
  • 网络trailing suction hopper dredger;TSHD
  1. 耙吸挖泥船北槽疏浚现场测定分析

    Determination Analysis of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger at North Passage Dredging Site

  2. 耙吸挖泥船溢流土方量测定方法研究

    Method of Measuring & Determining the Overflow Earth Volume of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

  3. 本文以PROFIBUS为总线协议,研制了一套耙吸挖泥船的挖泥集成控制系统。

    A kind of integrated control system for trailing suction dredges is presented by using PROFIBUS protocol in this paper .

  4. 耙吸挖泥船挖泥集成控制系统研制

    The Design of Integrated Control System for Trailing Suction Dredge s

  5. 耙吸挖泥船船型及其发展趋势

    The type and the development trend of the drag suction dredger

  6. 800m~3开体式耙吸挖泥船电气系统设计

    Electric system designed for 800 m 3 open drag suction dredger

  7. 耙吸挖泥船施工产量优化的原理和方法

    Principle and Method to Optimize Production of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers

  8. 耙吸挖泥船在我国的发展及大型化展望

    Development and Bigger Size Future of Hopper Dredgers in China

  9. 500m~3耙吸挖泥船(航浚14号)

    500m ~ 3 trail suction dredger ( Hangjun 14 )

  10. 自航耙吸挖泥船吃水装载监测系统研究

    Research on Draught and Loading Monitoring System for Suction Dredger

  11. 具有首冲功能的300m~3自航耙吸挖泥船船型设计

    Design of a 300m ~ 3 self-propelled drag suction dredger with bow-jetting

  12. 13000m~3大型耙吸挖泥船的结构设计

    Structure design of a 13000 m ~ 3 large suction hopper dredger

  13. 耙吸挖泥船疏浚仿真初探

    Preliminary Study of Dredging Simulation of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredgers

  14. 耙吸挖泥船挖泥工况阻力的近似计算

    Estimation of dredging operation resistance of drag suction dredger

  15. 耙吸挖泥船溢流损失的分析

    Analysis of overflow loss of trail suction dredger

  16. 缅甸300m~3多功能耙吸挖泥船优化设计

    The optimal design of 300 m ~ 3 multifunction trail suction dredger for Myanmar

  17. 800m~3开体式耙吸挖泥船

    800m ~ 3 Split-hopper Trailing suction Dredger

  18. 大型耙吸挖泥船发展综述

    On development of large trailing suction dredges

  19. 300方耙吸挖泥船振动预报

    Vibration prediction for 300m ~ 3 dredge

  20. 耙吸挖泥船正朝着大型化、自动化、高效化的方向发展,其造价昂贵、控制复杂。

    It has high cost and complex control , tends to large-scale , automated , efficient direction .

  21. 4500m~3耙吸挖泥船推进系统改造设计及应用

    Reform Design and Application for the Propulsion System of 4 500 m ~ 3 Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

  22. 耙吸挖泥船的模型试验研究及其实船性能预报对船型设计有重要意义。

    Model testing and full scale performance prediction on trailing suction hopper dredger is very important for ship lines design .

  23. 本文回顾了大型耙吸挖泥船的发展历史,阐述了大型耙吸挖泥船的发展趋势。

    This paper reviews the development of large trailing suction dredges and summarizes the development trend of large trailing suction dredges .

  24. 其中,耙吸挖泥船在大规模陆域形成工程及临海工业园区的建设中发挥着越来越关键的作用。

    The trailing suction hopper dredger is playing an increasingly key role in the large-scale coastal land formation works and construction of industrial parks .

  25. 通过13000m3大型耙吸挖泥船的设计,阐明了挖泥船结构设计的重点。

    Based on the design of a 13 000 m3 large suction hopper dredger , this article reviews the key points of structure design for dredger .

  26. 而我国目前自行开发设计并建造的最大的耙吸挖泥船的舱容量仅2000m~3,还处在小型耙吸挖泥船的行列。

    But the largest suction dredger with the hopper capacity 2000m ~ 3 only we independently designed and built is at line of small suction dredger .

  27. 耙吸挖泥船是自航的工程船,其工况除船舶常规的满载(载泥)航行和轻载航行之外,最主要的是耙吸挖泥航行。

    Drag suction dredger is a self-propelled boat , whose operation is mainly the drag suction sailing besides full load ( mud ) sailing and light loaded sailing .

  28. 阐述了自主开发研制的耙吸挖泥船针对土质变化,进行产量优化,改进施工工艺的主要数学模型。

    The paper expounds the major mathematical models that have been developed independently for trailing suction hopper dredgers to optimize their production and improve their working technology according to the changes of seabed .

  29. 本文通过有限元分析方法对泥舱段进行强度校核以及在此基础上对泥舱结构进行优化分析,并取得了一定的成果,为大型及超大型耙吸挖泥船的设计研发提供技术参考。

    This thesis adopts finite element analysis and optimization analysis for hopper structure , it also have achieved certain results and will provide technical reference for large or very large trailing suction hopper dredgers .

  30. 动力定位是实现耙吸挖泥船精确疏浚定位、加快疏浚速度、提升疏浚档次、提高疏浚经济效益的一种重要保证。

    Dynamic Positioning System ( DPS ) is an important guarantee to achieve accurate Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger ( TSHD ) dredging location , speed up the dredging rate , improve quality dredging , dredging to improve economic efficiency .