
tǒnɡ jì jī ɡòu
  • statistic institution;statistic agency
  1. 这些数据是根据世界各国统计机构所收集的数据计算得出的,其发表日期比联合国(un)和世界银行(worldbank)等官方机构的对应可比数据早了几个月。

    The figures are derived from data gathered by national statistical agencies around the world and have been published several months ahead of the equivalent comparative figures that will come out from government bodies such as the UN and World Bank .

  2. CPI是国家统计机构定期生产的最重要的单项统计数据之一,其编制方法上的微小差别都可能产生严重的经济影响,遵循国际准则编制精确而具有可比性的CPI尤为重要。

    CPI may be the most important statistics of the regular single statistics production of national statistical agencies . Small differences in CPI methodology can have serious economic impact .

  3. 欧盟(EU)统计机构欧盟统计局(Eurostat)的一份报告显示,在20个欧盟成员国中,英国最低工资水平排名第三,几乎是美国联邦标准的两倍。

    It is the third highest out of 20 European Union nations and almost twice the US federal level according to a report from Eurostat , the EU 's statistical arm .

  4. 第二部分介绍了本文提倡的Hedonic方法,从Hedonic假设、函数形式、具体运用方法等几个方面比较全面地阐述了这种为许多统计机构所关注的质量调整方法。

    However , these methods face great challenge . The second part describes the Hedonic method which the author recommends strongly from following aspects : Hedonic hypothesis , function , estimation , etc.

  5. 巴西统计机构IBGE昨日表示,相对于经修订的第二季度数据,截至9月的三个月里GDP环比萎缩1.7%,逊于分析师们的预期。

    Brazil 's statistics agency , the IBGE , said yesterday that GDP in the three months to September fell 1.7 per cent against a revised second quarter , worse than analysts " expectations .

  6. 奈飞(Netflix)占据了北美约30%的家用互联网带宽。网络数据统计机构Procera估算,《纸牌屋》(HouseofCards)第二季播出的首个周末,6%-10%的奈飞用户至少观看了一集。

    Netflix NFLX - 1.00 % takes up about 30 % of home Internet bandwidth in North America , and data from Procera estimates that anywhere from 6 % to 10 % of the online streaming service 's subscribers watched at least one episode of House of Cards Season 2 in its first weekend .

  7. 环境统计机构间工作队各工业行业环境统计表

    Inter-Agency Task Force on Environment Statistics Environmental Statistics by Industry Branch

  8. 各级政府统计机构共用抽样样本问题研究

    How to Share Samples among Statistics Departments of Government at all Levels

  9. 统计机构经常修订已发布的数据。

    Statistical bodies often tweak published data .

  10. 据票房统计机构Pollstar数据,目前她在每个城市的总收入超过200万美元。

    She 's currently grossing over $ 2 million per city , according to Pollstar .

  11. 国家统计机构发布季节调整数据有助于用户准确把握数据的基本走势。

    National statistical agencies publish seasonally adjusted data to help users to grasp the basic trend .

  12. 澳门对外贸易统计机构发展回顾;

    The main contents are : ( 1 ) Review the development of Macao 's official external trade statistic department ;

  13. 中央统计机构与地方统计机构的分设,不仅是必要的,而且也是可行的。

    It proves to be necessary and practicable to set up some Central statistics organs and local statistics organs respectively .

  14. 未设统计机构者,其统计业务由各该机关会计机构兼办之。

    Any government agency which does not have a statistics institute , its statistical projects shall be handled by its accounting institute .

  15. 有关部门和单位对统计机构、统计人员反映、揭露的问题和提出的建议,应当及时处理,作出答复。

    The related departments and units must promptly deal with and reply to the problems reported or exposed by the statistical agencies and personnel .

  16. 该统计机构称,在总共112万名失业者中,拥有本科及以上学历的人占比35.8%。

    The statistics agency said unemployed people with bachelor 's degrees and above accounted for 35.8 % of the 1.12 million total jobless people .

  17. 这种方法利用各国国家统计机构采集的家庭调查数据,以期对贫困的意义进行深入洞察。

    The method draws on data from household surveys by national statistics offices to give a detailed insight into what it means to be poor .

  18. 上周日,据票房统计机构称,《猿族崛起》以5400万美元排在票房榜首位。

    According to studio estimates Sunday ," Rise of the Planet of the Apes " took in $ 54 million to open as the No.1 movie .

  19. 不设统计机构的,一般应由具备相当统计专业职务条件的人员担任统计负责人。

    In general , where there are no statistical agencies , persons qualified to take up professional statistical posts shall be put in charge of statistics .

  20. 各地方、部门、单位的领导人不得强令或者授意统计机构、计人员篡改统计资料或者编造虚假数据。

    No leading members of local authorities , departments or units may compel or prompt statistics institutions or statisticians to tamper with or fabricate statistical data .

  21. 地方各级人民政府统计机构的人员编制由国家统一规定。

    The sizes of the staff of statistics institutions of local people 's governments at various levels shall be prescribed by the State in a unified way .

  22. 研究了这一概念与国内产业界所指的IT服务、国外政府统计机构所指的计算机服务等概念之间的关系。

    Connotative of these two definitions are compared with IT Service which referred by domestic industry professionals and Computer Service which referred by foreign government statistic agencies .

  23. 欧盟统计机构欧盟统计局的一份报告显示,在20个欧盟成员国中,英国最低工资水平排名第三,几乎是美国联邦标准的两倍。

    It is the third highest out of20 European Union nations and almost twice the US federal level according to a report from Eurostat , the EUs statistical arm .

  24. 如何准确地计算价格指数成为困扰各国统计机构的一个难题,而质量调整是目前影响价格指数准确性的重要因素之一。

    It is rather a difficult issue for statistical agencies how to estimate price index accurately , while quality adjustment is one of those factors which influence the accuracy .

  25. 县级以上各级人民政府统计机构的工作人员,可持工作证依法执行统计调查任务。

    Working personnel of statistical agencies of the people 's governments of all levels at and above the county may exercise statistical investigation duties at law with their ID cards .

  26. 如同中央银行一样,重要的一点是国家统计机构在从政府那儿得到充足的资源开展它的工作的同时也应保持运作上的独立性。

    Just as with a central bank , it is important for the national statistical agency to be operationally independent , while receiving adequate resources from the government to do its job .

  27. 根据秘鲁统计机构的数据,85%的家庭至少拥有一部手机,同时该国仅有40%的人口可以上网。

    According to Peru 's statistics agency , 85 per cent of households have at least one mobile , while just 40 per cent of the country 's population uses the internet .

  28. 各地方、各部门、各单位的领导人领导和监督统计机构、统计人员和其他有关人员执行本法和统计制度。

    Leading members of local authorities , departments and units shall direct and supervise statistics institutions and statisticians and other persons concerned in enforcing this Law and the rules governing statistical work .

  29. 根据土耳其国家统计机构数据,去年土耳其经济增速不足3%,没有达到政府目标,同时邻国伊拉克和叙利亚的暴力事件也打击了投资者对该国的信心。

    The Turkish economy grew less than 3 per cent last year , according to the state statistics agency , missing government targets , while violence in neighbouring Iraq and Syria rattled confidence .

  30. 县级以上地方各级人民政府统计机构和乡、镇统计员的管理体制由国务院具体规定。

    The administrative structure with regard to statistics institutions of local people 's governments at or above the county level and statisticians of townships and towns shall be specifically prescribed by the state council .