
zòng liáng
  • Longitudinal beam;stringer;longeron;spar;waybeam
纵梁 [zòng liáng]
  • (1) [stringer] 各种建筑结构中的纵材

  • (2) 从铁路桥梁的一排架伸到另一排架并支承轨道的纵梁

  • (3) 在铁路轨道横枕上的纵向轨枕

  • (4) 造船中用作加固构件的纵梁、木板或横木

纵梁[zòng liáng]
  1. 以某货车纵梁应用CAE软件KMAS进行产品设计及工艺优化为例,提出了在进行车身件产品设计及模具设计中如何在最短时间得到最优化的工艺方案的方式和实施过程。

    A truck longeron production design and technic optimize are accomplished by CAE software KMAS , an operate method which can get optimization result is put forward in automotive body panels and die design .

  2. 纵梁弯曲模及取料机构

    Longeron Bending Mould and Blank Take - out Mechanism

  3. Hough变换在汽车纵梁漏孔检测中的应用

    Application of Hough Transform in Detecting Hole on Auto Carling

  4. 论述了汽车纵梁模具多品种、批量生产的CAPP技术方法;

    This article introduces CAPP design method of designing and manufacture of auto girder die of many kinds for batch production .

  5. 最后,建立车架结构简单的梁单元优化模型,以车架纵梁截面尺寸作为设计变量,以车架总体积为设计目标,运用ANSYS优化模块对车架结构的轻量化设计进行初步的探讨。

    Finally , it makes a preliminary discussion for the light-weight of frame structure by setting up a unit model with a simple structure and using ANSYS optimized model .

  6. c、纵梁上、下两部分变形不同,该差异同荷载作用位置无关,边节点处上梁受边界效应影响幅度大于下梁;

    C. the distortion of upper and lower parts of longitudinal beam is different , and the difference is related to the position of load , the infection range of upper parts affect by border effect is bigger than lower parts at the border node ;

  7. 对于新型GFRP组合桥梁,通过考虑GFRP桥面板与工字型钢纵梁组合共同受力,分析了跨长、纵梁间距、主梁尺寸及横撑刚度等各参数对桥梁横向荷载分布系数的影响。

    Based on an analysis of the mutual action of GFRP deck and I-shaped longitudinal steel beam , different parameters of the influence on transversal live-load distribution factor are analyzed .

  8. NKR组合式纵梁复合模设计

    Design of Compound Die for NKR Assembled Carling

  9. 传统汽车纵梁漏孔检测主要以人工方式进行:检测工人把纵梁和标准纵梁AutoCAD图纸进行比对来检测是否有漏孔、用千分尺等工具手动测量孔心位置是否合乎要求。

    The traditional detecting missing holes on Auto-Carling is carried on through a artificial way . Mainly , the workers detect the missing holes through compared Auto-Carling with the standard AutoCAD blueprint and use micrometer calipers to measure the positions of holes .

  10. 轿车前纵梁KUCA机器人焊接工艺

    KUCA robot welding technology for beam of car

  11. 依据损伤等效的原则,建立了多工况综合功率谱数学模型,并利用该方法对IFA&W50L卡车的纵梁进行了疲劳寿命估算,运用MonteCarlo模拟和传统的寿命估算方法验证了谱综合的有效性。

    Under multiple road conditions is established . This method has been used to predict the fatigue life of the IFA & W50L truck longitudinal beam , and the effectiveness of the synthesis P. S. D. model is substantiated by Monte Carlo simulation and traditional method of life prediction .

  12. 车架:车架采用16Mn车用钢板制成的焊接式纵梁和整体贯穿式横梁组焊而成的空间框架结构。

    Frame : the frame is made into a space frame structure , including the welded longitudinal beam and the whole pulling-through crossbeam , of which are made of16Mn vehicle steel .

  13. 对《高桩码头设计与施工规范》(JTJ291-98)中的纵梁计算跨度提出了修改建议。

    Moreover , it puts forward suggestions to modification of the calculation span of longitudinal girder stipulated in the Design and Construction Code of High-piled Wharf ( JTJ291-98 ) .

  14. 减轻了挂篮单件吊装吨位(单件主纵梁最大吊重4.5t),使得配套吊装设备规模变小;

    The hoisting tonnage of single unit of the traveler is reduced ( the maximum hoisting tonnage of the single unit of the primary-longitudinal-girder is 4.5 tons ), which diminishes the scale of hoisting equipment .

  15. 应用KMAS对某货车纵梁模具进行了改进设计,使用改进后的模具成形出的工件回弹量比原方案降低87%,证明了应用KMAS建立的模具补偿方法的有效性。

    As an example , after the die design of a truck beam was modified , the springback value of the truck beam was decreased by 87 % compared with that of the initial design , proving the suggested technique based on KMAS is efficient .

  16. 在原设计方案的基础上,研究了ZJXZH桥桥面系纵、横梁交接处横梁腹板开孔与否、纵梁高度、横梁腹板厚度等构造细节对局部受力状态的影响。

    Based on the original program , the effect of structure details on local stress was studied . Structure details mainly include beams web openings or not , the height of the stringer and the thickness of beam web .

  17. 卡车纵梁外板纵向翘曲的仿真分析

    Simulation analysis of the lengthways warp of truck carling outside board

  18. 汽车纵梁冲压精度分析

    Analysis of Stamping Accuracy of Frame Side Rails for Motor Vehicles

  19. 大型多纵梁矩形渡槽槽身横向结构计算

    Orientation Structure Calculation Method of Large Rectangle Aqueduct with Multi-longitudinal Beam

  20. 大跨度悬链线拱式纵梁码头结构型式研究

    Study on Structural Type of Large Span Arch Longitudinal Beam Wharf

  21. 汽车纵梁数控三面冲孔生产线

    NC Production Line of Three Dimension Punch for Truck Chassis Beam

  22. 汽车系列纵梁成型模汽车系列纵梁通用落料冲孔复合模设计

    Design of Unversal Blanking-Piercing-Drawing Compound Die for Automobile Side Member Series

  23. 纵梁或纵向支座上的钢制设备管道计算

    Calculation of steel vessel and pipe on vertical beam or bracket

  24. 东风载货汽车纵梁加工工艺对其用材的要求

    Dongfeng Heavy-duty Vehicle Side Beam Processing in Relation to Its Material Requirement

  25. 卡车纵梁及车厢边框冲孔线

    Punching Line for Truck Side-Member and Side Panel of Carriage

  26. 无碴型预制混凝土纵梁支承轨道减振性能的研究

    Study of Damping Performance of Ballastless Track with Pre-fabricated Concrete Longitudinal Beams

  27. 汽车车架纵梁孔冲压CAD/CAM一体化研究

    Study on CAD / CAM for Stamping Holes in Auto Rack Girder

  28. 纵梁的断面特性计算;

    The cross section characteristic calculation of the vertical beam ;

  29. 双刃口落料冲孔模的设计汽车纵梁落料冲孔组合模具

    A Blanking and Punching Combined Die for Frame Side Rails

  30. 露出两侧的两个前纵梁。

    Expose the two front longitudinal members on both sides .