
  1. SDS-PAGE法分析细菌外膜蛋白。

    Analysis of outer membrane proteins was made by SDS-PAGE .

  2. 背景:内毒素又称脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS),是革兰阴性细菌外膜的主要成分。

    Background : Endotoxin also named lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ), which is the adventitial essential component of Gram negative bacteria .

  3. 脂多糖(LPS)是革兰氏阴性细菌外膜的主要组成部分。它能通过对抗抗菌剂来保护细菌的细胞壁。

    Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) is the major component of the outer membranes of the walls of gram negative bacteria that protects bacterial cells against antibacterial agents .

  4. 利用大肠杆菌素释放基因(kil)能有效地增加细菌外膜通透性促进周质蛋白外泌的原理构建了含kil基因的大肠杆菌外泌表达系统。

    An expression release system for heterogeneous proteins in Escherichia coli mediated by the colicin release gene ( kil gene ) was constructed .

  5. 结论:BPI功能区片段具有杀菌能力,其杀菌活性可能是通过与细菌外膜结合而发挥作用。

    Conclusion : The bactericidal capability of BPI functional fragment is quite similar to that of BPI and it is possible that BPI fragment exercises its killing effect on bacteria through its contact with the bacterial outer membrane .

  6. 细菌外膜蛋白和脂多糖在蟹类健康养殖中的应用

    The Application of Out Membrance Protein and Lipopolysaccharide from Bacteria to the Healthy Culture of Crab

  7. 溶菌酶对照实验进一步证明了细菌外膜结构被银纳米颗粒破坏。

    The outer membrane was damaged by silver nanoparticles , which was further confirmed by a control experiment of lysozyme treatment .

  8. 她一向依靠媚兰,哪怕就在她依靠自己的时候,但是以前并没认识到。依据细菌外膜的类型,细菌可被分为革兰阴性与革兰阳性菌。

    She had relied on Melanie , even as she had relied upon herself , and she had never known it . Depending on their type of outer membrane , bacteria can be considered either gram-negative or gram-positive .

  9. 在产ESBLs的情况下,细菌的外膜蛋白表达变化不是引起KPn对喹诺酮类耐药的主要原因。

    In the case of producing ESBLs , OMP expression change was not the main resistant mechanism to quinolones . 5 .

  10. 内毒素(endotoxin)是存在于革兰氏阴性细菌胞壁外膜中的一种生物活性成分,在革兰氏阴性细菌感染的发病机制中起十分重要的作用,其主要毒性成分是脂多糖(lipopolysaccharideLPS)。

    However , the relationship between endotoxemia and unpaired adaptive immunity is still in the dark . Lipopolysaccharide ( LPS ) is a toxic part of endotoxin which is a component of Gram negative bacterial cell wall .

  11. 孔蛋白是一种跨膜蛋白,主要存在于细菌质膜的外膜、线粒体和叶绿体的外膜上。

    Porin is a transmembrane protein found in the outer membrane of mitochondria as well as in the outer membrane of gram positive bacteria .

  12. putida5-x细胞外膜中的磷脂含量明显比其它报道的革兰氏阴性细菌的细胞外膜高,这可能是P.putida5-x细胞外膜具有较高Cu2+吸附容量的主要原因,并由此导致P。

    The relatively high phospholipid content in the outer wall might result in its higher adsorption capacity to Cu ~ ( 2 + ), and leads to a higher adsorption capacity of the cell envelope of P.putida 5-x.

  13. 细菌对诺氟沙星耐药性的形成可能与细菌外膜通透性改变从而减少抗生素的摄入以及产生灭活酶或钝化酶修饰抗生素有关.本研究为进一步揭示嗜水气单胞菌外膜蛋白与耐药性相关性提供了理论依据。

    The change of outer membrane permeability and the generation of inactive enzyme or modifying enzyme might be the reason that bacteria have the resistance to norfloxacin . The research was aim to know more about the correlation between A. hydrophila outer membrane protein and the resistance .

  14. 细菌内毒素(LPS)不仅是革兰阴性(G-)细菌细胞壁外膜的主要结构成分,而且是G-细菌感染的主要致病因子,与人类健康和疾病密切相关。

    Bacterial endotoxins ( LPS ) are not only the major constituents of the outer membrane of Gram-negative ( G - ) bacteria , but also the toxic determinants for G - infection , which is closely related to human health and the development of diseases .