
  • 网络histology and embryology;Histoembryology;Histo-embryology
  1. 《鱼类组织胚胎学》课程教学的几点体会

    Some Experience on " Fish Histology and Embryology " Teaching

  2. 医学生开展组织胚胎学论坛活动的实践与体会动物组织学与胚胎学CAI课件的制作

    The practice and significance of the " Forum of the Histology and Embryology " to the medical students Development of CAI courseware for " animal histology and embryology "

  3. SCI人体解剖学及组织胚胎学源期刊

    Journals about anatomy and histoembryology collected by SCI

  4. 以ASP、PowerBuilder为开发工具,设计组织胚胎学网上读片考试软件系统。

    With ASP Powerbuilder as the developing tools , an on-line reading teat software of histoembryology has been designed .

  5. 为探讨MEE细胞与腭裂发生的关系,对184例NIH胎鼠腭器官发生期不同阶段的头颅标本进行了组织胚胎学研究。

    Craniofacial specimen of NIH mouse palatal organs in different fetal stages had been studied embryologically for exploring relationship between medial edge epithelium cells and palatal cleft formation .

  6. 组织胚胎学试卷分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of the Test Paper for Histology and Embryology

  7. 留学生解剖学与组织胚胎学全英文教学体会

    Teaching Experience of Anatomy , Histology and Embryology for Foreign Students

  8. 《动物组织胚胎学》教学实践的探索

    Exploration on Teaching Practice of " Animal Tissues Embryology "

  9. 《家畜解剖学及组织胚胎学》教学软件的研制与应用体会

    Development of Educational Software for Animal Anatomy , Histology and Embryology and Its Application

  10. 对八年制医学生组织胚胎学教学内容改革的思考

    Consideration on reform for histological and embryological teaching contents on eight-year program medical students

  11. 教材质量分析与评价&《人体解剖学与组织胚胎学》教材综合评估

    Analysis and Evaluation of Teaching Material Quality

  12. 浅谈《组织胚胎学》的理论与实践教学

    On theories and practical teaching of histoembryology

  13. 高职高专学校人体解剖与组织胚胎学教学改革与实践

    Anatomy , Histology and Embryology Educational Reform Exploration and Practice in Higher Technical and Vocational

  14. 目的探讨《组织胚胎学》教学行之有效的教学模式。

    Objective To explore an effective mode in histology and embryology teaching ( HET ) .

  15. 组织胚胎学多媒体教学的应用

    Multi-media teaching in histology and embryology

  16. 实验教学是家畜解剖与组织胚胎学课程中一个十分重要的组成部分。

    Experimental teaching is an important part in the anatomy and histology and embryology of domestic animal .

  17. 浅谈组织胚胎学教学方法

    Teaching Approach to Tissue Embryology

  18. 实验在福建医科大学解剖学与组织胚胎学实验室完成。

    The experiment was completed in Anatomic and Histological & Embryological Teaching Sections of Fujian Medical University .

  19. 结果组织胚胎学应用多媒体教学具有无可比拟的优点,但也有其不足。

    Results : The multi-media teaching is the very sultable means in histology and embryology , although it has its shortage .

  20. 前言:目的探讨多媒体教学在组织胚胎学中的作用。

    Objective : To study the role of multi-media teaching in histology and embryology and improve the teaching quality of histology and embryology .

  21. 方法分析组织胚胎学的特点,多媒体教学的优点和不足。

    Methods : Analysing the characteristic of the histology and embryology , the good quality and deficiency of multi-media teaching are also expounded .

  22. 他在一门叫做《动物解剖与组织胚胎学》的动物解剖学课上拍下了这张图,该课程是由黄超老师讲授,有180名学生参与课程。

    He took the picture during an animal anatomy course called " Zootomy and Histoembryology , " a course of 180 students lectured by Huang Chao .

  23. 本文就留学生解剖学组织胚胎学教学方法和经验作了介绍,以求切磋技艺,共同提高。

    The methods and experiences of anatomy , histology and embryology teaching in English for foreign students are discussed in this article to exchange experiences with each other and progress together .

  24. 细胞的结构与功能是畜牧兽医专业的基础课组织胚胎学中的一个章节,我们结合本学校专业特性和教学需要,自行开发制作了这个教学软件。

    The cell 's structure and functions is one of chapters of the embryology , Which is a basic lesson of the farming and vet speciality Combining the professional characteristics with teaching needs , we develop this courseware .

  25. 1998年,江苏省中等卫生学校进行了教材改革,将原来的《解剖学与组织胚胎学》、《生理学》及《生物化学》合并为一门《正常人体学》。

    In 1998 , textbooks reform was taken place among Health Schools in Jiangsu Province , through which " Anatomy , Histology and Embryology "," Physiology " as well as " Biochemistry " were merged into " Normal Human Anatomy " .

  26. 材料:实验于2004-10/2005-10在吉林大学基础医学院组织与胚胎学教研室完成。选取清洁级孕12~14d的Wistar大鼠1只,将分离出的羊膜上皮细胞用于实验。

    MATERIALS : This experiment was conducted at the Department of Histology & Embryology , School of Basic Medical Science , Jilin University from October 2004 to October 2005 . The rat amniotic epithelial tissue was mechanically peeled from an embryonic 12 to 14 days Wistar rats .

  27. 方法:实验于2004-12/2005-07在哈尔滨医科大学病理生理学实验室和组织与胚胎学实验室完成。实验选用Wistar大鼠,雌雄不限,体质量100~120g。

    METHODS : This experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Pathopsychology and Laboratory of Histology and Embryology , Harbin Medical University from December 2004 to July 2005 . Wistar rats of either gender , with body mass of 100 to 120 g , were used in this experiment .

  28. 单位:吉林大学基础医学院组织与胚胎学教研室。

    SETTING : Department of Histology and Embryology , School of Basic Medical Science , Jilin University .

  29. 动物组织学与胚胎学CAI课件的制作

    Development of CAI courseware for " animal histology and embryology "

  30. 组织学与胚胎学PBL教学对学生创新能力的培养

    Teaching brings forth cultivation of innovation ability in the PBL platform of histology and Embryology