
  • 网络polyamide;Polyamide resin;Polyamid resin;Amilan
  1. PPAresin15%玻璃纤维增强,热稳定,增韧,抗水解高性能聚酰胺树脂。

    Glass reinforced , heat stabilized , toughened , hydrolysis resistant high performance polyamide resin .

  2. 聚氨酯改性棉油酸聚酰胺树脂的研究

    Study on the cottonseed fatty acid polyamide resin modified with polyurethane

  3. 以玻璃纤维为原料,在普通平面织机上试织成各种结构的3D机织物,并用环氧-聚酰胺树脂体系,通过手糊成型工艺制得各种结构的复合材料板材。

    Different structures of 3D fabrics can be successfully woven with glass fibres on normal looms , and the composite laminates are to be manufactured by hand pasting in epoxy and polyamide system . And the tensile , delamination shearing and impact resistance properties have been tested and analyzed .

  4. 高抗冻性油墨用二聚酸基醇溶聚酰胺树脂的性能研究

    Performance of Dimeric-acid-based Alcohol-soluble Polyamide Resins Used for High-gelling-resistant Printing Inks

  5. 层析聚酰胺树脂的微观形态和结晶性能研究

    Study on the morphology and crystallization behavior of column chromatography polyamide

  6. 聚酰胺树脂醇溶液研制及防腐应用

    Preparation of the Polyamide Resin Alcohol Solution and the Anticorrosive Use

  7. 印刷油墨用醇溶性聚酰胺树脂的研制

    Preparation of alcohol - soluble polyamide resin for printing ink

  8. 纤维状负载双硫腙聚酰胺树脂对铅的吸附性能

    Absorption Performance of Lead on Fibriform Diphenylthiocarbazone Loaded Polyamide Resin

  9. 改性二聚酸聚酰胺树脂的性能及结构分析

    Modifying and structure characterization of dimeric dibasic acid polyamide resin

  10. 层析聚酰胺树脂对茶叶中茶多酚的吸附分离聚酰胺-酰亚胺树脂

    Adsorption and Separation of Tea Polyphenol from Tea by Column Chromatography Polyamide

  11. 聚酰胺树脂对苦味酸的吸附性能研究

    Investigation on adsorbing properties of polyamide to picric acid

  12. 聚酰胺树脂富集分离-原子吸收法测定地质样品中钯

    Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometric Determination of Palladium after Preconcentration and Separation with Polyamide Resin

  13. 竹纤维增强聚酰胺树脂复合材料增强机理研究

    Reinforcing Mechanical of Bamboo Fiber Reinforced Polyamide Resin Composite

  14. 尼龙抛光轮用聚酰胺树脂固化剂的合成

    Synthesis of Polyamide Resin Curing Agent on Finishing Wheel

  15. 新型低分子环氧聚酰胺树脂的制备和应用

    The Preparation and Application of New Low-molecular Epoxy-polyamide Resin

  16. 聚酰胺树脂在分离提取领域中的应用

    The Application of Polyamide Resin in Extracting and Separating

  17. 二聚酸聚酰胺树脂的合成及其在制鞋工业中的应用

    Synthesis of Dimeric Dibasic Acid Polyamide Resin and Its Application in the Shoe-Making Trade

  18. 油墨用聚酰胺树脂概述

    Introduction of Polyamide Resins for Printing Ink

  19. 溶剂型环氧酚醛树脂-聚酰胺树脂耐辐射清漆

    Solvent based epoxy-bakelite polyamide resin anti-radiant varnish

  20. 聚酰胺树脂对复方山楂提取液及单味药材分离纯化特性研究

    Study on the Isolation and Purification Properties of Compound Hawthorn Extract and Single-Flavor Ingredients Using Polyamide

  21. 比较了五种大孔吸附树脂和聚酰胺树脂对阿尔泰狗哇花总皂苷的吸附与脱附性能。

    The technics of adsorption and elution of nuciferine with polyamide resins as adsorbent was studied .

  22. 聚酰胺树脂中胺值的测定

    Amine value determination of polyamide resin

  23. 010聚酰胺树脂的改性

    Modification of 010 polyamide resin

  24. 聚酰胺树脂以其固化的环氧树脂具有柔韧性而被广泛应用。

    Polyamides were widely used due to the flexibility of cross-linked polymers of epoxy resin cured with them .

  25. 采用静态法和动态法研究了聚酰胺树脂对水中苦味酸的吸附性能。

    Adsorbing properties of polyamide to picric acid in water were studied by using dynamic and static methods .

  26. 该法简便、快速、灵敏且结果准确,可以作为聚酰胺树脂合成中控制其产品质量的主要质量中控方法。

    This method was simple , quick , sensitive and accurate and useful for product quality control of polyamide resin synthesis .

  27. 拟定了以聚酰胺树脂为吸附剂在静态和动态操作条件下,对微量钯的选择性吸附分离方法。

    A new method for concentration and separation of trace palladium based on the selective absorption of Pd on polyamide resin was developed .

  28. 在低分子聚酰胺树脂固化环氧树脂的体系中,通过添加一定量的酚醛胺固化剂,直接影响该体系的表干性和固化物力学性能。

    Property of cured resin could be improved by adding phenol formaldehyde amine ( PFA ) into low molecular polyamide ( LMPA ) epoxy resin system .

  29. 本文分析了产生脆裂变形的原因,并介绍了改用低分子聚酰胺树脂的工艺技术。

    This article analyzes the main cause for such embrittlement deformation and introduces the alternative process by replacing the EP with low molecule polyamide resin ( PA ) .

  30. 低相对分子质量的聚酰胺树脂和丙烯酸乙酯氨基甲酸酯基一异氰酸酯通过加成反应制得以聚酰胺为主链、丙烯酸乙酯二氨基甲酸酯为侧链的梳型预聚物。

    A low Mw polyamide resin is reacted with ethyl acrylate dicarbamate to form a comb-type prepolymer with polyamide as backbone chain and ethyl acrylate dicarbamate as side chain .