
jǐ xiàn
  • Ridge line;ridgeline;crest line;edge of regression;line of regression
脊线 [jǐ xiàn]
  • (1) [ridgeline]∶标志或沿脊顶延伸的线

  • (2) [crest line]∶见峰线

脊线[jǐ xiàn]
  1. 用三次B样条曲线拟合采样点列而获得脊线。

    A spine curve was fitted to those re-sampled points with a cubic B-spline curve .

  2. 越赤道气流对副高脊线北抬至25°N的影响

    Impacts of Cross-equatorial Flow on Subtropical High Ridge Jumping Northward to 25 ° N

  3. 基于小波边缘提取和脊线跟踪技术的SAR图像河流检测算法

    River Detection in SAR Images Based on Edge Extraction in Wavelet Domain and Ridge Tracing Technique

  4. 然后,通过改进的Gabor滤波器生成指纹脊线纹理。

    Then a modified Gabor filter is used for ridge pattern generation .

  5. 西太平洋副高脊线北抬至25°N的OLR特征及诊断分析

    Diagnosis of OLR Features of West Pacific Ocean Subtropical High Ridge Carried to 25 ° N

  6. 图像增强算法包括块方向图估计、脊线频率估计、Gabor滤波三个部分。

    The algorithm on enhancement include orientation image estimation , frequency image estimation and Gabor filtering .

  7. 副高脊线的进、退和脊线稳定在28°N附近是降水稳定维持的条件;

    The marching and withdrawing of the ridge line of subtropical high and the stabilization of the ridge line near 28N are the conditions of the lasting of precipitation ;

  8. 数字高程模型(DEM)中蕴含着各种地形地貌结构的特征信息,如山脊线和山谷线。

    Digital Elevation Model contains a variety of features information of the structure of topographic , such as Ridge and Valley Line .

  9. 接着,对IMF分量进行小波分析,从小波系数的幅角函数中提取小波脊线;

    Second , applying wavelet transform to the IMFs , the wavelet ridge line is extracted from the phase function of the wavelet coefficients ;

  10. 西北太平洋副热带高压持续偏西偏北,是近26年来同期副热带高压脊线位置持续在25°N以北时间最长的一年;

    The position of subtropical high consistently located to the west and north than average , it was the most persist one of recent 26-years that the High ridge position locate to such north .

  11. 只有当副高平均脊线偏南的情况下,副高西伸到95~115°E范围时,长江流域易产生强降水。

    But the strong precipitation in the Changjiang River valley easily occurs when STH ′ s mean ridge line is located by the south and its west-end in 95 ~ 115 ° E.

  12. 一种基于小波脊线拟合的MFSK信号识别方法

    Identification of MFSK Signals Based on Approximate Wavelet Ridge

  13. 利用Sobel算子计算出指纹的脊线方向并用低通滤波器平滑其方向图,为图象滤波和匹配提供了良好的条件。

    The orientation image estimated by Sobel gradient operator is compared for the filtered fingerprint image and minutiae matching .

  14. 为解决这个问题,提出了一种投影方法,它有两个优点:首先,当脊线是直线段和圆弧时,Sweep曲面可以精确表示;

    In this paper , a projected based approach is proposed which possesses two advantages : Firstly , the Sweep surface can be presented exactly if spine is line segment or arc curve .

  15. 本文依据Gabor滤波器的频率选择和方向选择特性,介绍了一种基于Gabor滤波的指纹图像增强方法,提出了新的指纹脊线平均频率计算方法和指纹脊线结构注册方法。

    A fingerprint image enhancement algorithm research based on Gabor filter , which can clarify the given local ridge structures with the local ridge orientation and frequency , is discussed in the paper .

  16. 第二,Sweep曲面可以直接用投影变换方法来构造,从而可以避免使用活动标架,进而可以不必考虑脊线的连续性对Sweep曲面形状的影响。

    Secondly , the Sweep surface can be directly described by projected transform so we can avoid using the local moving frame , then the limitation of continuity of spine for the local moving frame is not necessary .

