硝率成为燃煤电站锅炉控制NOx排放的主要选择。

    Nitrogen oxide is generally accepted as one of the main air pollutants . Selective catalytic reduction ( SCR ) becomes the main choice in controlling the emission of NOx in coal-fired boiler because of its higher denitrification rate .

  4. 目前,水体富营养化已成为世界性环境问题,国内外对氮污染的治理日益重视,而生物脱氮技术因其迅速安全倍受青睐。

    At present , the eutrophication has become a global environmental issues , and the governance of nitrogen pollution at home and abroad is growing importance .

  5. 近年来,脉冲电晕放电等离子体烟气脱硫脱硝技术因其脱除效率高能耗低的特点而被认为是最有前途的新一代技术。

    Considering the higher efficiency and the less energy wasted , pulsed corona discharge plasma is regarded as the new and promising technology to resolve the problem recently .

  6. 在本体论上,非嵌入编码知识的特点是脱域,因其共性而成为交往的共同平台,因其普遍性而成为人类知识体系的基础。

    From ontology , the character of explicit knowledge is " disembeding ", and it has become the common flat to communicate and the basis of human knowledge system because of its commonness and universality .

  7. 半胱胺(Cysteamine,CS)是半胱氨酸的脱羧产物,因具有活性巯基和氨基而具有多种生物功能,也是动物体内的生物活性物质。

    Cysteamine had varies biological function because it had activity hydrosulfuryl and amino and it had become a very important biological activity material in vivo .

  8. 基于脱砂乃是因铸件的惯性力所致的观点,提出了提高电液压清砂效率的途径。

    Based on that sand removal is caused by inertia of castings an approach to improve the efficiency in electro-hydaulic fettling has been put forword .

  9. 但在实际运行中发现,除磷脱氮效果会因污泥产率降低和进水有机物浓度低而难于提高。

    In practical operation , it was found that the nitrogen and phosphorous removal efficiency was hard to be improved because of the low COD concentration of wastewater .

  10. 目的解决第二趾趾甲瓣在修复手指皮肤套脱伤时,因第二趾短、细,造成手指侧方及根部皮肤难以覆盖的问题。

    Objective To provide a method of overcoming the-difficulty of covering the skin defect remained at the side and base of the finger after repair with wrap-around flap from the second toe for finger avulsion injuries .

  11. 同时产甲烷反硝化工艺作为一种新型脱氮工艺,因其具有节省碳源、工艺简单、抗负荷能力强等优点逐步被人们关注。

    Simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification ( SMD ) as a novel nitrogen removal process has been payed worldwide attention because this process has many advantages such as less need of extra carbon source , short process , easy operation and resistance to high carbon and nitrogen loading .