
  • 网络agglomeration;Agglomeration Effect
  1. 聚集效应、区位差别与区域经济增长

    Agglomeration Effects , Location Differences , and Regional Economic Growth in China

  2. 聚集效应及其演变导致城市中心区形成和向多中心演化。

    Agglomeration Effects and its evolution lead to the formation and further evolution to multi centers of a city 's original center .

  3. 进而说明聚集效应是吸引FDI的重要因素。

    Hence , ( congregation ) effect plays an important role in attracting FDI .

  4. 结果说明:从全国来看,人均GDP、土地成本、聚集效应、交通状况和教育水平是影响FDI的主要因素;

    The results suggest at national level , agglomeration , transportation cost , land cost and education are main impacts of FDI .

  5. 近年来,许多学者从理论和实证方面证明聚集效应在外商直接投资(FDI)区位决策中发挥着决定性作用。

    Recently , many researchers have proved , theoretically or practically , that congregation effect plays a decisive role in the regional choice of FDI ( foreign direct investment ) .

  6. 与RGDS显著的抗聚集效应相比,其对血小板释放反应的影响比较小;

    The effects of RGDS on platelet release reaction were much less than those on platelet aggregation in same concentrations .

  7. 基于溶胶的聚集效应对表面增强拉曼散射活性有明显增强的事实,本文着重研究了银、金混合纳米溶胶体系中的SERS效应。

    On the basis of the fact that colloidal aggregation has significant enhancement to SERS activity , we focused on the study of the SERS effect in mixed silver-gold colloidal system .

  8. 目前,运输成本、FDI聚集效应、区域消费能力、区域经济发展潜力、对外开放程度和区域经济的自由程度对FDI区域聚集有显著影响,且这些因素对FDI区域聚集的影响程度显著增强。

    At present , some factors , including transportation cost , agglomeration effect of FDI , regional consumption capacity , development potential , the extent of opening up and market economy system , are showing more and more significant impact on FDI agglomeration .

  9. 然而,近几年,一些学者认为跨国公司已逐步渗透到东道国的地方产业集群中,有些产业集群甚至是在跨国公司的推动下形成的,因此研究FDI溢出效应需要考虑产业聚集效应。

    Whereas , in recent years , some scholars think the studies on FDI spillovers should consider the agglomeration factor , because the multinationals have infiltrated into some local business clusters gradually , and some of those local clusters were originally propelled by the multinationals to form .

  10. FDI对我国的经济发展有着重要的作用,运用逐步分析方法研究影响FDI的主要因素,结果表明市场规模、经济外向度、人力资源、聚集效应和科研水平是影响FDI的主要因素。

    FDI is important to develop economy , Analyzes the main factors that have an effect on FDI by progressive analysis . The result show market scale , human resources , economic opening , assembling effect , the level of research and development have the main effect on FDI .

  11. 在La施用量为5和10mg·kg-1风干土时,玉米根系和地上部分中La含量分别出现显著性聚集效应。

    When La alone is applied , a significant increase in the concentration of La in the roots and the above ground parts appeared at the dosages larger than 5 and 10 mg · kg - 1 air dried soil , respectively .

  12. 且在微波烧成溶胶凝胶法制备的Al2O3/(SiO2)SiC样品中,由于微波的热聚集效应,出现较多的熔融区域,熔融区域外形成较多的细小的氧化铝晶粒。

    The Al2O3 / ( SiO2 ) SiC samples prepared via microwave sintering sol gel method , owing to " Hot cluster " effect of microwave , appeared more melting zones and inside of the melting zone , a great many of tiny alumina grain were generating .

  13. 商业集群的聚集效应&基于消息学视角的分析

    Toward the Effect of Commerce Clusters & Analysis based on Informatics

  14. 科技型人才聚集效应与组织冲突消减的研究

    Effect of Technological Talent Aggregation and Subtraction of Organizational Conflict

  15. 城市规模与聚集效应分析

    Relation between City Scale and Economic Effect of Come together

  16. 外加盐反离子对一种阴离子菁染料的J-聚集效应

    The effect of counterions on the J-aggregation of an anionic cyanine dye

  17. 人才聚集中利益冲突的削减与人才聚集效应

    The Alleviation of Interests Conflict in Talents Concentration and Talents Concentration Effects

  18. 聚集效应对安全库存的影响研究

    A Study on How Aggregation Effect Impact on Safety Inventory

  19. 风险投资聚集效应的机理分析及国际比较

    A Analysis of Mechanism on Venture Capital Clusters and Its International Comparison

  20. 人才聚集效应及其评判

    The Effect of Talent Accumulation and the Assessment of It

  21. 城市化聚集效应和辐射效应分析

    Analysis of Functions of Convergence and Radiation in Urbanization

  22. 这些反凝析液的聚集效应会造成凝析气井的产能严重损失。

    Accumulation of Condensate liquid will produce serious loss of oil well productivity .

  23. 产业聚集效应与中小汽车企业集群发展

    Industrial Clusters Effect and The Develop-ment of Medium & small Automobile Enter-Prises Clusters

  24. 聚集效应:普通高校学报创建名栏的关键

    Accumulation Effect : Key to the Making of Established Columns in College Journals

  25. 边界具有聚集效应,这点已经成为一个基本共识。

    The boundary with the aggregation effect , which has become a basic consensus .

  26. 产业集群能产生广泛的聚集效应,从而带动经济发展。

    The industry cluster can produce widely accumulation effect , that prompt economy development .

  27. 摘要中心城市的功能主要表现为聚集效应和辐射效应。

    Agglomerating and radiating effects are the two main functions of a central city .

  28. 聚集效应视角下的大学城建设冷思考

    Rational Thinking about the University Town Construction form the Perspective of the Integration Effect

  29. 最后提出了优化人才聚集效应系统的主要措施。

    At last it provides the main measures of optimization of talent mass system .

  30. 本文首次提出了人力资本聚集效应这一概念。

    The thesis firstly put forward the concept of the cluster-effect of human capital .