
  • 网络tracy;Trish;Tracey
  1. 翠西:跟我想的一样。跟你的设计完全相同。

    Trish : Just as I thought . It 's exactly like your design .

  2. 朗恩和翠西跟小贩谈话。

    Ron and Trish talk to the vendor .

  3. 翠西卡惊讶地回头看了看。

    Tricia looked round in surprise .

  4. 翠西·艾敏(TraceyEmin)这类艺术家都深受她的影响,尤其是大胆自我暴露的这一面;

    While it seems clear that artists like Tracey Emin have fallen under the influence of her audacious self-disclosures ;

  5. 你怎么想起来泡帕翠西啊?

    Why would you want to go out with Patricia anyway ?

  6. 派翠西,你怕看到星星吗?

    Are you afraid of seeing the stars * Patricia ?

  7. 但是,那是用不着说的,翠西。

    But , that goes without saying , Tracy .

  8. 派翠西.只要你有过机器情人

    Patricia . once you 've had a lover robot

  9. 这个三脚架是翠西珍藏的宝贝。

    This tripod is a treasure Trish cherishes .

  10. 爱德华裁判目前与他的妻子派翠西雅住在加州的嘎兰达乐。

    Judge Edwards lives with his wife , Patricia , in Glendale , California .

  11. 而长期受大家喜爱的翠西席尔金。

    The longtime favorite , Tricia skilken .

  12. 你…是一个女神派翠西

    You ... are a goddess . Patricia

  13. 杰克的妻子翠西问道。

    Asked Jack 's wife Tracy .

  14. 胡迪尼结婚之后,碧翠西就离开「花姊妹」,并且成为丈夫的剧务助理。

    When the Houdinis married , Beatrice left the Floral Sisters and became her husband 's stage assistant .

  15. 对她爸爸和翠西来说,需要几百人鼓掌欢呼,看着他们在台上,屈伸肌肉摆出造型。

    With her dad and Tracee , it took hundreds of people applauding , watching them up on stage , pose and flex .

  16. 翠西:你真的是传说中的魔剑士斯巴达的儿子吗?难道你老爹没教过你怎么使用剑吗?

    Trish : are you reslly the son of the legendary Dark Knight sparda ? Didn 't your daddy teach you how to use asword ?

  17. 这个可爱的透明的空中浮球,漂浮于虚拟的处女花园上空,它是在真实的威尼斯处女花园里的那个翠西中国馆的镜像。

    The cute flying ball , transparent and floating , above the SL Vrigin Garden , it 's a mirror to the RL China Tracy Pavilion at Venice .

  18. 翠西:你就是那个20年前被恶魔夺走了母亲和哥哥的人,传说中的魔剑士斯巴达之子,但丁先生。

    Trish : you 're the man who lost mother and brother to evil twenty years ago , the son of the legendary Dark Knight sparda , Mr dante .