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  • slash;tanbi;BL
  1. 耽美小说作为网络文学的一种表现形式,伴随着日本的动漫迷文化的大行其道,在当代中国的网络文学中独树一帜。

    As a form of expression of the network literature , BL novels are unique in the contemporary network literature along with the popularity of the Japanese ACG fans and Comic and Animation Culture .

  2. 有人认为,是女性的经济独立让耽美热潮不断升温的。

    Some people believe that the continuously heating slash fever is activated by the financial independence of women .

  3. 耽美文化是一种性别特征明显的亚文化,有着独特的风格表现。

    Tanbi is a highly distinctive subculture , which has a unique style , revealing sex characteristics simultaneously .

  4. 而纸质正规出版的耽美文学作品数量少且仅涉及爱情、传奇、动漫、奇幻四个题材。

    But there are many fewer formal publishing works , and only involves four themes of love , legend , anime and fantasy .

  5. 她会整个早上赖在床上,每夜看漫画、读耽美小说,深夜就黏在电脑上玩游戏。

    She was dedicated to her mornings lazing around in bed , evenings watching manga and reading homoerotic stories , and her nights glued to the computer screen playing online .
