
yáng yóu
  • sheep's fat
  1. 【化】己酸,羊油酸气相色谱-质谱联用法分析羊脂油的脂肪酸成分

    Study on Fatty Acid of Sheep 's Oil by GC-MS

  2. 结论城市哈萨克族血脂与牧区哈萨克族血脂差异有显著性,其原因可能是改食植物油代替羊油。

    Conclusions The serum lipid level of Kazak herdsman is higher than that of urban Kazak .

  3. 主要结果如下:1、羊油精炼的工艺条件,通过正交试验分析最终确定:第一,酸法脱胶。

    The main results as follows : Firstly , defined the technological conditions of caprine oil refining by orthogonal experiment .

  4. 油酸的原料来源很广,牛油、羊油、猪油等动物油油脂以及大豆油、花生油、棕榈油等植物油脂中都含有大量的油酸。

    But the sources of oleic acid are abundant , such as animal oil ( butter , sheep oil , lard ) and plant oil ( bean oil , peanut oil , palm oil ) .