
  • 网络oral infection
  1. 经口感染弓形虫诱导小鼠黏膜免疫动物模型的建立

    Establishment of mice model that induces mucosal immunity by oral infection of Toxoplasma gondii

  2. 白纹伊蚊经口感染、刺叮传播和经卵传递登革病毒的实验研究

    Experimental study on Aedes albopictus by oral infection and biting transovarial transmission with dengue virus

  3. 经口感染弓形虫BALB/c小鼠血清及肠道分泌物中IgA抗体含量的检测

    The IgA Anti-Toxoplasma gondii Antibody Profiles in Sera and Intestinal Secretions of the Orally Infected BALB / c Mice

  4. 每头猪(40kg)经口感染6×10~5个虫卵。

    4,000 infected ova were administered into a mouse by per os , and 6 × x10 ~ 5 ova into porcine ( 40kg ) .

  5. 感染组每头水牛1次性经口感染1600个肝片吸虫囊蚴。

    Each buffalo of the infection group orally administrated once 1 600 F.

  6. 本研究用石蜡切片和免疫组织化学技术,对白纹伊蚊经口感染登革2型病毒的分布定位进行了研究。

    Dengue type 2 viruses distributions in orally infected Aedes albopictus were studied by immunohistochemical technique .

  7. 目的研究经口感染弓形虫对小鼠免疫器官的影响。

    Objective To study the effects of oral infection of Toxoplasma gondii on immune organs in mice .

  8. 以上各组小鼠经口感染保存时间和方法相同的微小隐孢子虫卵囊的剂量均为2.0×105个,感染后逐日收集鼠粪,用饱和蔗糖漂浮法分离纯化卵囊。

    On the second day after infection , fecal materials of mice were collected , from which oocysts were isolated and purified with saturated sucrose flotation technique .

  9. 弓形虫经口感染可引起肠道黏膜诱导及效应部位的免疫应答,黏膜免疫研究对于研制弓形虫口服黏膜疫苗具有重要的指导作用。

    Oral infection of Toxoplasma gondii can cause the mucosal immune response at the inductive and effector sites of the gut . Studies of mucosal immunity have a guide role for the development of the toxoplasma mucosal vaccine .

  10. 分别以刺猬和小鼠作为卫氏并殖吸虫实验动物模型,经口感染卫氏并殖吸虫囊蚴,进行宿主转换(直接转续和间接转续传播)的实验研究。

    By using Erinaceus europaeus and mice as animal models of Paragonimus experiment respectively , animal infection was performed with encysted metacercaria of Paragonimus orally in order to process the host conversion with direct and indirect paratenic transmission .

  11. 采用鸭源贝氏隐孢子虫卵囊经口感染珍珠鸡和雉鸡,感染后的4~30天和4~25天,分别在珍珠鸡和雉鸡的粪便中检出卵囊。

    Guinea fowls and pheasants that were inoculated orally with oocysts of Cryptosporidium baileyi isolated from ducks became infected , and shed oocysts in their feces on 4 to 30 and 4 to 25 days after inoculation ( DAI ) respectively .

  12. 研究者怀疑原因可能是HPV经口传播感染。

    The study authors suspect the reason may be orally transmitted HPV infections .

  13. 末次免疫后7d,每只小鼠用200条旋毛虫感染期幼虫经口攻击感染。

    Seven days after the final immunization , each mouse was orally challenged with 200 Trichinella spiralis larva .

  14. 免疫1个月后全部实验组经口攻击感染25000枚/头猪带绦虫虫卵,攻虫3个月后剖检,计算减虫率及保护率。

    Month after the first immunization , all pigs were infected by mouth with 25000 / pig worms of Taenia solium . 3 months after challenge , all pigs were dissected , and the parasite decrease rates and protection rates were calculated .

  15. 以广西地区现有的84个家蚕品种品系为材料,于2龄起蚕经口接种BmNPV,调查不同品种品系对BmN-PV经口感染的抵抗性。

    By peroral inoculation of BmNPV polyhedron suspension to the newly molted second-instar larve the resistance of 84 silkworm varieties preserved in Guangxi region to BmNPV was investigated .

  16. 比较了该重组病毒在家蚕细胞及家蚕幼虫中的增殖情况,发现它的芽生型病毒能正常感染家蚕细胞和经皮下注射的家蚕幼虫,然而其包埋型病毒不能经口感染家蚕幼虫。

    The replication of the recombinant virus in silkworm cells and larvae showed that the budded virus could infect BmN cells and injected silkworm larvae , while the per os inoculation with its occluded virus couldn ′ t infect the larvae .