
  • 网络LFSR;LFSRs;LSFR;Linear Feedback Shift Register,LFSR
  1. 通过改变线性反馈移位寄存器的结构滤掉无效的测试矢量从而实现低功耗测试。

    For low power consumption during test mode , the proposed approach ignores the non detecting vectors by altering the structure of LFSR .

  2. 初步的实验结果表明,从8至24级的线性反馈移位寄存器都可以由1至7级的线性反馈移位寄存器链接构成。

    Results from initial experiments show that an 8 ~ 24 degree LFSR can be formed by linking 1 ~ 7 degree LFSR ' s.

  3. 适用于三值线性反馈移位寄存器的CMOS触发器

    CMOS Flip-flop Suitable to Ternary Linear Feedback Shift Register

  4. 基于线性反馈移位寄存器和CSA算法的CA系统加扰模块设计

    A Design of Scrambling Module in CA System Based on LFSR and CSA Algorithm

  5. 提出了一种由同一n级线性反馈移位寄存器的φ(2~n-1)/n种不同m序列构造一个非线性序列的新方法,可增加序列的线性复杂度。

    This article presents a new method to generate a class of nonlinear sequences based on φ( 2n-1 ) / n different m - sequences the number stage of which is n , this can increase the complexity of the sequences .

  6. 为了省免多值线性反馈移位寄存器中存在的常量乘运算电路,本文以三值逻辑为例,提出了具有Q-2Q双轨输出的三值CMOS触发器的设计。

    In order to save the constant multiplier embodied in multiple-valued linear feedback shift register , this paper proposes a CMOS ternary flip-flop with Q-2Q dual-rail outputs .

  7. 在LFSR通用FIFO的设计中,因为线性反馈移位寄存器自身固有的记忆能力,作者将LFSR运用到FIFO的具体设计中,得到LFSR通用FIFO具有更少的逻辑单元,更快的寻址速度;

    Because LFSRs inherently remember their previous value , the design of the LFSR generic FIFO memory takes advantage of much less logic cells to complete addressing read and write addresses at a faster speed .

  8. 提出了一种用于SOC测试的二维测试数据压缩方案先利用线性反馈移位寄存器重复播种技术,对带有无关位的测试向量进行压缩,并获得种子差分序列;

    A two-dimensional test data compression scheme for System-On-a-Chip ( SOC ) is proposed . By utilizing the technique of LFSR reseeding , the test patterns with unspecified bits are first compressed , and then the seed difference sequences obtained are further compressed with Golomb codes .

  9. 这种新技术首先使用一个小的线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR),生成伪随机测试模式测试容易测试的故障,并且获得一个硬故障测试立方集T;

    Firstly , this new technique uses a small LFSR to generate pseudo random patterns to eliminate the easy to detect faults and obtain a set T of hard fault test cubes .

  10. HM-hash以并行线性反馈移位寄存器作为基本电路,采用并行压缩方式计算哈希值,利用压缩过程的信息损失而带来的单向性提供哈希函数的安全性。

    Taking parallel LFSR as the basic component HM-hash provides the security of hash function using one-wayness brought by the information loss in the process of compression .

  11. 将钟控生成器与自缩减生成器组合构成了一种新型的伪随机序列生成器&自缩控生成器,仅由一个三元的线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)构成。

    Based on a single ternary linear feedback shift register ( LFSR ) which is a combined model of the clock-controlled generator and the self-shrinking generator , a construction of a pseudo-random generator , called a self-editing generator is presented .

  12. 首先通过组合枚举方法寻找伪随机扰码序列的反馈多项式,然后利用基于卷积码的快速相关攻击方法对线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)的初态进行盲恢复。

    This paper presents how to search the LFSR ( the linear Feedback Shift Register ) feedback polynomials through combination and enumeration , and how to blindly restore the initial states of LFSR through fast correlation attack based on convolutional codes .

  13. 本文从线性反馈移位寄存器(LFSR)工作机制入手,分析反馈函数和移位操作运算对输出序列的影响,从中总结出一套分析移位寄存器尤其是基于LFSR设计的伪随机数发生器的方法。

    This article analyzed feedback function and shift operation 's influence on output serial , beginning with the discussion of Linear Feedback Shift Register ( LFSR ) . And summarized one way of analyzing shift register , especially pseudo random number generator based on LFSR .

  14. 线性反馈移位寄存器的改进算法及其电路实现

    Improved Algorithm of Linear Feedback Shift Register and Its Circuit Implementation

  15. 基于m序列的可重构线性反馈移位寄存器研究

    Reconfigurable Linear Feedback Shift Register Research Based on m Sequence

  16. 高速线性反馈移位寄存器的实现

    A Novel Implementation of High-Speed Linear Feedback Shift Register

  17. 线性反馈移位寄存器的差分能量攻击

    Differential Power Attack on Liner Feedback Shift Register

  18. 试验结果表明,这个所建议的方案与先前所公布的基于线性反馈移位寄存器和约翰逊计数器的重新播种方法相比,具有非常出色的结果。

    Experimental results show that the proposed scheme outperforms previously published approaches based on the reseeding of LFSRs or Johnson counters .

  19. 首先根据线性反馈移位寄存器的性质,设计了一种水印信息模型;

    Through analyzing text coding and the property of LSFR , a novel digital text watermarking algorithm based on LSFR is proposed .

  20. 具体完成了小波变换融入、分离数字印签的算法;基于复合离散混沌动力系统的序列密码加密、解密算法;改进线性反馈移位寄存器;补充并纠正了一些算法证明。

    They are wavelet transformation fusing and getting rid of digital seal , encryption and decryption algorithms based on composite nonlinear discrete chaotic dynamical systems , improvement on LFSR .

  21. 代数攻击被成功地应用于一些基于线性反馈移位寄存器的流密码系统中,对流密码体制产生了巨大的影响。

    Algebraic attack has successfully applied to the system of stream ciphers based on linear feedback shift registers , which has made great effect on the system of stream ciphers .

  22. 改进的算法克服了传统线性反馈移位寄存器产生随机数的速度受字长制约的限制,其电路结构能够快速地产生任意字长的伪随机序列。

    The new algorithm overcomes the shortcoming of synthesizing speed of random numbers depending of its length , so the improved LFSR can generate pseudo random sequences with arbitrary length rapidly .

  23. 且在考虑选择复合离散混沌动力系统中子系统的混沌性时,忽略了线性反馈移位寄存器的长周期性,其理论证明也存在缺陷和错误,很有必要做一些改进。

    And when selecting sub-system of chaotic systems , they ignored the long periodicity of linear feedback shift register ( LFSR ) and there is theoretical error and bug in their testify .

  24. 本文研究了对基于除法电路设计的线性反馈移位寄存器前馈模型以及对基于线性递归变换设计的推广的前馈模型的逆推攻击问题,并据此提出抗逆推攻击的设计策略。

    The research is focused on inversion attack on feedforward model of a linear feedback shift register with division circuit and generalized feedforward model founded on linear recursion sequence , so that advice on being resistant to inversion attack is presented .