
zhì bìnɡ wēi shēnɡ wù
  • pathogenic microorganism
  1. 多重PCR技术可以实现在一个反应管中同时对多种致病微生物的检测,具有高效、低成本、高灵敏度等优点。

    Multiplex PCR technology can achieve in detecting a variety of pathogenic microorganism in a tube , with the advantage of high efficiency , low cost and high sensitivity .

  2. 溶血素(hemolysin)是一种细胞膜损伤毒素,存在于多种致病微生物中。

    Hemolysin is the cytotoxin which can damage the cell membrane , it exists in many pathogenic microorganism .

  3. 研究结果还显示,近半数英国人承认从未清洗过地毯,使之成为致病微生物的理想滋生地。

    Their findings also showed that almost half of Brits have admitted to never cleaning their carpets , making them an ideal breeding ground for colonies of disease-causing microbes .

  4. 婴幼儿食品中几种致病微生物的LAMP技术构建及初步应用研究

    Establishment and Application of LAMP Detection of Several Pathogenic Microorganisms in Infant Food

  5. DNA疫苗是由遗传物质的环组成,其中插入了来自致病微生物的基因。

    DNA vaccines are made up of rings of genetic material into which genes from the disease-causing microbe are inserted .

  6. 176例ICU重症感染患者致病微生物临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Characteristics of Bacteria Isolated From 176 Patients With Severity Infection in ICU

  7. 结论:MP是儿童肺炎的主要致病微生物之一,且发病年龄明显前移。

    Conclusion MP was one of the main microbial pathogens causing children pneumonia , and children infected with MP were getting younger than before .

  8. PCR能够快速检测食品中存在的致病微生物,是一种有效的快速检测手段。探针原位杂交技术可以有效的检测和快速分离食品中存在的致病微生物。

    Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) is an effective detection technology , which can be used to quickly detect pathogenic microorganisms . Probe in situ hybridization is a valid approach as well .

  9. 目的分析ICU病房重症感染患者致病微生物临床特点,探讨其致病微生物的新特点及其治疗途径。

    Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of bacteria isolated from 176 cases in ICU , and to discuss the new treatment for the patients in ICU .

  10. Aa、Pg、Pi、Tf和Td五种微生物在总菌中所占的构成比不大,提示可能尚存在其他的优势致病微生物参与逆行性牙髓炎的发生发展过程。

    Moreover , the proportion of the five microorganisms in the total bacteria is small , so there may be still other pathogenic microorganisms involved in the occurrence and development process of retrograde pulpitis .

  11. 同时对VAP患儿的呼吸道分泌物培养及药敏试验结果进行总结,分析其致病微生物及耐药情况。

    At the same time , we analyzed the results of tracheal aspirates cultures and drug sensitivity test in VAP neonates to determine pathogenic microorganism and the severity of drug fast .

  12. 在痤疮的众多致病微生物因素中,其虽不是主要致病菌,但已有报道表明,在炎症性及激素性痤疮的皮损内存在大量的M.furfur。

    Although M.furfur is not the main pathogen of acne among the numerous ones , it is reported that there are many M.furfur in the inflamed and hormonal acne .

  13. 能够消灭致病微生物或者抑制其生长。

    Capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms .

  14. 蛋白酶一直被认为是致病微生物的重要毒力因子。

    Protease has been considered an important virulence factor for pathogens .

  15. 本批禽肉经检验未发现致病微生物。

    The poultry meat was tested to be free from pathogen .

  16. 乌梢蛇的寄生虫和致病微生物研究

    Studies on Parasite and Pathogenic Microbe in Black Phoenix Snake

  17. 干腌火腿中致病微生物和寄生虫的研究进展

    Progresses in the Research of Pathogenic Microorganisms and Parasites in Dry-cured Ham

  18. 非致病微生物在植物-病原菌协同进化中的作用

    The Role of Non - pathogenic Microorganisms in Plant-pathogen Coevolution

  19. 没有致病微生物或想方设法使之没有致病微生物的。

    Free of or using methods to keep free of pathological microorganisms .

  20. 建筑小区内致病微生物暴露风险评价

    Evaluation of Pathogenic Microorganisms Exposure Risk in A Building Group

  21. 量子点在食源性致病微生物检测中的应用

    Application of quantum dots on the detection of foodborne pathogen

  22. 牙周可疑致病微生物与牙周脓肿发病相关性分析

    Analysis of relationship between periodontal abscess and suspected pathogens

  23. 基因芯片技术检测3种食源性致病微生物方法的建立

    Detection of Three Foodborne Pathogenic Microorganisms by DNA Microarray

  24. 水产品中致病微生物的快速检测方法

    Rapid Detection Methods of Pathogenic Microorganism from Aquatic Foods

  25. 辐照对冷却鸡肉中致病微生物的杀灭及贮藏特性的影响

    Effects of Irradiation on Pathogenic Bacterial Inactivation in Refrigerated Chicken and Its Storage

  26. 致病微生物与干腌火腿的安全性

    Pathogenic Microorganisms and Safety of Dry - cured Ham

  27. 环境致病微生物现代生物检测技术

    Modern biological detection technologies for environmental pathogenic microorganism

  28. 健康儿童鼻咽部常见致病微生物携带状况及临床意义

    Nasopharyngeal carriage status of common pathogenic microorganisms in healthy children and its clinical significance

  29. 某些重要人类致病微生物分子进化的研究

    Molecular Evolution of Some Important Human Pathogenic Microorganisms

  30. 胖袋腌萝卜干中致病微生物鉴定及防腐研究

    Studies on the Identification and Preservation of the Pathogenic Microorganism in Swelling Pickle Radish