
zōnɡ hé xìnɡ dà xué
  • university;Comprehensive University
  1. 我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。

    I didn 't want to go to a large university .

  2. 论中国加入WTO后给地方综合性大学带来的机遇与挑战

    Challenge and Opportunity the Local University Facing after China Joining WTO

  3. 因为印度管理学院不是综合性大学,它们不能授予mba学位或理学硕士学位。

    Because the IIMS are not universities , they cannot offer MBA or MSc degrees .

  4. 综合性大学医科PBL教学改革的实践与探索

    Instructional reform and practice of PBL on medical education in comprehensive universities

  5. 一年前,除了填写标准化的电子表格,申请者还需要提交两篇500字的文章。该表格是“通用申请应用程序”(CommonApplication)的一部分,被沃斯莫尔学院及数百所小型学院和综合性大学所接受。

    A year ago , applicants were asked to write two 500-word essays as supplements to the standard one that 's part of the Common Application , an electronic form that Swarthmore and hundreds of small colleges and big universities accept .

  6. 在借鉴既有研究成果的基础上,根据研究对象的特点编制了高校教师ERG需求调查问卷和工作满意度调查问卷,并在湖南省内的综合性大学发放了问卷。

    On the basis of previous studies , combined with the characteristics of the study object , I compiled two questionnaires , and then distributed questionnaires in the comprehensive universities of Hunan province .

  7. 方法以班级为单位,采用整群随机抽样的方法,利用中国身心健康量表(CPSHS),对某综合性大学940名在校大学生进行问卷调查。

    Methods Taking a class as a unit , 940 students were selected by cluster random sampling in the Yangtze University . Data were collected through questionnaire ( Chinese Psychosomatic Health Scale , CPSHS ) .

  8. 综合性大学《中药学》课程教学方法探索

    Study on the teaching method of Chinese pharmacy in comprehensive universities

  9. 我国综合性大学举办教师教育已具备了坚实的现实基础。

    The have a solid foundation of teacher education in China .

  10. 合并型综合性大学教师教育存在的问题及对策

    The Problems and Solutions to Teacher Education in Combined Comprehensive University

  11. 综合性大学开设体育经济专业的研究

    A Study on Setting up Sports Economy Major in Comprehensive Universities

  12. 大学课程目标与内容调查报告&对三所综合性大学本科课程的调查分析

    A Survey Report on the Objectives and Contents of College Courses

  13. 艺术设计教育在综合性大学发展的空间分析

    Analysis of the Developing Space of Artistic Design Education in University

  14. 地方综合性大学建设教育特色研究

    Study on the character of the building education for local universities

  15. 地方综合性大学国际化人才培养模式探索

    Exploring the Modes of Cultivating Internationalized Talents in Local Comprehensive Universities

  16. 综合性大学医学院教学资源平台的建设与共享

    Construction of teaching resource platforms in medical school of comprehensive university

  17. 耶鲁大学是世界一流的综合性大学。

    Yale University is the 1st-class comprehensive university in the world .

  18. 本科教育在研究型综合性大学中有重要地位。

    Undergraduate education plays an important role in research-centered comprehensive university .

  19. 综合性大学医学院教学质量监控方法探讨

    Effective Supervision of Teaching Quality in Medical College with Scientific Methods

  20. 合理利用医学教育资源提升综合性大学整体实力

    Utilize the resource reasonably and promote the overall capacity of comprehensive university

  21. 综合性大学医学课程改革初探

    Thoughts on the Reform of Medical Course in Comprehensive University

  22. 地方综合性大学工程教育改革刍议

    A Discussion of Engineering Education Reform in Local Comprehensive Universities

  23. 浅谈综合性大学资料室建设的若干问题

    Some Problems in the construction of the Reference Room of Comprehensive University

  24. 师范教育是地方性综合性大学的重要基础。

    Teacher - training education is important for local universities .

  25. 综合性大学师范生职业技能训练现状调查报告&以江南大学为例

    A Report on Current Vocational Skill Training among Students in Jiangnan University

  26. 我国综合性大学教师教育培养模式及其走向

    The Teacher Education Patterns of Comprehensive Universities in China and Its Trend

  27. 综合性大学培养复合型园艺人才初探

    Preliminary Study on Cultivating Complex Type of Gardening Talent for Comprehensive Colleges

  28. 地方综合性大学教师教育专业教育学教学改革研究

    Research on Teaching Reform of Pedagogy in Local Comprehensive University

  29. 综合性大学音乐教育公共平台建设构想

    A Conception on Public Platform Construction of University Music Education

  30. 今天的哈佛大学已是一个多学科的综合性大学。

    Today 's Harvard is already a multi-disciplinary comprehensive university .