
  • 网络bacterial diseases
  1. 植物的许多细菌性病害依赖于病原菌的III型效应基因和寄主的感病基因之间的互作。

    Many bacterial diseases of plants depend on the interaction of type III effector genes of the pathogen and disease-susceptibility genes of the host .

  2. 在海水鱼类养殖过程中,细菌性病害的频发是制约其发展的一个重要因素。

    Frequent outbreak of bacterial diseases is a major restraint for the development of marine aquaculture .

  3. tabaci引起的一种细菌性病害。

    Tabaci is an important bacterial disease .

  4. 苏云金杆菌aiiA基因的克隆及其表达产物抗细菌性病害研究

    Cloning of aiiA Gene from Bacillus Thuringiensis and Its Expression Product Against Plant Bacterial Disease

  5. 软腐病是大白菜生产中的细菌性病害,因其危害性也被称为大白菜三大病害之一,由胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌胡萝卜亚种(Erwiniacarotovorasubsp.carotovora)引起。

    The soft-rot disease caused by Erwinia carotovora subsp . carotovora ( Ecc ) is one of the three major diseases of Chinese cabbage .

  6. oryzicola(Xooc)引起的一种细菌性病害,是我国南方稻区的主要病害。

    Oryzicola ( Xooc ) is one of the major rice diseases in South China .

  7. 由Xanthomonasoryzaepv.oryzae(Xoo)引起的水稻白叶枯病,是一种严重的细菌性病害。

    Rice bacterial blight is one of the most important rice diseases . Rice bacterial blight was caused by the bacterial pathogen , Xanthomonas oryzae pv . oryzae ( Xoo ) .

  8. 柑橘溃疡病菌(Xanthomonascitrisubsp.citri,Xcc)引起的柑橘溃疡病是目前柑橘上最重要的细菌性病害之一,病害发生时树势衰弱且果实品质受到严重影响,极大地威胁着世界柑橘产业的发展。

    Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp . citri ( Xcc ) is one of the most bacterial disease of citrus and vastly threatens to the citrus industry worldwide through weaken the plant growing and influence the quality of fruit .

  9. 云南烟草上1种新的细菌性病害病原鉴定

    Identification of a new bacterial disease of tobacco in Yunnan Province

  10. 白叶枯病是水稻生产上危害最大的细菌性病害之一。

    Rice bacterial blight is a major bacterial disease in rice production .

  11. 细菌性病害1种;

    Was caused by bacteria : Erwinia carotovora ;

  12. 两种谷子细菌性病害的鉴定

    Identification of two kinds of Millet leave diseases

  13. 一串红的一种细菌性病害的研究

    Studies on a Bacterial Disease of Scarlet Sage

  14. 江苏省新洋、大中等农场出现的水稻黑米是一种细菌性病害,与日本报道的水稻粒黑腐病相似。

    The black grains of rice was caused by the bacterial disease that was similar to the black rot of rice grains in symptoms .

  15. 目前,使用抗生素是抑制海参细菌性病害的有效方法,但是抗生素药物的大量使用带来的不良影响日益严重。

    At present , the use of antibiotics is an effective method of inhibition of bacterial diseases of the sea cucumber , antibiotics , heavy use of the adverse effects of very serious .

  16. 马铃薯软腐病是马铃薯细菌性病害中最严重的一种,简要介绍了我国马铃薯软腐病的病原菌、病害性状以及对病害的防治方法。

    Soft rot is one of the most serious bacterial disease of potato . This paper briefly introduce the bacterial pathogens , symptoms of disease and the methods for controlling potato soft rot in China .

  17. 近年来,随着海参养殖规模不断扩大,养殖海参的细菌性病害已成为海参养殖业面临的最为突出和亟待解决的问题。

    In recent years , with the sea cucumber aquaculture have been expanding , bacterial diseases of farmed sea cucumber has become a sea cucumber aquaculture industry is facing the most prominent and urgent the problem .

  18. 研究结果表明,中草药对红掌细菌性病害具有明显防治效果,其中黄芩和黄连防治效果和杀菌效果较好,并具有明显抑菌功效。

    The study indicates that Chinese Medicinal Herbs have certainly effect on the Prevention and Cure of Anthurium Bacterial Blight Disease . Among them Coptis chinensis and Scutellaria baicalensis have the best effect of preventing diseases and killing bacteria .

  19. 近几年,在我国玉米产区普遍发生一种类似玉米纹枯病、褐斑病和细菌性病害的新病害,因其发生部位主要在玉米叶鞘,故将其命名为玉米鞘腐病。

    In recent years , a new disease which was similar to maize sheath blight , corn brown spot and bacterial diseases has been widespreaded in corn-planting regions of China . The new disease was named corn sheath rot according to it mainly occurred on the leaf sheath of maize .

  20. 宁波市青花菜常见的病害有菌核病、霜霉病、生理性空茎和一种由假单胞菌引起的细菌性新病害。

    In Ningbo , broccoli has three common diseases : sclerotinia rot 、 downy mildew 、 hollow stem and one new germ disease caused by Pseudomonas .

  21. 山东省已调查的16个市(县)均有桑树细菌性疫病发生,病害主要有黑枯、枝裂、缩叶和叶斑4种症状。

    Mulberry bacterial blight was confirmed to occur in investigated 16 counties and cities in Shandong Province . There were mainly four symptoms of the disease , including black top , splitted stem , shrinked leaf and leaf spot .

  22. 植物病原细菌的细菌素与细菌性病害的防冶

    Bacteriocin of phytopathogenic bacteria and bacterial diseases control