
  1. 病人的断腿用石膏绷带固定着。

    The patient 's broken leg was secured with plaster bandage .

  2. 在治疗的时候,用硬绷带固定住骨头。

    The hard bandage holds the bone in place while a heilsit heals .

  3. 对照组31例,小夹板加普通绷带固定。

    31 patients , as control group , done with small splint but only ordinary bandage .

  4. 屈肘位绷带固定治疗儿童肱骨髁上伸直型骨折疗效观察

    A therapeutic-effect observation on the treatment of children 's supracondylar extension-type fracture of the humerus by bandage fixation in elbow flexion

  5. 灯具品种、功率与设置量可依病人石膏绷带固定的种类与范围及耐受力来选择。

    Type , power and parameters of the lamp are selected according to the type and area of plaster bandage fixation and patient 's tolerance .

  6. 手术先扩大指骨髓腔,然后安插合适直径和长度的髓内钉进行固定,术后用树脂绷带固定3~4周。

    The bone marrow cavity of the phalanges were dilated , then the intramedullary nail was inserted with suitable diameter and length to fix the fracture . Postoperatively resin bandage was applied for 3 4 weeks .

  7. 对拳击、散手运动员手部的运动损伤类型进行统计分析,介绍了几种训练和比赛中预防手部运动损伤的绷带固定防护方法。

    The author carried out a statistical analysis on the types of injury of hands of boxers and free style boxers , and introduced a few methods of protection by bandage fixing to prevent the athletes from hand injury in training and competition .

  8. 结论8字树脂绷带外固定治疗锁骨骨折固定牢靠,疗效满意,是锁骨骨折治疗的理想外固定方法。

    Conclusion " 8 " resins bandage for external fixation is ideal for collarbone fracture , with assured therapeutic effect .

  9. 各类损伤治疗:清创缝合327例,牙齿及牙槽骨复位固定118例,其中钢丝结扎63例,正畸方丝弓托槽固位55例,颌骨骨折开放内固定2例,颅颌绷带弹性固定10例。

    Management including simle suture 327 cases , teeth and alveolar replant / reposition 118 case by Edgewise bracket fixation , and internal reduction .

  10. 高分子聚合物绷带在骨科患儿固定中的应用

    Application of High Polymer Bandage in Pediatric Orthopedics

  11. 采用聚氨酯绷带替代普通石膏绷带固定能有效地减少躯干石膏综合征的发生率。

    The application of polyurethane bandage instead of ordinary plaster can effectively decrease incidence of body cast syndrome .

  12. 用8字棉纱绷带、8字石膏绷带外固定有较高比率的畸形愈合,而8字树脂绷带外固定者大部分获解剖位或近解剖位愈合。

    " 8 " cotton yarn bandage and " 8 " gypsum bandage for external fixation could achieve higher percentage of malunion but " 8 " resin bandages could achieve anatomic part or proximal anatomic part healing .