
ěr guāng
  • a slap on the face;a box on the ear;a slapon the face
耳光 [ěr guāng]
  • [a box on the ear;a slapon the face] 用手打在耳朵附近的部位叫打耳光

  • 一记耳光

耳光[ěr guāng]
  1. 一定是一种被人打了耳光的感觉。

    It must feel like a slap on the face .

  2. 放高利贷的打了我一耳光,老虎为了救我,咬伤了三个人。

    The ones that practised usury had made a slap on the face of mine , the tiger bites three people in order to rescue me .

  3. 她打了他一个耳光。

    She gave him a slap across the face .

  4. 她狠狠给了他一个耳光。

    She slapped him hard across the face .

  5. 她掴了他一耳光。

    She struck him in the face .

  6. 他偶尔会推搡她或是打她的耳光。

    He would push or slap her once in a while

  7. 我不得不打了马克斯一耳光让他闭嘴。

    I had to box Max 's ears to get him to hush .

  8. 她骗他骗得如此干净利落,他恨不得给她一记耳光。

    She had trapped him so neatly that he wanted to slap her .

  9. 后来男孩被父亲打了一耳光。

    The boy was later given a clip round the ear by his father .

  10. 我重重地掴了他一记耳光。

    I slapped him hard across the face

  11. 《太阳报》称之为打在美国政府脸上的一记重重的耳光。

    ' The Sun ' calls it a massive slap in the face for the United States government

  12. 如果你再打扰我,我将打你耳光。

    If you annoy me much more , I 'll box your ears .

  13. 事实给了他们一记响亮的耳光。

    The facts have given them a slap in the face .

  14. 警察打了小偷一个耳光。

    The police man gave the thief a box on the ear .

  15. 你们若不规矩.我会打你们耳光的!

    If you don 't behave yourselves I 'll box your ears !

  16. 一怒之下,我狠狠打了他一记耳光。

    In a burst of anger I slapped him hard on the cheek .

  17. 我父亲知道我一直逃学时,打了我一记耳光。

    My father gave me a thick ear when he heard I 'd been playing truant .

  18. 他突然被她打了一记耳光。

    He received a lash of her hand on his cheek .

  19. v.有刺痛之感她给他一个耳光令他的脸颊有刺痛之感。……

    tingle His cheek tingled from the slap she had given him .......

  20. v.掌击,掌掴她因那男孩不听话而打他耳光,然后他开始哭泣。

    slap She slapped the boy on the cheek for disobedience , and he began to cry .

  21. Tammy大眼盯着我似乎我扇了她一耳光。

    Tammy stared at me as though I 'd slapped her .

  22. 《一记耳光》(TheSlap),NBC,2月12日播出。乔恩·罗宾·贝茨(JonRobinBaitz)与丽莎·查罗登科(LisaCholodenko)担任制作人,这部剧改编自一部澳大利亚迷你剧,讲述一个后院生日派对失控后带来的后果。

    THE SLAP ( NBC , Feb. 12 ) Jon Robin Baitz and Lisa Cholodenko are producers of this adaptation of an Australian mini-series about the fallout from a momentary loss of control at a backyard birthday party .

  23. 广告金主是智能游戏《恐怖极限》,周末,这款游戏广告出现在用户的Snapchat中,询问用户想打蕾哈娜耳光还是胖揍克里斯·布朗。

    The ad was for a smartphone game called Would You Rather that appeared inside Snapchat over the weekend asking users if they would rather slap Rihanna or punch Chris Brown .

  24. 你可以马上打他一记耳光。

    Of course you can slap the bastard in the face !

  25. 是嘴惹的祸,耳朵却挨了耳光。

    The tongue offends , and the ears get the cuffing .

  26. 当他骂她说谎时,她打了他一个耳光。

    When he called her a liar she smacked his face .

  27. 她给他一个耳光令他的脸颊有刺痛之感。

    His cheek tingled from the slap she had given him .

  28. 汤姆叔叔打了他侄子一耳光。

    Uncle Tom planted a blow on his nephew 's ear .

  29. 残酷的父亲打了他一耳光。

    The cruel father fetched him a slap across the face .

  30. 不许打人耳光吐痰不许…

    No slapping , spitting . No hum ... No gouging .