
kǎo ɡǔ fā jué
  • archaeological excavation;dig
  1. 新荷铁路延津段1998年考古发掘简报

    Archaeological Excavation in the Yanjin Section of the Xinxiang-Heze Railway , 1998

  2. 当代法国田野考古发掘方法与技术

    Archaeological Excavation Methods and Techniques in Current France

  3. 他是位考古学家,过去的一年都在参与克里特岛上的一项考古发掘工作。

    He 's an archaeologist and has been on a dig in Crete for the past year .

  4. 比方说,租金收入仅用于私人资助的、对意大利伊特鲁里亚人(Etruscan)遗址的考古发掘。

    Income from the lets is , for example , being used to fund the only privately sponsored archeological dig in Italy , an excavation of Etruscan remains on the site .

  5. 开普从考古发掘、历史记载,尤其是一位埃及叛军领袖的手稿中判断,波斯军队是在去戴拉(Dachla)绿洲的路上莫名消失的,而该地是叛军领袖派塔贝斯特斯三世(PetubastisIII)的军队所驻扎之地。

    By piecing together information from excavations , historical records , and especially the writings of an Egyptian rebel leader ( which Kaper had translated from ancient temple blocks ) , Kaper believes the Persian army was on its way to Dachla Oasis , where the rebel leader Petubastis III and his troops had been located .

  6. 巴思附近正在进行一次非常有趣的考古发掘。

    There 's a very interesting dig going on near bath .

  7. 图示一九五八年在大屿山万角咀的考古发掘遗址。

    The excavation at Man Kok Tsui on Lantau Island in1958 .

  8. 考古发掘是在这个城市的一个组成部分进行。

    Are archeological excavations ongoing in a part of the city .

  9. 方法利用历史文献记载与考古发掘资料综合研究分析。

    Methods Synthetic analysis of historical document and achievement in archaeological investigations .

  10. 从青海考古发掘看古羌族文化与中原文化的融合

    The Mixed Together of the Qinghai Province Qiang Nationality and Mid-land Culture

  11. 吉林省德惠市迎新遗址考古发掘报告

    Excavation on the Yingxin Site of Dehui , Jilin

  12. 珠子是在考古发掘现场发现的最常见的物件之一(托福例句)。

    Beads are among the most common items found in ancient archeological sites .

  13. 1997年真实身份被重新确认后,进行考古发掘。

    After its true identity was re-recognized in 1997 , it has been excavated ;

  14. 图示一九七四年在龙鼓洲的考古发掘遗址。

    The excavation at Lung Kwu Chau in1974 .

  15. 中国考古发掘再次惊现甲骨文

    Oracle-Bone Inscription Appears Again in Chinese Archeology Excavation

  16. 在历次考古发掘中,长沙窑遗址出土了类型丰富的灯具。

    In previous archaeological excavations in Changsha kiln , a variety of lamps were excavated .

  17. 从考古发掘材料来看,早在4000年前,大理就有史前人类活动的踪迹。

    Unearthed findings show the trails of pre-historic human activities as early as 4000 years ago .

  18. 在建立初期,考古发掘是其定期工作之一。

    In the very beginning , archaeological excavation has been taken as one of its regular enterprises .

  19. 在文物保护工程开展的同时,配合工程展开的考古发掘工作也在积极展开。

    In carrying out conservation projects , the projects carried out archaeological excavations are also actively engaged .

  20. 史语所的工作已在中国引发了一阵广泛的考古发掘的热潮。

    The work of the Institute has already created a widespread interest in archaeological excavation in China .

  21. 考古发掘与考古发现

    Excavation and Discovery in Archaeology

  22. 巫山张家湾遗址考古发掘结果表明,研究区汉代曾有较发达的农业及手工业活动。

    There once occurred relatively developed agriculture and handicraft industry in the study region during Han Dynasty .

  23. 第十六条一切考古发掘工作,都必须履行报批手续。

    Article 16 The procedure of submitting reports for approval must be performed for all archaeological excavations .

  24. 今天佩加蒙古城是世界上第二个持续进行的考古发掘。

    today , the ancient city of Pergamon is the second oldest ongoing archaeological dig in the world .

  25. 为了研究海洋捕鱼队城市发展的促进意义,研究人员们调查了伦敦区内95个考古发掘站点。

    To see how that increase influenced urban growth , researchers looked at 95 excavation sites in London .

  26. 她意识到,如果她去参观考古发掘现场,就可以借机摆脱那些难以相处的英国主人的纠缠。

    And she realized she could escape her implacable English hosts by arranging a visit to the dig site .

  27. 考古发掘探方的三维建模是数字考古中重要一部分,然而目前国内对之的研究还比较少。

    As a part of digital archaeology , Modeling of the excavation site has not now been researched deeply .

  28. 通过调查和考古发掘,收集到了客观详实的第一手资料,从而为本文的写作奠定了坚实的基础。

    Through the investigation and archaeological excavations , collecting first-hand material objectively , and this writing laid solid foundation .

  29. 近年来考古发掘实证资料证实,我国南方已有上万年的稻作栽培史。

    Recent archaeological findings have proved that south China has enjoyed a history of paddy cultivation for thousands of years .

  30. 这种出售将为考古发掘、文物保护以及成果出版提供充足的资金。

    Such sales would provide substantial funds for the excavation and preservation of archaeological sites and the publication of results .