  17. 通过采用基于Gauss-Laplace图像边缘检测技术,来计算指纹脊线的方向,形成精确的指纹方向图。

    With the Gauss-Laplace operator , the detection of fingerprint ridges can be gotten and veins are enhanced .

  18. 利用时频脊线的Haar小波变换估计码元宽度,并且利用对应最佳聚类数的聚类中心确定抽判门限,通过对时频脊线抽样判决,实现了MFSK信号的解调。

    In order to demodulate MFSK signals , the Haar wavelet transform is used to estimate the code-width and the centers of optimal clusters are used to determine thresholds .

  19. 针对高斯白噪声对MFSK信号的特征参量的影响,提出利用最小二乘法对正弦类Haar小波脊线进行拟合的方法。

    Aimed at the influence of the white Gaussian noise on MFSK signal characteristic parameter , it was proposed that the least square method can be used to approximate the sinusoidal Quasi-Haar wavelet ridge .

  20. 北太平洋中、西部副高在北进期的脊线活动均存在显著的10~20d周期低频振荡,东亚季风区还具有明显的准40d振荡周期。

    The ridge movement has 10 ~ 20-day low-frequency oscillation during its northward over central and western Pacific , particularly in East-Asian monsoon area with quasi-40-day oscillation period .

  21. 通过MFSK信号的正弦类Haar小波脊线表达式的推导,选取其作为MFSK信号识别的特征参量,进而对MFSK信号进行了识别。

    After deducing the expression of sinusoidal Quasi-Haar wavelet transform ridge of MFSK signal , the expression was selected as the characteristic parameter of MFSK signal identification , and thus the identification was carried out .

  22. 文章采用Sobel算子提取脊线任意方向的方法,根据指纹纹线的粗细,来确定分块大小,并选取合适大小的滤波器。

    In the paper Sobel operator to distill the direction of the ridges was used , then the size of each block according to the thickness of the ridges was decided and the fit size of the filter was selected .

  23. 该算法利用改进的Bresenham算法求得指纹分叉点间连线所穿越的脊线个数和分叉点结构特征信息,得到模板指纹和待识指纹的结构特征信息矢量数组;

    The sums of through ridges and structural feature information of bifurcates are extracted by using the developed Bresenham algorithm , and the vector arrays of structural information of template fingerprint and recognized fingerprint are computed ;

  24. 本文报道了水热法KTP晶体的生长工艺及晶体生长形态,系统研究了水热法KTP晶体的宏观缺陷,其宏观缺陷主要为添晶、生长脊线、裂隙和包裹体。

    The growth procedure and crystal form of hydrothermal KTP are reported in this article . Some defects in the hydrothermally grown KTP crystal were researched . The macroscopic defects of hydrothermal KTP crystal are mainly twin and coalescence crystal , growth spine , cracks and inclusions .

  25. 副高脊线附近伴随的次级环流,即副热带季风环流圈(STMC),以及高层为辐合和下沉运动距平,非常有利于副高的强度偏强。

    Subtropical monsoon circulation ( STMC ) which is accompanying around ridge line of subtropical high and upper convergent departure are both helpful for subtropical high to be stronger .

  26. 引起这种异常的环流特征表现为500hPa高度场出现PNA异常流型,强异常中心多分布在低纬度,印缅槽偏弱,西太平洋副高加强西伸,脊线南移,南海副高和北美副高加强;

    The circulation features of geopotential height at 500 hPa are that the PNA pattern appears , the strong anomaly centers are located in low latitudes , the west Pacific subtropical high is intensified and extends westward and its ridge line moves southward ;

  27. 南亚高压脊线南北活动规律数值试验

    Numerical simulation of meridional shift of South Asia high ridge line

  28. 基于改进小波脊线的感应电动机转子断条检测

    Rotor Fault Detection for Induction Motor Based on Improved Wavelet Ridge

  29. 基于小波脊线的刮水器电动机机械特性测试

    Mechanical characteristic test of the wiper motor based on wavelet ridge

  30. 夏季西太平洋副高脊线的活动特征及其可能的机制

    Ridge Movement and Potential Mechanism of Western Pacific Subtropical High in Summer