
fū qiǎn
  • superficial;shallow;skin-deep;half-baked
肤浅 [fū qiǎn]
  • [superficial;shallow;half-baked;skin-deep] [学识] 浅薄;[理解] 不深刻

  • 由于我们认识肤浅而感到生疏的宗教

肤浅[fū qiǎn]
  1. 这部书表现出对历史背景肤浅的理解。

    The book shows only a superficial understanding of the historical context .

  2. 她太肤浅了!

    She 's so superficial !

  3. 他的作品被批评为抄袭而且肤浅。

    His work has been criticized for being imitative and shallow .

  4. 报告对这个问题谈得很肤浅。

    This report has barely skimmed the surface of the subject .

  5. 这篇文章很肤浅。

    Not enough thought has gone into this essay .

  6. 他的小说都是些肤浅沉闷的玩意儿,只有一本除外。

    With one exception his novels are shallow and lifeless things .

  7. 晚间新闻常因其内容肤浅而受到批评。

    The evening news is often criticized for being shallow .

  8. 这个家伙是个肤浅的雅皮士,没有什么头脑。

    This guy is a superficial yuppie with no intellect whatsoever

  9. “美是肤浅的。”妈妈会说。

    ' Beauty is only skin deep , ' my mother would say .

  10. 我认为他肤浅、自负、不可靠。

    I think he is shallow , vain and untrustworthy

  11. 他是个肤浅、难相处的人。

    He 's a shallow , disagreeable man .

  12. 他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。

    The tone of his book is consistently negative , occasionally arrogant , and often superficial .

  13. 美貌只是肤浅的东西。

    Beauty is only skin deep

  14. 但这种观点是基于各种形式的大众传媒所提供的信息量而进行的肤浅分析。

    But such a view is a superficial analysis based on the quantity of information supplied by various forms of the mass media .

  15. 你肤浅,你整天想的就是穿戴和容颜。

    You 're shallow and obsessed11 with looks and how you 're dressed .

  16. 那些受欢迎的孩子都太肤浅了。

    The popular kids , they 're so shallow .

  17. 他对现实认识很肤浅。

    He has a rather tenuous grasp of reality .

  18. 他的分析总是很肤浅的。

    His analysis was always shallow .

  19. 怎样规范流通体制,就尖锐地摆到我们的面前。现就农资流通领域的现状及出路,谈几点肤浅之见。

    Now farming endowment the current situation of current domain and outlet , to to see peripherally .

  20. 我太肤浅,因为你的王子浑身是毛?

    Oh , I 'm the one who 's shallow ' cause your prince was really hairy ?

  21. 按照最简单最肤浅的方式,集成可以通过对文件进行转换和传输来实现,比如XML文件。

    At the simplest or shallowest level , the integration can occur by transforming and transferring files , such as XML files .

  22. 在线服务导致了完完全全宋飞正传式(Seinfeld,美国著名喜剧演员,代表作品《宋飞正传》风靡美国9年&译注)的、肤浅的吹毛求疵。

    Online services enable a downright seinfeld-ian level of superficial nitpickiness .

  23. CNN节目主持人卡弗蒂对中国的恶意攻击是肤浅的,不负责任的,中国人民将对CNN的行为进行谴责。

    CNN 's news director Kafudi malicious attacks on China is superficial and irresponsible , and the Chinese people will condemn the conduct of CNN .

  24. 每出现一个类似打车软件制造商Uber这样市值达到190亿美元的公司,或许便有无数没有走出研发阶段的肤浅产品。

    For every $ 19 billion company like Uber , the private transportation service , there are all manner of frivolous products that never evolve past the phase .

  25. 她承认Instagram很迷人,也担心在当今快速而肤浅的网络浏览趋势之下,思考与研究的习惯正在为人们所忽略。

    And while she admits that Instagram can be mesmerizing , she worries that reflection and research skills are being bypassed in favor of quick but superficial browsing online .

  26. 简言之,中国股市只是“波将金”(potemkin)式的资本主义,是对股市本质的肤浅模仿。

    This is , in short , Potemkin capitalism , a skin-deep imitation of the real thing .

  27. 这种解释对于这样复杂的情况来说过于肤浅了。

    The explanation is too facile for such a complex phenomenon .

  28. 他并没有用那种肤浅无聊的话怄她。

    He would not annoy her by such a cheap retort .

  29. 我认为整个的讨论太肤浅了。

    The whole discussion seemed to me to be rather facile .

  30. 向他证明我不再肤浅。

    To prove to him that I 'm not shallow anymore .