
  1. 相比之下,读容易些,因为我们的初级C班、中级B班、高级A班和B班都开设了专门的阅读课,其他班级的综合课也能训练你的阅读能力。

    Comparatively , reading is easier , because we offer such a course in Primary C , Intermediate B , Advanced A and B classes , and you can also foster your reading ability through the comprehensive classes .

  2. 为什么开设《历史与社会》这门综合课

    The necessity of an integrated course ── history & Society

  3. 基础阶段汉语综合课教材练习题研究

    Study on the Exercises of the Elementary Chinese - Textbooks

  4. 大学英语综合课口语练习策略

    Strategy of Oral English Exercises in College English Integrated Course

  5. 两人任务小组在初级汉语综合课中的应用

    The Pair Work with Simple Task in Elementary Chinese Intensive Reading Course

  6. 初探综合课教学程序

    A Preliminary Research on Procedure of Comprehensive Class Instruction

  7. 在高职教育中,公共关系是保险专业的一门边缘综合课。

    Public Relation is one edge of synthetic subject in higher vocational education .

  8. 摘要填空题在中级汉语综合课练习中的运用

    Adopt " Summary Completion " to Chinese Comprehensive Textbook Exercises of Intermediate Level

  9. 我国中小学综合课教师培养模式探讨

    Study on the Teacher Training Model of Integrated Curriculum in Chinese Primary and Junior School

  10. 试论利用综合课对学生英语交际能力的培养

    On the Training of Student 's Communicative Competence in Classroom Teaching of Integrated English Course

  11. 初级汉语综合课网络教学答疑系统

    Elementary Chinese Comprehensive Course Answering Networks

  12. 评课应遵循的原则和实施框架&以一节综合课为例谈课的评析

    Principles Followed in Class Evaluating Implemental Framework An Example of Evaluation Analysis of a General Class

  13. 具体来说,是在对初级综合课进行课堂录像、语料转写和对比分析的基础上得出结论。

    Specifically , the conclusion is based on the classroom video , transcription and comparative analysis .

  14. 本文研究的是对外汉语初级阶段综合课的三种课堂语言&指令、提问和反馈。

    This is the study of TCFL teaching language in comprehensive course of the primary stage .

  15. 综合课教学的成败直接影响着各技能课的教学效果。

    Comprehensive course teaching directly influence the success or failure of each skill class the teaching effect .

  16. 当前的初级阶段对外汉字教学多依附于综合课而使用随文识字类教材。

    The current phase of more foreign Chinese teaching comprehensive textbooks , and attachment to use text-dependent textbooks .

  17. 在对外汉语课堂教学的多种课型中,综合课为其他各种技能课打下了坚实的汉语基础。

    Among the various types of classes , intensive Chinese lay a solid foundation for other skills in Chinese .

  18. 不同国家的汉语综合课教学所面临的问题既有共性,又有个性。

    In different countries the problems TCFL facing with have both something in common , and something in difference .

  19. 本文探讨了对外汉语初级语法阶段综合课的课堂教学模式。

    This article tries to observe the classroom mode of Chinese intensive reading at the primary grammar stage in TCFL .

  20. 学生们担心在综合课上他们学不到基本的商务技巧,还有人担心招聘人员可能会认为这一课程不完备。

    Students worry that they won 't learn basic business skills in an integrated curriculum and some fear that recruiters might view it as an incomplete education .

  21. 汉语课程主要是综合课为主,而汉语分技能课训练课与专门目的的汉语课还比较缺少。

    Chinese language course is a comprehensive class-based , while the Chinese sub-skills classes and special purpose training courses is still relatively lack of Chinese language courses .

  22. 第二章到第四章对汉语综合课课堂语言进行了分类研究,是文章的主体。

    The second to the fourth chapter is the study on classified teaching language of integrated Chinese course , which is the mainstay of the whole thesis .

  23. 第三章大量运用了比较研究,通过对初、中、高三个阶段教学目标的比较、教学要素间的比较及课型间的比较,进一步明确了中级汉语综合课词汇教学的目标与内容。

    The third chapter mainly takes comparison . The purpose and contents are clarified by compare the teaching aims of 3 levels , teaching elements and different lessons .

  24. 然后对选取的十个综合课教学案例的教学模式进行了详细的描述,包括综合课的总体教学模式,以及词汇教学模式、语法教学模式和课文教学模式三个环节教学模式。

    Then it describes the classroom mode of Chinese intensive reading of ten selected teaching cases , including the general mode and three stage modes : the mode of vocabulary teaching ;

  25. 并结合学生的认识过程,提出了交际能力在综合课教学中的具体实施过程,以及初级阶段汉语综合课的课堂教学过程设计。

    Considered the cognitive process , the paper puts forward the realization of competence in Comprehensive Chinese teaching , and a teaching design of Comprehensive Chinese teaching at the primary stage .

  26. 本文从中高级汉语综合课的课堂讨论入手,尝试用建构主义教学模式来组织课堂讨论,以期改进中高级阶段的汉语教学办法。

    Starting with the classroom discussions of intermediate and advanced students , this article aims at improving the Chinese teaching methods in the advanced level with classroom discussions organized by constructivist teaching mode .

  27. 而如何使泰国学生在综合课上更加轻松地掌握知识,并且喜欢上汉语综合课,这是值得思考的一大问题。

    How to make Thai students master knowledge during Chinese comprehensive classes more easily , and also feel like to learn Chinese from their heart , which is a big issue worth our consideration .

  28. 通过对现有的对外汉语综合课教材和文化课教材中文化内容的分析统计,得出在初、中、高等不同学习阶段,文化教学内容的侧重点有所不同。

    Through the analysis of statistics of teaching materials in the cultural content in the TCFL textbooks , it is concluded that in the different stages , the focus of the culture content is different .

  29. 综合课是泰国大学汉语教育的重要课程,它是一门综合了各项语言要素和语言技能,并将基础知识与实践相结合的课程。

    The comprehensive courses is one of the most important courses in Chinese education of Thai Universities , it combines the language elements and language skills , and mixed basic knowledge and practices of courses .

  30. 也区别了综合课与分技能课之间的关系:综合课具有融合性特点,处于主干地位,是各专项技能课的纽带与核心。

    Also the difference the relationship of " comprehensive course " and the skills classes : comprehensive course has fusion characteristics , main position in , and is the special skills classes bond and core .