- 名affiliated company;combination;complex;integrated complex

The trans-corporation is a kind of new-type affiliated company breaking the boundaries line of each country . It is very important role in the economic development of our times .
Burt Rutan , aerospace engineer and head of Scaled Composites , said the plane , and the pilot , performed admirably .
GlobalFlyer was built by Scaled Composites , the same firm that designed and launched the world 's first civilian manned spacecraft , SpaceShipOne , last year .
The fundamental challenge facing newspapers , says Mark Oliver of Oliver & Ohlbaum Associates , a consultancy , is how to get readers to pay for news online .
His mother took a job as a bookkeeper for Varian Associates , a company that made scientific instruments , and they took out a second mortgage .
As Robert Burke , the founder of the luxury consulting firm Robert Burke Associates , said , today groups are brands in themselves , and there is no staying behind the scenes .
Mattson , a senior vice president at outplacement and executive coaching firm keystone associates , specializes in helping people like your husband avoid getting so discouraged that they stop trying to find work .
The Renault SA-Nissan Motor alliance , for example , recently announced it is increasing production in South Korea to cut its reliance on Japan as a manufacturing base .
Daniel Kirk-Davidoff , a chief scientist for MDA Federal Inc. , which develops remote sensing technologies , and adjunct professor of meteorology at the University of Maryland , has examined the climate impacts of large-scale wind farms in previous studies .
As Robert Burke , the founder of the luxury consulting firm Robert Burke Associates , said , today " groups are brands in themselves , and there is no staying behind the scenes . "
Ms Jaclyn Friedman , a clinical embryologist at Reproductive Biology Associates , Atlanta , Georgia , USA , undertook an on-line survey looking at attitudes towards IVF around the world .
If the Symingtons have been busy writing history , their rivals at The Fladgate Partnership ( Taylor , Fonseca and Croft ) could be said to have been rewriting history .
An employee pours molten aluminum at United Company Rusal 's Bogoslovsky aluminum smelter , Russia .
That 's unfortunate , says Jayne Mattson , a senior vice president and executive coach at Boston-based career development firm Keystone Associates , because a little honest communication might go a long way toward fixing at least some of what bugs you .
Rusal began to seriously plan for the IPO only in September when it became clear that global market conditions had improved enough , leaving the original timeframe for the IPO the first by a Russian company in Hong Kong tight at best , people familiar with the matter said .
Takayuki Saito , a senior manager at Japan Marine United , which produces cruise ships , oil tankers and Aegis destroyers , said that at this stage , the purpose of exhibiting at the fair was merely to gauge international interest in what Japan had to offer .
On Tuesday , BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance ( BMA ) , the country 's biggest coal miner , became the latest company to react to softening demand for resources from China , axing 700 jobs - 7 per cent of the joint venture 's total workforce - and warning of further cost cuts .
Its first tenant was Varian Associates , where Clara Jobs worked .
I work in computer sciences at Queen Consolidated .
Russia Established a Russia Aluminum Industry United Company
Kevin : Actually , we 've got a freight forwarder over there-China Consolidated .
Jason Prosser is vying for Stonehaven United .
He left them and joined a Singapore entrepreneur to help him run his conglomerate .
He joined Unity in October 2014 .
Yizheng joint Corp of chemical fibre industry
Title : Owner of Pope Associates
United boasts a3-year earnings stability factor of4 on a scale of1 ( most stable ) to99 .
The paper discusses the new layout and characteristics of mine ventilation equipment in Leiningsikei Coal United Corperation .
New airlines joining the alliance can easily be added to the solution without requiring any changes to the business process .
United also sells fire detection systems and fuel cells for the on-site power , transport , space and defense markets .