
  • 网络Rogers Cup
  1. 她还因为同样的原因错过了上周末在加拿大多伦多举行的罗杰斯杯女子网球赛。

    She skipped last weekend 's Rogers Cup in Toronto because of the same injury .

  2. 这是两人自去年八月罗杰斯杯后的第一次交手,达维登科在整场比赛中没有让对手拿到任何一个破发点。

    Davydenko did not face a break point on serve in the pair 's first meeting since the Rogers Cup in August .

  3. 你在罗杰斯杯还会继续参加双打吧?

    Q.Were you here to compete in doubles ?

  4. 她也连续进入西部银行精英赛和阿库拉精英赛的半决赛,但因为右肩伤退出了罗杰斯杯。

    She also reached consecutive semifinals at Stanford and San Diego but retired in Montreal due to a right shoulder injury .

  5. 加拿大网球协会宣布,他们将在举办传统“罗杰斯杯”网球赛期间,设立一项为期三天的“传奇杯”赛,邀请前大满贯赛事得主阿加西、麦肯罗、库里尔和张德培参加。

    Tennis Canada announced the introduction of Rogers Legends Cup , a three-day tournament that will feature former Grand Slam champions Andre Agassi , John McEnroe , Jim Courier and Michael Chang .

  6. 但是,幸运的是达文波特因为背部肌肉拉伤也没有参加罗杰斯杯的比赛。

    But Davenport didn 't play the Rogers Cup , either , because of a lower back injury , and she didn 't have enough points to stay ahead of Sharapova this week .

  7. 当罗杰斯杯赛事组织者告诉你可以打资格赛的时候,你当时能想到自己可以打进四强吗?你当时是否会认为自己也许连正赛都打不进吗?

    Q.When organizers asked you to qualify for the tournament , did you even think that you had a chance of making the semifinals ? Or were you even thinking I might not even qualify for the main draw ?