
  • 网络network industry
  1. 基本结论对POS支付、ATM交易等网络型产业的接入定价与规划政策具有一定借鉴参考价值。

    The main conclusions are meaningful to the regulation of access pricing in network industries such as POS payment system and ATM transaction system .

  2. 网络型产业的政府管制:机场管制研究

    Government Regulation of Network Industries : Studying on Airport Regulation

  3. 分为两部分,首先是对网络型产业的介绍,主要介绍与本文相关的网络外部性;然后是对随机前沿分析模型(SFA)的介绍。

    Divided into two parts , first is the introduction of network-based industries , introduces network externalities associated with this paper ; then , the introduction of stochastic frontier analysis model ( SFA ) .

  4. 网络型产业链的知识形态则主要体现为知识的分工、创新和竞争。

    Knowledge chain modality consists of division , innovation and competition .

  5. 对于网络型产业而言,竞争的动态效率尤为重要。

    Dynamic efficiency of competition is rather important in those industries .

  6. 网络型产业的非对称管制与竞争

    The Asymmetric Regulation and Competition of the Network Industry

  7. 网络型产业自然垄断边界的判定

    A judgement on natural monopoly boundary of network industry

  8. 技术范式竞争下网络型产业集群的生成机理研究

    Research of network industrial cluster 's forming mechanism in the technology paradigm competition background

  9. 产业绩效偏好与网络型产业的竞争化治理

    Preference toward Different Industrial Conducts and its Impact upon Competition-Oriented Governance in Network Industry

  10. 电信业属于典型的网络型产业,根据网络经济学的研究,网络指标是衡量电信企业的竞争力的重要指标。

    The telecom industry belongs to the network .

  11. 网络型产业技术标准的机制与政策

    Standard Setting and Policy in Network Industry

  12. 在对网络型产业竞争的基本理论回顾的基础上,对这些理论及其应用问题作了简要的评议。

    The basic theory of competition in network industries are reviewed in the chapter too .

  13. 网络型产业的竞争研究

    Competition in Network Industries

  14. 网络型产业链的价值形态主要表现为网络效应和报酬递增成为价值增值的源泉。

    Value chain modality exhibits that effects of network and increasing reward becomes the headspring of added value .

  15. 网络型产业因其独特的经济特性,而一般都成为经济规制的主要目标。

    Network industries tend to the tinal goal of economic laws and regulations due to their unique economic characteristics .

  16. 自然地,更多人开始重视和研究各种网络型产业问题。

    Naturally , all kinds of problems about network industries are paid more and more attentions to and studied .

  17. 电信产业是一个典型的网络型产业,传统上被认为是自然垄断产业。

    The telecommunication industry is a typical net-work industry , and is considered to be a natural monopoly industry traditionally .

  18. 正是基于以上的原因,本文选择对网络型产业的进入壁垒问题进行了深入研究。

    Based on the above reality , the paper makes series of studies on the barriers to entry in network industries .

  19. 一直以来,包括水务在内的传统网络型产业,长期被视为自然垄断行业而受到政府严格的规制。

    The traditional network industry including water sector was seen as natural monopoly industry for a long time and was regulated by government strictly .

  20. 网络型产业竞争化治理机制应当是包括管制、竞争和产权等制度安排在内的综合治理机制。

    The effective governance mechanism on industrial level should be a overall solution based on overall effect of regulation , competition and ownership arrangement .

  21. 本文首先分析了网络型产业的基本技术经济特性,这构成了全文分析的基础。

    Firstly , the paper analyzes the basic technical and economic characters of network industries , which form the analytical foundation of the paper .

  22. 对于现代自然垄断集中于网络型产业,近年来学者们都以网络经济说予以解释,并提出了规模经济、范围经济和网络经济结合的所谓三位一体的自然垄断理论。

    Recently it is attributed to the economy of network by some economists , for the natural monopoly has already been concentrated to industries with networks .

  23. 移动通信市场是一种典型的网络型产业,只有当网络形成一定规模时,才能得到消费者的认可。

    Mobile communication market is a typically network-based industry , only when the network scale reaches to a certain level , can the consumers accept it .

  24. 考虑到本文所讨论的组织优化问题,本质上就是网络型产业的最优市场绩效的实现问题。

    Considered the organizational optimization issue mentioned in this research , in nature it is the problem of how can network industry achieve optimized market performance .

  25. 移动通信产业是一种典型的网络型产业,网络型产业的一个最重要特征就是其所提供的产品或服务具有鲜明的网络外部性。

    Mobile communications is a typical networked industry and one of its most important characters is that the product or service in it exhibits strong network externalities .

  26. 实证结果显示,作为典型的网络型产业的电信业可能并不具有自然垄断性,其网络规模对成本的正向影响非常显著;电信产业的改革取得了较好的成效,产业效率已经有了很大的提高。

    The empirical findings show that China telecom industry may not be typically nature monopolized and the positive impact of network size on total cost is significant .

  27. 然而,目前许多发展中国家的技术学习研究主要集中于传统制造业领域,对于虚拟网络型产业研究较少。

    Most of the researches on developing countries ' technological learning process are concentrated on the traditional manufacturing industries , only a few are on the virtual network industries .

  28. 网络型产业链的产品形态主要体现为模块之间联系规则的形成和演化、价值模块交易规则的确立以及具体的模块分解组合方式。

    Product chain modality embodies in the form and evolvement of connecting rules among modules , the establishment of exchange rule among modules and the decomposing mode of material modules .

  29. 这一技术学习理论分析框架忽略了技术标准和知识产权要素,难以解释虚拟网络型产业的技术学习活动。

    However , it is hard to explain the technological activities in virtual network industries within this framework because of its negligence of such factors as technical standard and intellectual property .

  30. 后两个问题构成了本文对网络型产业规制政策与市场结构关系研究的第二个层面,即市场结构如何对规制效果进行约束。

    The last two parts , including analyse of related regulation policy and market structure , form the second function of the research , which answered how market structure restrict regulatory effects .