
jù yáng lí zǐ
  • polycation
聚阳离子[jù yáng lí zǐ]
  1. 水溶(性)的多聚阳离子PEI具有基因负荷能力。

    Water-soluble polycation PEI provides gene-loading capability .

  2. 增加两种组装溶液间pH差值,可以提高多层膜的N/P比(聚阳离子中的自由氨基与DNA中磷酸根的摩尔比)。多层膜的N/P比也随着最外层PLL组装溶液pH的升高而增大。

    The N / P ratios ( molar ratio of free amino groups in polycation to phosphate groups in DNA ) within the multilayers are proved to be elevated by increasing either the pH difference between the two deposition solutions or the pH value of the outmost deposition solution .

  3. 此外,激光共聚焦结果表明三种聚阳离子均可以有效的把质粒DNA转入到细胞核中。

    The confocal results indicate that all of the three polycations could transfer the plasmid DNA to nucleolus effectively .

  4. 壳聚糖(chitosan,CS)是一种天然的聚阳离子多糖,具有无毒、生物可降解、不会引起排异反应等特点。

    Chitosan is a kind of natural gather cationic biological polysaccharide . It is biodegradable and non-toxic .

  5. 目的:检测多聚阳离子复合物(Polycation)对腺病毒载体转染血液肿瘤细胞效率的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influence of Polycation on the transfection efficacy of recombinant adenovirus .

  6. 采用醇还原的方法合成了聚阳离子(聚二烯丙基二甲基氯化铵,PDDA),颗粒的zeta电位为+32mV,粒径约4nm。

    The polycation ( poly ( diallyldimethylammonium chloride ), PDDA ) modified Au particles were prepared by ethanol reducing . Au particles showed zeta potential of + 32 mV and size of about 4 nm .

  7. 研究了3种具有相同骨架结构、不同端基的超支化聚合物与线型聚阳离子(PDAC)的静电吸附自组装。

    The electrostatic adsorption self-assembly behavior of three anionic hyperbranched polymers with the same backbone but different end-groups in the presence of poly ( diallyldimethylammonium chloride )( PDAC ) were investigated .

  8. 选用聚阳离子电解质壳聚糖和聚阴离子电解质聚磷酸钠为膜材料,采用聚离子复合反应的方法制备出了一种新型的渗透汽化透水膜:壳聚糖-聚磷酸钠复合物膜(CS-SPP)。

    A new polyionic complex ( PIC ) membrane CS-SPP was prepared by interfacial reaction of two oppositely charged polyions , chitosan ( CS ) and sodium polyphosphate ( SPP ) .

  9. 目的制备聚阳离子膜材料并表征。

    Objective : To study synthesis and characterization of polycation-membrane material .

  10. 聚阳离子固色剂对直接染料的固色

    Color fixation of direct dyes with polycationic color fixing agent

  11. 多聚阳离子修饰壳聚糖材料的细胞&材料相互作用研究

    Study on the Interactions between Polycation-modified Chitosan Materials and Cells

  12. 近年来,越来越多的研究聚焦于含双硫键的可还原降解聚阳离子。

    Recently , many attentions focused on the disulfide-containing polycations .

  13. 新型非病毒基因给药载体聚阳离子脂质体的研究

    Design and Characterization of Polycation Liposomes as Novel Non-viral Gene Delivery Vectors

  14. 本品为特殊聚阳离子化合物固色剂。

    This product is unique polycationic fixing agent compounds .

  15. 侧链含酯键的聚阳离子/羧甲基纤维素钠复合物纳米粒子的制备

    Polyelectrolyte Complex Nanoparticles Prepared from a Novel Ester Bonds-Containing Polycation and Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose

  16. 溶胶凝胶与聚阳离子固色剂的协同作用

    Synergistic Effect of Sol-Gel Process and Polycationics

  17. 前者是天然存在的唯一聚阳离子生物多糖且具有良好的生物活性,后者易于功能化,且具有优异的生物可降解性。

    Moreover , chitosan is the only naturally existing cationic polysaccharide that possesses excellent bioactivity .

