
  • 网络signature;feature code;pattern
  1. 区别于采用使用规则和事先定义特征码方法的大多数IDS,流量包可以分析攻击模式。

    Instead of using rules or predefined signatures as most IDS , packet flows are mapped into attack patterns .

  2. 经过实验表明,系统能够准确的识别和控制P2P流量,并且能够正确及时的提取P2P应用流量的特征码。

    Experimental results show that the system can accurately identify and control P2P traffic , and can extract the P2P traffic signatures correctly and timely .

  3. 基于TRAPSERVER变形病毒特征码的分析与定位技术

    Location and Technical ANALYSIS of Varietal Worm and Virus Signatures Based on Trap Server

  4. Self集中的特征码包含了用户的操作、操作对象和操作参数。

    The character code in the Self set includes the user 's operation , the object and parameter of the operation .

  5. 目前,对P2P应用流量的识别与检测已形成了成熟产品的技术主要是基于深层数据包特征码匹配。

    At present , commercial products for identifying P2P traffic are mainly based on application-layer signature matching .

  6. 深度包检测的方法对流量精确识别,支持向量机的识别方法及时发现新出现的P2P流量,并自动提取流量特征码供深度包检测使用。

    DPI has accurate identification , while SVM methods can detect new P2P traffic and extract the packet signature for deep packet inspection .

  7. 改变窗口宽度,重复以上过程,并把出现频率及长度均满足预定条件的子序列作为P2P应用的特征码。

    Change the window width and repeat the process , then the sub-sequence , which frequence and length are both over the thresholds , is chosen as P2P application signature .

  8. 例如,流量统计的方法。分析得出基于特征码的病毒检测方法是检测P2P网络中传播的病毒的有效方法。

    Some traditional methods , Flow Statistics for example , do not suit for P2P and analysis derived that signature-based virus detection method is an effective way to detect virus in P2P networks .

  9. 该方法是用自由手写体数字的外接同心圆来抽取其贯穿特征码,将获得的模式特征训练改进的BP神经网络分类器,从而达到快速分类的目的。

    The method is extracting the cross feature codes of addendum concentric circles of unconstrained handwritten numerals , using the obtained cross feature codes to train the back propagation neural network classifier , and then recognizing these characters .

  10. 为了解决系统中的文件冗余、副本管理、传输校验等问题,采用了MDS信息摘要算法来对文件建立特征码,以特征码为系统中文件管理的主要依据。

    To manage the redundancy files and provide a way to verify transferred files , DFTP use a Message-Digest Algorithm 5 to assign characteristic code to files .

  11. 采用I帧分块能量关系、GOP结构信息、帧结构信息等构造特征码。

    It adopted the energy relationship between block of I frames , GOP structure information and frame structural information to structure signature .

  12. 最后在特征码提取上提出了一种迭代LCS算法,并通过实验验证了此算法的有效性。

    Finally , the process of signatures extraction presented an iterative LCS algorithm , and verified the validity of the algorithm by experiment .

  13. 在基于统计的特征码自动提取算法中,包含位置信息的数据分片很好地保留了数据包负载位置信息特征,通过高效的HASH算法,实现了大流量环境下的实时特征码提取。

    In the statistics-based automatic feature extraction algorithm , the fragment contained location information of the data well preserved the packet location information of the load characteristics , through the efficient HASH algorithm to achieve a real-time extraction of large flow environment .

  14. 对人工免疫系统中SELF集的构造和特征码的选取、演化进行了分析,以网络入侵检测的AIS为例,对特征码的表现型和基因型做了详细描述。

    The thesis analyses the construction of SELF set and the principle of the choosing of character code as well as its evolution . Using a model for network intrusion detection , it describees how to express the phenotype and genotype of a character code .

  15. 针对传统的基于特征码的病毒过滤算法在实际运行中存在的效率问题,提出了一种基于矩阵型布鲁姆过滤器(MBF)的病毒过滤算法。

    Concerning the inefficient problem of traditional signature-based virus filtering algorithm in practice , a novel virus filtering algorithm based on Matrix Bloom Filter ( MBF ) was proposed .

  16. 将虹膜纹理分成8个分析带,每个分析带只采用一个合适尺度的小波滤波,然后将滤波结果量化,产生256byte的虹膜特征码,最后利用Hamming距离进行模式匹配。

    The iris image texture is divided into eight bands with an appropriate scale wavelet used to filter each band for quantization to 256 byte iris feature codes . Then the Hamming distance is used to match two iris codes .

  17. 构建了协议特征码库,用于完成应用协议的识别,在此基础上提出了一种改进的BD多模式匹配协议识别算法。解决了网络监听中的数据捕获和协议分析等关键问题。

    Build a signature database to complete the identification of application protocol , and proposed an improved protocol identification BD multi-pattern matching algorithm at the same time , which Solved the network monitoring data capture and protocol analysis and other key issues . 4 .

  18. 该模型中,我们把依照01、WB和SO特征码设计的不同分类器进行集成,综合模式多种全局和局部特征,从汉字的多个结构层进行识别。初步实验结果为,识别率98.6%。

    By integrating three independent classification algorithms based on 01 code , WB code and SO code , combining various features into classifiers and recognizing HanZi on pattern different structure layer , our system comes at a correct recognition rate of 98.6 per cent .

  19. 利用Android智能移动终端的特点,本文在认证协议中加入了地理信息验证机制,在密码生成算法中加入硬件特征码IMEI做为输入参数之一,并实现客户端PIN码双因素认证。

    Based on the features of Android smart mobile terminals , this article add geographic information authentication mechanism in the program , add the hardware feature code IMEI number as the one of the parameters in the password generation algorithm , and realize the PIN two-factor authentication in client .

  20. 多载波码分多址系统联合特征码与子信道动态分配

    Joint Spreading Sequence and Subchannel Dynamic Allocation in Multicarrier CDMA System

  21. 流媒体特征码资源版权保护技术;

    The technology of digital rights management for streaming media ;

  22. 传统的反病毒软件使用的是基于特征码的静态扫描技术,即在文件中寻找特定十六进制串,如果找到,就可判定文件感染了某种病毒。

    Traditional-antivirus software exert static - scan technic based on characteristic codc .

  23. 这也是对蠕虫特征码自动提取技术的有益尝试。

    This work is an initial attempt for worm signature generation technology .

  24. 然后根据特征码来对僵尸病毒进行捕获与处理。

    And then , we can deal with the virus by the code .

  25. 浅谈木马文件特征码的定位

    On the Location of Character Code of Trojan

  26. 然后,视每一类为一种多态蠕虫,对其提取特征码。

    Then , deal with each group as a polymorphic worm and extract signature .

  27. 基于特征码的网页去重

    Duplicated Webpages Deletion Based on Feature Code

  28. 基于主动防御模式下蠕虫病毒特征码的提取模型及算法设计

    On active defense mode based extraction model of worm signature code and its algorithm designing

  29. 传统方式通过对木马特征码查杀木马,必然滞后于木马出现。

    Traditional methods using signatures to detect and remove the Trojans definitely lag behind Trojans appear .

  30. 图像数据压缩的特征码方法

    Characteristic Code Dictionary for Data Compression