
  1. 聚乙烯丙纶(TS)复合防水卷材材料特点及施工方法

    Characteristic and Applied Skills of Polyethylene-Polypropylene ( TS ) Compound Waterproof Rolling Material

  2. SBC聚乙烯丙纶双面复合卷材在地下室防水工程中的应用

    Application of the SBC Polyethylene-Polypropylene Double-Faced Compound Rolls in the Basement waterproof

  3. 探讨了HPMC和干乳掺量对新型单组分耐水型聚乙烯丙纶复合防水卷材粘结料的粘结强度、抗折强度、耐水性能的影响;

    This article studies the new one-component water-resistant bonding material for PE-PP composite waterproofing membrane , discussing the influence of amount of HPMC and dried polymer emulsion on the bonding strength , flexural strength and water resistance .

  4. 北京城建大厦地下室埋深17.75m,采用自防水混凝土和铺贴聚乙烯丙纶复合防水卷材刚柔结合的复合防水方案。

    The basement of Beijing City Construction Building has depth of embedment of 17.75m . Both self-waterproofing concrete and PE-polypropylene fibre composite waterproofing membrane are used as rigid-flexible combined waterproofing method .

  5. 使用聚乙烯丙纶防水卷材的屋面施工

    Roofing construction of making use of Polyethylene polypropylene fiber waterproof rolling materials

  6. 聚乙烯丙纶卷材复合防水理论与实践

    Combined waterproofing theory and practice about polyethylene polypropylene fiber sheet

  7. 介绍了聚乙烯丙纶卷材复合防水技术的内容、防水的基本原理和在工程中的应用,指出必须对其配套技术加以研究和开发、应用部位加以限制和引导,才能使其在防水工程中占有一席之地。

    The article describes combined waterproofing technology with polyethylene polypropylene fiber sheet including basic mechanism of waterproofing and application , pointing out necessity of research and development on attached technology as well as restriction and guidance on places applied .

  8. 本文在分析使用聚乙烯丙纶防水卷材的屋面构造原理的基础上,根据国家工程标准要求,对屋面施工程序作了进一步阐述并提出具体注意事项。

    On the basis of analyzing the principle of roofing construction which is used polypropylene fiber waterproof rolling materials , according to the national engineering standard requirement , this paper further expounds the procedure of the roofing construction and put forward the points for attention .

  9. 目的研究聚乙烯(polyethylene,PE)、胶粉复合改性沥青的韧性、相容性能,以及抗老化性能.SBC聚乙烯丙纶双面复合卷材在地下室防水工程中的应用

    The paper researches into the performance of toughness and consistency and anti-aging . Application of the SBC Polyethylene-Polypropylene Double-Faced Compound Rolls in the Basement waterproof