
xū lì
  • petty official
胥吏 [xū lì]
  • [petty official] 旧时官府中办理文书的小官吏

  • 胥怨者民也。--宋. 王安石《答司马谏议书》

胥吏[xū lì]
  1. 特别是到了清代,随着封建官僚机制效率的日益衰竭,官员整体素质的降低,胥吏的危害性也就更加突显出来。

    With the increasing exhaustion of the efficiency of the feudal bureaucratic apparatus and the decline of the whole official quality , the harmfulness of Petty Official also aggravated , especially in Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  2. 首先分析了胥吏制度自身的缺陷;

    First discusses the defect of the petty officials system itself ;

  3. 胥吏问题所产生的消极影响与应对措施。

    Negative influence of Petty Officials and measures that deals with it .

  4. 《红楼梦》胥吏形象论

    On the Image of Xuli ( clerks ) in the Dreams in the Red Mansions

  5. 胥吏是中国古代各级行政机构中的具体办事人员。

    The petty officials are the personnel who deal with concrete affairs in administration of ancient China .

  6. 论宋朝胥吏在基层社会控制中的负面作为

    The negative effect of the petty officials of the Song Dynasty in the control of the grass-roots society

  7. 本文根据胥吏的历史发展过程的特点,将胥吏的历史沿革划分为四个阶段。

    Based on the history of the development process characteristics , the petty officials history will be divided into four stages .

  8. 本文综合考察了清代对胥吏的管理,并且分析了这种管理所存在的体制缺陷。

    This text investigates the management to petty officials in Qing Dynasty roundly , and analyzes the system defect that the management exist .

  9. 主要介绍了胥吏的构成、职责、政治经济待遇、积极作用和消极影响。

    Mainly introduces the petty officials ' composing , duty , political and economic treatment , positive effect , harms and negative influences .

  10. 乾隆时期灾赈的有效性与国家财政充裕、强调督抚亲历亲为、严密防范胥吏舞弊有紧密联系。

    Qianlong period of validity of the national disaster relief financial position , emphasizing the governors hands-on , take strict precautions against fraud clerks are closely linked .

  11. 从陈恕、桑怿、李溥的例子可以看出,胥吏的政治仕进之路曲折坎坷,限制颇多。

    From Chen Shu , Sang Yi , Li Pu examples can be seen , the petty officials of the road to official career star-crossed , limit .

  12. 本文利用历史资料,详细叙述了历代对胥吏的品级与俸禄制度的具体规定。

    In this paper , the author uses historical datas , describing in detail the history of the petty officials grade and salary system with specific provisions .

  13. 清代官场存在着严重的官不理事的风气,而胥吏则握有越来越多的行政实权,于是舆论就对胥吏权重多有抨击。

    There exist serious vogue of government officials absent in business , and the clerks gain more power , and the public opinion then point to it .

  14. 胥吏系统是中国古代官僚体系的重要组成部分,胥吏和官僚一起维持着中国古代政治机构的运转。

    The petty officials are the important part of bureaucrat system in ancient China , the petty officials and officials maintain the political operation together in ancient China .

  15. 打破单纯地从政治制度角度论述胥吏问题的模式,汲取社会科学的案例分析的研究方法,对胥吏问题做一种实态考察,是笔者努力与尝试的方向。

    The author will try to breaks the model that study the problem of Petty Officials from the angle of political institution and carry on an analysis with examples .

  16. 然而,这些不但没有提升胥吏的社会地位,反而使得胥吏弄权、奸滑的形象更加深入身心,其身份、地位、名誉也随之江河日下。

    However , these are not upgrade the social status of the petty officials , makes them " playing politics and cunning " image more prominent , their identity , status , fame is declining .

  17. 其次又利用各种奏折、文集等记载,分析政府、官僚、士绅对胥吏问题的控制措施与整治设想。

    Secondly , the author uses the memorials to the emperors and collected works to analyze the measures and political assumption that the government , bureaucrats and gentry employed to settle the problem of Petty Officials .

  18. 北宋时,胥吏较之唐代定位更加清晰,已经形成一个与官有着严格区别的庞大群体。

    During the Northern Song Dynasty , the petty officials than more clear positioning in the Tang Dynasty , has formed a " enarchist and the petty officials " has a strict distinction between two large groups .

  19. 豪强与胥吏在官民诉讼斗争中角色复杂,胥吏讼官更多体现统治阶层之间的矛盾,豪民对官员的讼争客观上与一般民众的利益有一致性。

    Tyrannical and petty officials played a complicated role in the struggle , the lawsuits of petty officials versus formal officials reflected their contradictions in a large degree , but objectively , tyrannical were in agreement with common people in the struggle .

  20. 造成胥吏腐败的原因比较复杂,既是胥吏自身素质不高导致,也与宋朝社会经济发展带来的文化多元化冲击以及法律不健全、官僚体制弊端有关。

    The reasons for official corruption are complicated not only because of the bad quality of the officials , but also because of the culture impact brought by the development of social economy , the lack of perfect laws , and the disadvantages of bureaucrat systems .
