- 网络anticline

The structure is a compressive long-axis anticline with low relief and extends NE-SW . There are three local structural highs which formed three traps in the area .
Forming pattern of self-generating and self-preserving reservoirs in reversal anticline structure
Relatively large WNW-NW-trending faults seem controll the occurrence of three coal-accumulating stages , while WNW-NW-trending anticlines inside the central fault may controll the coal-accumulating centres and districts .
LD 15-1 prospect is located in the central depression of Yinggehai basin , which is an anticlinal structure formed by the arching of underlain mud diapir .
Surface subsidence patterns for mining ore seam with anticlinal structure
Besides conventional structural traps , there are large potential stratigraphic traps .
The characteristics and genesis of the structure are analyzed .
Types and oiliness of anticlines in Qaidam Basin
Evolution of Chiping Anticline Structural Zone in West of Shandong and Its Paleozoic Primary Oil-Gas Prospecting
The distribution and formation of the rock slope deformation bodies are interpreted in the light of structural analysis .
The trap type of Carboniferous is con-sidered to be a low-amplitude anticlinal structure overlying the upper part of Ordovician .
The errors of reflection time are only a few ms or even scores ms , having no influence on discovery of anticline structure .
There are strong heterogeneous characteristics of reservoir property between the core and limbs of the Kela-2 anticline , although they are in the same structure .
Longjing Movement is transpressional , and the transpressional structures in Xihu sag are characterized by staggered second-order structure belts , en echelon anticlines and conjugate faults .
Wangbei block lies in northwest pitching end of the Wangchang salt swell in the Qianjiang depression , Jianghan basin and is characterized by typical salt lake deposit .
3 ) rollover anti - clines that have been formed by the joint action of one or more antithetic ( north-dipping ) faults and the master fault ;
E anticline structure in the west of Qaidam Basin is devided into three types : contemporaneous fault - propagation anticline , epigenetic fault - propagation anticline and synsedimentary anticline .
The Longkou anticlinal strip is the best one of five structure belt in the slope and the fifth trap of the Longkou strip is a favourable target for future explore .
Plane , the oil and gas are mainly distributed in Jingzhou anticline structural belt , and Wanshi tectonic fault zone , the reservoir is more dispersed and oil blocks rarely contiguous .
Under the effect of Himalayan orogeny , a series of anticlinal structures were formed and their tops were denuded in a different degree in Quaternary , in eastern Qaidam basin , Northwest China .
Tai 190 is a small fault-block oilfield complicated by many faults . It is located in the saddle between two anticlines ( third structure scale ) of Daqing placanticline ( second structure scale ) .
This paper briefly elaborates the characteristics of Ziliujing anticlinal structure and enrichment of low-pressure natural gas associated with brine , analyzes problems in mining and puts forward relevant technology and measures for rational mining .
THE STUDY OF THE MICRO & DEFORMATION IN THE FAULT ZONE IN THE FORE OF THE TAISHAN MOUNTAIN the anticlines in the front of thrust zone in the piedmont of Daba Mountain are favorable for exploration ;
There is a better petro geologic condition in southern margin of the Junggar basin in which growing several large anticlinal structures . By more than half a century exploration , we have discovered several large oil fields .
DF1 & 1 gas field is located in the north of the mud diapir structure belt in Yinggehai Basin , being a successive anticlinal structure formed by mud diapiric activity , i. e. an integral shallow giant gas field .
The salt structure in the Kuqa depression has five continuous growth stages : sedimentation of salt and gypsum , slow growth of low-relief salt pillows , development of salt anticlines , salt diapir expansion and breakage of salt diapir piercement .
The structure in study area is the clear anticline structure , which is separated by many faults , but the fault activity become weak to the top of anticline , often appears the characteristics of intersection to the anticline axis .
In Bohai Bay basin , there are some oil bearing structures , such as buried hill drape anticline structure , drag structure , gravity slumping structure , thrust structure and complex subtle fault structure combined by inhomogeneous and asynchronous structure .
It indicates that 50 years exploration experienced three stages including anticlinal structural reservoir , synclinal lithologic reservoir and rift fault block reservoir , and correspondingly appeared three peaks of oil and gas reserves increase , and also three contributions to petroleum geology theory .
In terms of study on inversion tectonics of Changjiang depression , East China sea basin , it is suggested in this paper that the anticlines , nappes and lifted blocks related to inversion tectonics in Changjiang depression are of important significance for oil and gas trap formation .