
  • 网络resistant coating;abrasive resistant coating
  1. 化学成分与时效处理对镍磷耐磨涂层性能选择的影响

    Influence of Composition and Aging Treatment on Selection of Ni-P Wear Resistant Coating Properties

  2. UV光聚合/溶胶-凝胶法制备有机玻璃耐磨涂层

    The Preparation of PMMA Wear Resistant Coating by UV-Light Polymerization and Sol-gel Process

  3. 激光熔覆TiCP/Ni基自熔合金复合耐磨涂层的组织

    Microstructure of Laser Clad TiCp / Ni-base Alloy Composite Wear-resistant Coating

  4. 化学气相沉积耐磨涂层TiN的温度选择

    Selection of Temperature for Chemical Vapor Deposition of Wear-Resistance TiN Films

  5. 用Sol-Gel法在PC上制备有机-无机复合耐磨涂层

    Abrasion Resistant Inorganic / Organic Coating Materials Prepared by the Sol-Gel Method

  6. 超细WC粉体的制备及其在耐磨涂层中的应用

    Preparation of Ultrafine WC Powders and Its Application in Wearable Coatings

  7. 用sol-gel法在聚碳酸酯PC上制备一层耐磨涂层。

    Novel abrasion resistant coating materials prepared by the sol-gel method have been developed and applied on the polymeric substrate polycarbonate .

  8. MoS2超细粉制备耐磨涂层及其性能分析

    Anit wear Coating Made by Ultra fine MoS_2 Powder and Its Performance

  9. 偶联剂KH-550对改性酚醛树脂胶粘SiC耐磨涂层性能的影响

    Effects of coupling agent KH-550 on the properties of SiC wear resistant coating adhered by modified phenol formaldehyde resin

  10. 钛合金表面激光熔敷Ti2Ni3Si/NiTi耐磨涂层组织与耐磨性能

    Microstructure and Wear Resistance of Laser Clad Ti_2Ni_3Si / NiTi Intermetallic Coatings on Titanium Alloy

  11. 采用CO2激光熔覆WC-Co二元复合粉体制备性能优良的钢基耐磨涂层。

    The WC-10 % Co composite powder was cladded on the steel matrix to get the wear resistance coating layer by CO_2 laser cladding technology .

  12. BOPET薄膜表面抗划伤耐磨涂层材料的研究

    Research on Scratch and Abrasion Resistance Coating on the Surface of BOPET Film

  13. 有复合耐磨涂层模具比无复合涂层模具使用寿命高1~l0多倍。

    The service life of dies with this coating is 1-10 times higher than non-coated dies .

  14. Fe-Cr-Ni耐磨涂层的摩擦性能及作用机理

    Tribological properties and mechanism of Fe-Cr-Ni coating

  15. 结果表明:Fe-Cr-Ni耐磨涂层具有优良的抗磨减摩性能,对摩试环磨损表面形成转移膜。

    The results showed that electric arc spray Fe-Cr-Ni coating had good tribological property under the dry friction condition .

  16. 推荐最佳耐磨涂层的配方为:w(环氧树脂E-44):w(环氧树脂E一51):w(203聚酰胺):w(纳米蒙脱土)为30:70:80:7。

    The best recipe for wear resistant coating is recommended as follows : the weight ratio of epoxy resin E-44 : epoxy E-51 : polyamide 203 : nano-montmorillonite equals to 30 : 70 : 80 : 7 .

  17. 介绍了在结构钢件表面火焰喷涂铜,并在铜涂层上快速电沉积镍形成Cu-Ni复合储油耐磨涂层的工艺。

    The structural steel was flame copper sprayed , and the Cu-Ni multiple wear-resistant coating , which can keep the oil was deposited on the copper coating .

  18. 用橡胶酒精溶液调制原料粉末成为料浆,采用喷涂法喷涂在45钢基体上,经真空烧结成功制备出三元硼化物基耐磨涂层材料,其表面三元硼化物基涂层的硬度HRA为84。

    A ternary-base wear resistance material was developed on steel 45 by spray coating with the surface hardness of 84 HRA . The raw powders were dissolved in rubber ethanol solution .

  19. 利用电热爆炸喷涂技术,在45钢表面制备了WC/Co耐磨涂层,使用SEM和XRD分析了涂层的组织与相结构,使用显微硬度计和纳米压痕仪测试了涂层的硬度和弹性模量。

    The WC / Co coating was prepared on substrate 45 steel with electro-thermal explosion spraying . Microstructure and phase structure of the coating were investigated by SEM , X-ray diffraction , etc. The hardness and elastic modulus were estimated by microhardness meter and nano-indentation instrument respectively .

  20. 用真空钎焊方法,在45~钢基体表面钎焊一层WC-17Co/NiCrBSi耐磨涂层(厚1.5mm)。

    A ( WC-17Co / NiCrBSi ) brazing coating was applied to 45 steel through vacuum brazing technology .

  21. 研究了φ2mm粉芯丝材电弧喷涂Fe-Cr-Ni耐磨涂层的摩擦性能,分析了其结构特征和摩擦作用机理。

    The tribological properties of electric arc spray Fe-Cr-Ni coating are investigated with a Timken tester . The element composition , chemical states and the structure of the wear surface are studied .

  22. 本文介绍了应用耐磨涂层修复C512上车工作台导轨的工作过程,并通过实践验证。

    The working process of using the wearable layer to repair the guiding track of C512 machine is introduced in this paper .

  23. 抗磨添加剂与电弧喷涂耐磨涂层间的协同效应

    Synergistic Effects of Anti-Wear Additive and Wear-Resistant Coating by Electric-Arc Spraying

  24. 摩托车活塞环耐磨涂层研究新动向

    New Research Trend on the Wear Resistant Coating of Motorcycle Piston

  25. 水力机械胶粘耐磨涂层的制备及性能研究

    Preparation and Properties of Wear Resistant Bonding Coatings for Hydraulic Engines

  26. 等离子喷焊耐磨涂层制备及性能分析

    Preparation and performance analysis on wear-resistance coating of plasma spray welding

  27. 颗粒增强环氧耐磨涂层的冲蚀磨损特性研究

    Investigation of erosion properties of particle reinforced epoxy wear resistant coating

  28. 高分子固体润滑耐磨涂层研究进展

    Research Progress of Solid Lubricating and Wear Resistant Polymer Coatings

  29. 胶粘耐磨涂层的制备与抗冲蚀磨损性能研究

    Study on Preparation of Adhesive Abrasion Resistant Coatings and Its Washout Resistance

  30. 送粉激光熔敷耐磨涂层制备工艺与组织结构

    Technique and microstructure of anti-wear coating by auto-feeding laser cladding