
yì cháng
  • Wing length;chord
翼长[yì cháng]
  1. 跗跖长、体长、翼长分别于50、60、70日令前增长显著,之后便停止增长。

    The lengths of tarsometatarsus , body , and wing increased remarkably before 50 , 60 and 70 days , and stopped growth later .

  2. 翅榆一种美国东南部榆树(翼枝长序榆榆属),具有有翼和软木质的小枝这条长凳是榆木制的。

    An elm tree ( Ulmus alata ) of the southeast United States , having twigs with winged , corky edges . This bench is made of elm .

  3. 柔性翼的长周期和短周期模态的衰减特性和阻尼特性略优于刚性翼。

    The longitudinal response frequency and damping features of the flexible wing at both modes of long and short periods are also better than those of the fixed wing .

  4. 高架桥桥面宽25.6米,翼板悬臂长4.85m,单跨径25m,上部采用五跨一联的预应力混凝土连续梁结构。

    The bridge floor of the overpass is 25.6 meters wide , wing board cantilever is 4.85 meters long , the single span foot-path is 25 meters , the top adopts five continuous roof beam structure of prestressing force concrete of stepping one and uniting .

  5. “不穿翼装的最长下落时间记录很难确定,因为随着更加先进的服装的出现,牛仔裤和翼装之间的区别已经变得很模糊了。”

    The record for longest [ fall time ] withouta wingsuit is hard to find since the line between jeans and wingsuits hasblurred since the introduction of more advanced ...

  6. 那只老鹰两翼展开时从一翼端至另一翼端长6英尺。

    The eagle measured six feet from tip to tip .

  7. 鹬鸵一种新西兰产的无翼属不能飞的鸟,翼退化咀长而细。

    Any of several flightless birds of the genus Apteryx native to new zealand , having vestigial wings and a long , slender bill .