  18. 然而,目前应用的非病毒载体,如多聚阳离子聚合物和脂质体,存在着转染效率低,尤其在体内的转染效率低等缺点。

    But most non-viral vectors are limited in low efficiency of transfection , especially in vivo .

  19. 氟尿苷-层状双金属氢氧化物纳米杂化物制备及表征氟尿脱氧核苷键合聚阳离子载体的合成及其抗肿瘤活性研究

    Synthesis and Characterization of Floxuridine-Layered Double Hydroxide Nanohybrids Preparation of floxuridine loaded polycation and its antitumor activity

  20. 有机小分子染料和聚阳离子分子超薄膜的制备及其摩擦学性能研究

    Preparation and investigation of the tribological behavior of small molecular weight organic dye and polycation ultra-thin films

  21. 利用糖皮质激素的脂溶性,用GC-聚阳离子修饰脂质体,得到新型的聚阳离子脂质体。

    For its lipophilicity , the steroid-polycation was used to modify liposome to get a novel polycation liposome .

  22. 壳聚糖具备聚阳离子化合物性质和良好的生物相容性,分子链上存在羟基和氨基,通过化学改性可引入不同基团,也可以被用来固定具有生物活性的物质。

    CS has both reactive amino and hydroxyl groups with common characteristics of polycation nature and good biocompatibility .

  23. 鱼精蛋白是一种多聚阳离子天然肽类,它是一种碱性蛋白质。

    Protamine is a kind of natural peptide with polypositive ion , and is a kind of basic protein .

  24. 甲壳素和壳聚糖通过其羟基,氨基形成化学键吸附有机物或作为聚阳离子型电解质絮凝有机物。

    Chitin and chitosan can adsorb organic compounds by forming chemical bond or flocculate organic compounds as a cationic polyelectrolyte .

  25. 壳聚糖是一种聚阳离子天然多糖,具有良好的吸湿性、成膜性、生物相容性、可降解性等生物特性,且安全无毒。

    Chitosan is a polycationic natural polysaccharide with excellent properties including biocompatibility and biodegradability , non-toxicity , absorption and film-forming properties .

  26. 壳聚糖,又叫脱乙酰基几丁质、几丁聚糖,是甲壳素(即几丁质)脱去乙酰基后形成的产物,是一种聚阳离子多糖,具有活性氨基和羟基,可与聚阴离子物质结合。

    It is a poly-catholyte polysaccharide which posses active Amido and Hydroxy , and can bind to the matter with polyanion .

  27. 壳聚糖絮凝陶瓷废水的机理是壳聚糖聚阳离子结构与溶液悬浮物质所带负电之间的静电引力,是一种极有前途的陶瓷废水絮凝剂

    The mechanism of chitosan flocculating ceramic wastewater is electrostatic gravitational force and chitosan is a positive ionic flocculating agent , should be a prospective flocculation accelerator for ceramic wastewater

  28. 偶氮生色团所带端基的类型对其在自组装膜中的取向程度有较大的影响,这主要取决于偶氮生色团与聚阳离子基底的电荷相互作用和极性相互作用等。

    Substituents that link to azobenzene have influences on the orientation of azobenzene in self-assembled films , which could be attributed to charge interaction and dipolar interaction between the chromophores and the polycation substrates .

  29. 结果表明:自制聚阳离子固色剂能有效地提高直接染料的皂洗牢度,对大多数染料的色光、织物的断裂强力及撕破强力影响均较小,织物的断裂伸长得以提高。

    The results showed that the author-made polycationic dye-fixing agent improved effectively the soaping fastness of direct dyes , resulted in little influences on the shade , fabric tensile and tear strengths , and increased fabric ultimate elongation .

  30. 结果表明,缩醛改性PVA/PAN复合膜的脱水性能优于聚阳离子改性膜、马来酸交联膜以及季铵阳离子改性膜的脱水性能。

    The result showed that the performance of the membrane dehydration of aldehyde acetal PVA / PAN composite membrane is better than that of polymeric cationic modified film , malei acid cross linkage film and quaternary ammonium cationic modified film .