
  • 【建】green area
  1. 开罗居民的人均绿地面积仅13平方厘米。

    Cairo has only thirteen square centimetres of green space for each inhabitant .

  2. 另一项针对2593名儿童的研究表明,学校绿地面积越大,儿童的工作记忆能力就越强,注意力不集中的程度也就越低。

    Another study of 2,593 children shows that children in school with more green space have a greater increase in working memory and a greater decrease in inattentiveness .

  3. 增加绿地面积,选择抗SO2树种进行绿化是可以达到改善环境的目的。

    Environment could be improved by increasing forestation area and forestation with SO2-resistance tree species .

  4. 本文通过经济绩效、社会绩效、环境绩效三方面构建城市空间发展绩效评估模型,分别采用地均GDP、平均出行距离、人均绿地面积作为评估指标。

    Performance evaluation model of the development of urban space built by the three aspects of economic performance , social performance , environmental performance , respectively , per capita GDP , the average trip distance , the per capita green area as the evaluation index .

  5. 城市避震疏散场所公园绿地面积指标的研究

    The Study of Park Green Area Criterion for Evacuation during Earthquake in Cities

  6. 公共服务设施、人均绿地面积不断扩大。

    The number of public facilities and the per capita green area have grown .

  7. 但是道路绿地面积所占比例总是最低,并且与其他类型相差较大。

    But the green area ratio is the lowest , and with other types are considerable .

  8. 建成区人均公园绿地面积为5.85平方米。

    The greenery area of per capita park of finished area is 5 . 85 square meters .

  9. 城市森林与绿地面积的研究

    Urban Forest and Greenbelt Area

  10. 基于灰色系统理论对银川市绿地面积变化的预测及分析

    The forecasting and analyzing the green space variation based on the grey system theory in Yinchuan city

  11. 绿地面积、形状指数与减弱热岛效应能力呈正相关。

    Area and shape index of green space both correlate to the ability of heat island weaken .

  12. 结果表明,呼和浩特市赛罕区二环路内的绿地面积较少,覆盖率低;

    The results showed that the greenland areas of Saihan region are little and their coverage rates are low ;

  13. 他们操作环境数据来测算病人四周的绿地面积。

    They used an environmental database on land use to gauge the percentage of green space in the patients'neighborhoods .

  14. 研究得出开封市绿地面积占总面积的22.56%,主要集中分布在郊区乡镇。

    This paper indicates that the proportion of greenbelt in Kaifeng is22.56 % , distribution mostly takes place in suburbs .

  15. 城市绿化覆盖率达35.3%,人均占有绿地面积7.9平方米。

    The green coverage rate reaches 35.3 % , which allows the per capita green area up to 7.9 square meters .

  16. 因此,在增加城市绿地面积的同时需要发展自然群落在城市中的应用。

    So , it is necessary to develop the community of the nature when increasing the acreage of greenbelt of a city .

  17. 但是,随着我国城市绿地面积的增加,绿化灌溉用水与城市供水之间的矛盾日益突出。

    But irrigation water for turf is more and more incompatible with the water supply in cities as increases in green area .

  18. 随着城市建筑物的大量兴建,使我国的绿地面积越来越少。

    Along with the enormous construction of urban buildings , the area of the green surface in our country is less and less .

  19. 最大限度增加绿量,既尽量增大绿地面积,又尽量强调绿化的层次;

    To maximize the amount of green areas , not only to maximize green space , but also to increase the level of green .

  20. 但由于绿地面积小,物产不多,他们还要靠往来商旅对所需物资的补给;

    Due to the small area of oases , however , they did not have enough products and had to be supplied by businessmen passing through .

  21. 2009年我国城市人均拥有公园绿地面积达9.71平方米,建成区绿化覆盖率37.37%[1],城市绿化迈开了新的步伐。

    In 2009 , our urban per capita green area covers 9.71 square , and green coverage reaches 37.37 % . Urban greening starts opening new strides .

  22. 屋顶花园(绿化)可以增加城市绿地面积,美化城市环境,改善人民的居住条件,提高生活质量。

    Roof garden is beneficial to adding the greening area , beautifying the environment , which helps to improve peoples living condition and better peoples living quality .

  23. 护城河边,郊区,北京新建的小区绿地面积也很大,都适合放风筝。

    The area by the city moat , the suburbs and the broad grassland of the newly built residential areas in Beijing are all suitable for flying kites .

  24. 其原因在于,随着小城镇用地规模的扩张,小城镇绿地面积不断扩大,污水也得到了较好的处理和控制。

    The reason is : with the land expansion of small towns , the area of lawn is expanding and the waste water is been well dealt with .

  25. 现阶段中国景区城镇的生态园林建设存在规划水平不高、城市整体形象不鲜明、绿地面积普遍偏少等问题。

    China The current Chinese scenic area cities ecology botanical garden construction is not high presence planning , urban overall image is not clear , green area , generally low .

  26. 为了有效增加绿地面积,营造最佳人居环境,屋顶花园成为人们追求的时尚。

    In order to increase effectively the area of the green surface and construct optimum residential environment , the Roof garden has become the newest fashion pursued by the people .

  27. 随着改革开放的深入和大连市经济社会和城市建设的发展,城市绿地面积越来越大。

    With the reform and opening in depth and the developments of Dalian social economy and city construction , the area of the urban green space has been larger and larger .

  28. 在目前难直接获取城市绿量实测数据的情况下,可以绿地面积和植被类型间接反映绿地的生物量和绿化效应。

    Considering the " Vegetation Quality " is difficult to be obtained , the biological quality and ecological effect of urban greenery can be indirectly reflected using urban green-land area and vegetation species .

  29. 按照工业区乔、灌、草地面积、绿地面积配置为1:6:21:29适宜比例,得出济钢各分厂植物种植结构的状况。

    According to tree , shrub and grass area , green area targeted for appropriate proportion 1:6:21:29 in industrial areas , concluded situation of plating structure in branches in Jinan steel and iron Company .

  30. 为达到在单位绿地面积上最大的生态效益,根据叶面积指数与生态效益的相关原理,着重阐述了常绿阔叶乔木在城市绿化中的重要作用。

    To get the highest ecological efficiency , the important function of the broad leaved evergreen trees in urban greenery is clarified in accordance with the related principle between leaf area index and ecological efficiency .