
  1. 新老建筑上都有密密麻麻的涂鸦。

    Buildings old and new are thickly covered with graffiti

  2. 在只有256MB内存的老PC上也能运行。

    It can easily run on an old PC with only256MB of RAM .

  3. 年的“SingleUnixSpecification”推荐使用tmpfile(3),但不幸的是,在一些老系统上实现它很不安全。

    The1997 " Single UNIX Specification " recommends using tmpfile ( 3 ), but its implementation on some old systems is , unfortunately , unsafe .

  4. 苹果官方称,切换标签页的速度如“闪电般快速”,也许是苹果现在已经掌握了某种不为人知的魔法,但愿新版Safari能通过良好的内存管理来降低老设备上的页面重载负荷。

    According to Apple , switching between pages is " lightning fast ," so perhaps they have made some magic with the memory management to reduce the reload of pages in older devices .

  5. 位置记号&如果插入符号由于开发人员执行某个命令而移到了不同的位置,那么CodeRush会在老位置上留下一个标记来进行快速定位。

    Location Marker – if the caret is moved to a different location in the code due to a command issued by the developer , CodeRush leaves a beacon marker behind for quick localization of the old position .

  6. 源兆和场兆都集中在老断层上。

    The field and source precursors appear in old fault belts .

  7. 把你的黄丝带系在老橡树上。

    Just tie your yellow ribbon around the old oak tree .

  8. 让我们在老主意上搞一些新花样。

    Let 's apply a new twist to an old idea .

  9. 有人帮助这位老太太上公共汽车。

    The old woman was helped to get on the bus .

  10. 赫斯渥已经回到家里,坐在他的老位子上。

    Hurstwood was already there , sitting in his place .

  11. 那个老太太上了那辆车,否则她会死的。

    The old lady goes into the car , otherwise she dies .

  12. 老太太上了那个狡诈推销员的当。

    The old lady was duped by the dishonest salesman .

  13. 我们会上的大部分时间花在重谈那些老问题上。

    We spent most of the meeting rehashing old issues .

  14. 他是个老油条,奉承起不了作用。其中一个人突然绊倒在一盏老油灯上。

    One of the men stumbled across an old lamp .

  15. 你在那张老床上睡得好吗?

    Did you sleep okay in that old bed ?

  16. 伊桑坐在一件老家具上,而科林则在箱子里翻着什么。

    Ethan sat on the old furniture while Colin was digging through boxes .

  17. 我需要仅是老橡树上的一条黄丝带能让我获自由。

    A simple yellow ribbon 's what I need to set me free .

  18. 我喜欢雨落在那些老凸窗上的声音。

    I like the way the rain sounds against these old bay windows .

  19. 回到老话题上&以及拉丁文

    Bringing back an old topic & and Latin

  20. 我鞋里的那个钉子老往上顶,扎得我脚疼。

    That nail in my shoes has been working up and hurting my foot .

  21. 你们就把计划的全部希望都寄托在那辆老破车上?

    And you 're pinning the hopes of the entire mission on that relic ?

  22. 我住在一个有美丽的树林围绕着的老镇上。

    I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods .

  23. 如果我看见老橡树上没有系黄丝带的话。

    If I don 't see a yellow ribbon around the old oak tree .

  24. 他的眼睛老往上瞧,这是长年的折磨往往会造成的一种病象。

    He has the upward look in his eyes which prolonged suffering often brings .

  25. 2450兆赫微波能在加速白酒老熟上的应用

    The Application of Microwave Power of 2450 MHz to Accelerate the White Spirits Mellowing

  26. 我是从一部老卡通上取的。

    I was named after an oid cartoon .

  27. 将盖放置到老虎钳上。

    Place the cover on a vice .

  28. 老系统上的业务也分别部署在不同的应用平台上。

    Business on the old system platform also was distributed on the different application platforms .

  29. 老汤姆上个周末死了。

    Old Tom snuffed out last weekend .

  30. 雷恩:《老榆树上的黄丝带》?!

    Ryan : " Tie a Yellow Ribbon on the Old Oak Tree " ? !