
ɡǔ fèn tóu zī
  • share investment
  1. 记者注意到,被采用的金条都标有编号和其他标记,它们是我国一家黄金股份投资公司建造的。

    All the gold bars were marked serial numbers and special tokens , which was inferred that they were founded by a Chinese gold share investment corporation .

  2. 说明了股份投资、让利和补贴这3种制造商支持战略的合理性,得出双方确定产权形式的依据是各自的讨价还价能力。

    We illustrates the fitness of the three manufacturer 's strategy of supporting , which are former share investment , let profit and subsidy . The conclusion is given that both parties define the form of property is basis on respective ability of bargaining .

  3. 长期股份投资在会计核算上有两种方法:成本法和权益法。

    There exist two accounting methods in the long-term equity investment ;

  4. 投资方向:公债和股份投资。

    Our investment focuses on : bond investment , equity investment , etc.

  5. 黄海股份投资价值分析

    Investment Value of Huanghai Share

  6. 如果你把中国对俄罗斯企业的股份投资考虑在内,目前每年的金额不到20亿美元。

    If you consider Chinese investments into the equity of Russian companies the amount is less than $ 2bn a year .

  7. 我们也和其他的有限合伙人合作,对他们的私人股份投资活动提出我们的评论、分析和建议。

    We also work with limited partners and service providers to review , analyse and advise on their private equity activities .

  8. 初始投资被定义为中、长期贷款或者是在中国的股份投资,并且不可将其转换为外币。

    The use of proceeds is confined to mid-or long-term loans or equity investments in projects in China and can not be converted to foreign currencies .

  9. 我从未停止相信,怎能在一个不断地斗争中给出股份投资去雇佣一个最好的工程师?

    I never quite believed it how could this be the case given the money at stake and the constant battle to hire the best engineers ?

  10. 分析了地勘业政府投资、企业投资、个人和团体投资、股份投资以及外商投资的特点、可能性和运行机制。

    Investment characteristics , feasibility and operating mechanism in geological prospecting indus-tries from government , enterprise , individual and organization , joint-stock and foreign merchants are analyzed .

  11. 中国国航应当避免热衷于此对一家股价翻番的公司进行股份投资似乎是精明之举,但入股一家境况不佳的航空公司则不然。

    Air China should avoid falling for that a portfolio investment in a company where the stock has doubled looks smart ; owning an ailing airline does not .

  12. “我们国家取消了强制性的公开招标和对外资股份投资的上限,这使得敌意并购行为十分容易,”韩国司法部表示,它补充称,迄今尚无任何方法来防止敌意并购。

    " Our country has made hostile mergers and acquisition attacks easy by removing a mandatory public tender and a ceiling on foreign stock investments , " the Ministry said , adding that it had thus far not had any means to prevent such approaches .

  13. 买入Skype股份的投资集团由硅谷最著名的科技板块私人股本公司SilverLake牵头,还包括两家风险投资公司。

    The investor group is led by Silver Lake , Silicon Valley 's most prominent technology private equity firm , and includes two venture capital firms .

  14. 股份公司投资价值的模糊优选法

    Evaluating Investment Value of Stock Company by Fuzzy Select Metbod

  15. 马云获得了10亿美元的资金,用以买断一些股东的股份和投资。

    Mr. Ma received a $ 1 billion cash infusion to buy out some shareholders and invest .

  16. 德尔格医疗设备有限是一家由德尔格医疗股份有限投资成立的独资企业。

    Draeger Medical Equipment Company Limited is an enterprise solely invested by Draeger Medical Joint Stock Company Limited .

  17. 中国新的股市规定允许外国投资者直接购买上市公司的大量股份,投资基金也没有放过这个机会。

    Investment funds have been taking advantage of new stock market rules that allow foreign investors to directly buy significant stakes in listed companies .

  18. 请注意由于认股权证之格价起伏大于普通股份,投资于认股权证之资产价值或会遇到较大之波动。

    It should be noted that the value of assets invested in warrants is subject to greater fluctuations , warrants being most volatile than ordinary shares .

  19. 提出风险投资是以促进创新经济活动为手段,以高技术、高风险、高成长、高收益为特征,以共享股份为投资形式,以推动经济增长为目的的投融资体系。

    The paper argues that venture capital is a system in investing and circulating funds in that economic innovation in its means , the high-tech , high-venture , high-growth and high-profit are its characteristics , the shared stock is its investment form and the promotion of economic is its goal .

  20. Brookfield持有金丝雀码头22%的股份,卡塔尔投资局希望以每股295便士的价格购买歌鸟所持有的股份(对歌鸟估值为22亿英镑),以获得对金丝雀码头的完全控制。

    With Brookfield 's 22 per cent , the QIA hoped to gain full control of Canary Wharf by offering 295p per share , valuing the company at £ 2.2bn .

  21. 股份制企业投资决策原则分析

    An Analysis of Joint-stock Enterprises ' Principles of Investment Decision

  22. 招商银行股份有限公司投资价值分析

    The Analysis on Investment Value for China Merchants Bank

  23. 英国因帕公司进行股份和贷款投资,投资创立期新建公司和通过启动生长期来培育创立期公司。

    We make equity and loan investments in early stage start-ups and nurtures early-stage companies through the initial growth phase .

  24. 公司可以向其他有限责任公司、股份有限公司投资,并以该出资额为限对所投资公司承担责任。

    A company may invest in other limited liability companies or companies limited by shares and be liable to the companies which it has invested in to the extent of the amount of capital invested in such companies .

  25. 银行于金融控股公司设立前所投资之事业,经主管机关核准者,得继续持有该事业股份。但投资额度不得增加。

    With the approval of the fsc , a bank may continue holding the shares of an enterprise in which such bank has invested prior to the establishment of the financial holding company ; provided , that the amount of the investment shall not increase .

  26. 知情人士称,根据拟议中的协议(尚未敲定,但最早可于周三宣布),法国燃气苏伊士集团将把其上游业务部门30%的股份出售给中国投资公司(CIC)。

    Under the proposed deal , which has yet to be sealed but could be announced as early as Wednesday , GDF Suez would sell a 30 per cent stake in its upstream business to China Investment Corporation ( CIC ), according to people familiar with the discussions .

  27. 重点分为两方面:一是本企业的主要产品SOT-23,本企业只拥有39%的股份,但其投资额占本企业总投资额的95%以上。

    Key points including the following two aspects : One is the main product of the enterprise . The enterprise has only 39 % equity shares . But the investment on the main product accounts for 95 % of the enterprise 's total investment .

  28. 瑞士爱格尔私有股份公司是瑞士投资公司。

    We are a Swiss investment company .

  29. 该机构还购入了澳大利亚一些银行的股份,同时考虑投资于私人股本基金。

    It has bought stakes in Australian banks and considered investing in private equity funds .

  30. 我国现阶段股份制企业在投资决策过程中存在着哪些问题。

    The problems are in the present stage in the processes of our country 's joint-stock enterprises making investment decision .