lǎo dàn
- Lao Dan;an old female character type in Chinese operas;actor playing the part of an old woman in the Chinese traditional drama

[actor playing the part of an old woman in the Chinese traditional drama] 戏曲角色名,旦的一种。指扮演老年妇女的角色
老旦[lǎo dàn]
He acted as a pantaloon in the play .
Has the very high status , the status elderly women ( Old Dan trade ) the special-purpose Old Dan python .
Such as in the drama , not only living Dan , old Dan , clean and ugly give out sound have difference , be same line be everybody also don 't exert homology .
The Old Dan python 's color only uses yellow and the olive yellow generally , the yellow uses in the queen mother , the olive yellow uses in the old infanta , always informing assigns madame .