
  • 网络Absolute magnitude;Absolute visual magnitude
  1. 天琴RR型变星的绝对星等与运动学参数

    Absolute Magnitude and the Kinematic Parameters of RR Lyrae Stars

  2. 造父变星周光关系的零点和天琴座RR型星的绝对星等

    The zero point of the period - luminosity relation of Cepheids and the absolute magnitude of the RR Lyrae variables

  3. 计算了共58颗红团簇巨星在I、K波段的绝对星等,讨论了它们与恒星铁丰度之间的关系。

    The absolute magnitudes in I and K bands of 58 red clump giants are computed and the relation between them and the metallicity are also showed .

  4. 由新星绝对星等MB和发射带的相对强度求得了谱带的绝对强度(表4)。

    3 ) The absolute intensities of the emission bands have been obtained from the absolute magnitude M_B and the relative intensities of the emission bands for Nova ( Table 4 ) .

  5. 天琴座RR型变星的运动及绝对星等

    Motions and absolut magnitude of RR Lyrae variables

  6. 对天琴RR型变星绝对星等与运动学参数的测定及其对确定距离、球状星四年龄估计的影响,并对它们和其他距离指示器求得的结果的比较作了评述。

    The determinations of the absolute magnitude and the kinematic parameters of RR Lyrae stars , their effects on the estimations of the distances and the ages of the globular clusters , and the comparisons between the results and ones from other indicators of distances are reviewed .

  7. 球状星团的距离测定与水平支绝对星等的估值

    The Determination of Distance of Galactic Globular Clusters and Estimation of the Absolute Magnitude of Cluster Horizontal Branch

  8. OH/IR星的绝对K星等与距离

    The Absolute K Magnitude and the Distance of OH / IR Stars

  9. 本文计算了一批OH/IR星的绝对K星等Mk,对OH/IR星的Mk和距离d作了讨论。

    The absolute K magnitudes and the distances of some OH / IR stars are calculated and discussed in this paper .

  10. Be星的绝对视星等与恒星的转动速度和红外超无关。

    There is no direct correlation between absolute visual magnitudes and the stellar rotational velocity and infrared excesses .

  11. 球状星团NGC4147的绝对自行和颜色星等图

    Absolute proper motions and colour-magnitude diagrams of the globular cluster NGC 4147