
tǒng jué
  • apperception;aperception
统觉[tǒng jué]
  1. 目的:运用主题统觉测验(TAT)探索边缘型人格障碍(BPD)潜在的欲求-压力特点。

    Objective : To explore the potential characteristic of need-pressure system in patients with borderline personality disorder ( BPD ) with the thematic apperception test ( TAT ) .

  2. 研究工具为学生团体主题统觉测验(G-TAT),被试同研究一。

    The measuring tools were the Group Thematic apperception Test for students ( G-TAT ) .

  3. 康德先验统觉的特征与功能

    Characteristics and Functions of Kant 's " Apriority Apperception "

  4. 论主观情感与客观统觉的色彩耦合

    On the Color Integration of Subjective Emotion and Objective Apperception

  5. 学生团体主题统觉测验研究

    A study of the group Thematic Apperception Test

  6. 冯契立足于马克思主义哲学,批判地继承了康德的统觉范畴。

    Based on Marxist philosophy , FENG Qi choicely accepts Kant 's category of apprehension .

  7. 统觉理解凭借以往经验来察觉论主观情感与客观统觉的色彩耦合

    To perceive in terms of past experiences . On the Color Integration of Subjective Emotion and Objective Apperception

  8. 统觉借助以往经验来理解一事物之新发现的属性的过程。

    The process of understanding by which newly observed qualities of an object are related to past experience .

  9. 冯契是中国哲学界第一位将统觉纳入认识论范畴的哲学家,他界定了统觉的涵义,考察了统觉的来源;

    Feng Qi is the first philosopher who brings apprehension into the category of epistemology in the field of philosophy .

  10. 主题统觉测验,儿童统觉测验,老人统觉技术的临床应用。

    The Thematic Apperception Test , The Children 's Apperception Test , and The Senior Apperception Technique in Clinical Use .

  11. 中国水彩画对中国画艺术观念的借鉴论主观情感与客观统觉的色彩耦合

    Application of Artistic Spirit of Chinese Painting to Watercolor in China ; On the Color Integration of Subjective Emotion and Objective Apperception

  12. 目前对心理感受性的测量方法主要有自陈式测量、主题统觉测验和情景测验。

    At present , the main methods used to measure psychological mindedness are self-report measurement , thematic apperception test and situational test .

  13. 最狭义的知性,指先验自我意识或纯粹统觉。论主观情感与客观统觉的色彩耦合

    The understanding in the narrowest sense , referring to transcendental self-consciousness or pure apperception . On the Color Integration of Subjective Emotion and Objective Apperception

  14. 先验统觉的综合统一未加之于想象力时,想象力对时间的先验规定只是初步的和主观的,但却也是不可缺少的。

    Before transcendental apperception is added to imagination , transcendental determination of time , which is brought by imagination , is preliminary and subjective , but indispensable .

  15. 先验自我不仅吸收了我思自我的内在性取向和先验统觉的先验化取向,而且通过先验还原之后,进入到纯粹意识领域,胡塞尔认为其具有了确然明证性。

    Transcendental ego not only absorbed the internality of " thinking ego " and the apriority of " transcendental apperception ", but also got into pure consciousness by transcendental reduction .

  16. 纯粹统觉的本源的综合统一性是认识的可能性依据,也就是知识的确定性的基础,同时也是范畴的客观有效性和客观实在性的最终根据。

    The original synthetic unity of pure apperception is the basis of cognition possibility as well as knowledge certainty and the external basis of the objective validity and objective reality of the categories .

  17. 而在第二版先验演绎中,康德改变了思路,由联结问题上升到自我意识的客观统一性,从而提出先验统觉,自此牵扯出想象力的问题。

    But Kant changes his mind in his second transcendental deduce : he involves the issue of the transcendental imagination through the question about bind rise to the objective unity of self-consciousness , then refers to transcendental apperception .

  18. 康德哲学基于知识最基本单位主谓判断之主语项与谓语项如何连接起来而拓展了笛卡尔发现的我思,形成了具有统觉的本源的综合统一之机能的先验自我。

    Kant basic unit based on knowledge of subject main items that determine how the predicate term , exploring the link found in Descartes " I think ", has formed a " comprehensive source of apperception unity " of the function of the transcendental ego .

  19. 感觉和直观的这种杂多东西,由于自我把它同自己相联系,并且把它联系在一个意识(即纯粹统觉)中,于是便得到同一性或得到一个原始的综合。

    This congeries , afforded by sensation and perception , must however be reduced to an identity or primary synthesis . To accomplish this the ' I ' brings it in relation to itself and unites it there in one consciousness which Kant calls ' pure apperception ' .