
  • 网络the Fat Lady
  1. 他们继续讲一些关于那位胖夫人的恶毒故事。

    They proceeded to tell spiteful stories about the fat lady .

  2. 他们来到胖夫人的肖像前面。

    They had reached the portrait of the Fat Lady .

  3. “是谁呀?”胖夫人声音粗哑地问。

    Who 's there ? Squawked the Fat Lady .

  4. 她们的身后跟着一个胖夫人,大约45岁,淡色头发,目光敏锐,看上去心地善良。

    After them came a portly lady of about forty-five , light-haired , sharp-eyed , and evidently good-natured .

  5. 但是她的话被打断了,胖夫人的肖像应声旋开,里面爆发出一阵雷鸣般的掌声。

    Her words were cut short , however , as the portrait of the fat lady swung open and there was a sudden storm of clapping .

  6. 哈利和罗恩灰溜溜地返回公共休息室。哈利刚说了一句“至少有赫敏盯着斯内普呢”,就看见胖夫人的肖像猛地转开,赫敏钻了进来。

    Harry and Ron went back to the common room , Harry had just said , " At least Hermione 's on Snape 's tail , " when the portrait of the Fat Lady swung open and Hermione came in .

  7. 他们走过自言自语的肖像和嘎吱作响的盔甲,爬上一段窄窄的石阶,来到了格兰芬多塔楼秘密入口的走廊上,那个入口藏在一幅油画后面,画上有一位穿着粉红色绸衣的胖夫人。

    They walked past muttering portraits and creaking suits of armor , and climbed narrow flights of stone stairs , until at last they reached the passage where the secret entrance to Gryffindor Tower was hidden , behind an oil painting of a very fat woman in a pink silk dress .