
  1. 采用显微硬度仪,MY-1型三参数测试仪,双光束紫外可见分光光度计测定了ZnO纳米块体材料的硬度,电性能和光吸收特性。

    Microhardness , electrical properties and light absorption are measured using durometer , MY-1 three-parameter durometer and UV-vis spectrophotometer respectively .

  2. 结果显示,SPS可以用于烧结纳米块体材料,并且所制备纳米铜块体材料在致密度较低情况下依然具有较高的硬度。

    600 ? 700 ℃ temperatures respectively . The results show that SPS can be used for sintering bulk nano material , and has higher hardness at low density .

  3. 对于纳米块体材料的制备和性能进行了初步的研究。

    We preliminarily studied the preparation and the property of nano-bulk Al .

  4. 高压高温合成复合氧化物半导体纳米块体材料的结构和电学性质

    Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Bulk Mn-Ni Complex Oxides Nanocrystalline Materials by High Pressure and Temperature

  5. 综述了压力烧结、微波烧结、场辅助烧结、激光烧结、锻造烧结、热挤压、冲击波烧结等纳米块体材料烧结新技术以及每种技术的特点和应用。

    In this paper the progress of sintering technologies of nanocrystalline bulk materials as well as their characteristics and applications were summarized , which include pressing sintering , microwave sintering , Field Assisted Sintering , laser sintering , forging sintering , extrusion sintering and shock wave sintering etc. .

  6. NiAl(Co)金属间化合物纳米晶块体材料的制备及其性能

    The Preparation and Properties of NiAl ( Co ) Intermetallic Bulk Nano-Materials

  7. 激光惯性约束聚变(ICF)模拟实验表明:采用该方法制备的纳米Cu块体材料靶的激光转换效率比常规Cu材料靶高5倍。

    The simulation experiment of inertial confinement fusion indicated that the efficiency of K_ α - ray conversed from laser with nanocrystalline Cu was 5 times higher than that of coarse-grained Cu .

  8. 等径角挤压(ECAP)技术是通过大塑性变形,获得大尺寸亚微米或纳米级块体材料的有效方法之一。

    Equal channel angular pressing technology ( ECAP ) provides an effective procedure for obtaining the bulk sub-micrometer or nanometer scale materials by sever plastic deformation .

  9. 采用真空高压固结法在真空度10-4Pa条件下常温加压至1GPa制备了纳米LaF3块体材料。

    Nano-LaF_3 bulk material was prepared by compacting the powder to 1 GPa at room temperature and a vacuum of 10 - 4 Pa.

  10. 纳米LaF3块体材料常温离子电导率的研究

    Ionic Conductivity of Nano-LaF_3 Bulk Material at Room Temperature

  11. 应用自制的SPS烧结设备烧结纳米铜粉成块体材料,对制备大块纳米材料的方法和工艺进行了探索和研究。

    By taking self-made SPS sintering bulk nano copper powder , this paper presents research and investigation of methods and processing of bulk nano material specimen preparation .

  12. 采用真空加压固结法制备了纳米LaF3块体材料样品,真空度为10~(-4)Pa,成型压力为1GPa,样品的相对密度达到理论密度的91%。

    Solidification of nano - crystalline LaF_3 bulk material was carried out at room temperature under high pressure ( 1Gpa ) and high vacuum ( 10 ~ ( - 4 ) Pa ) . The relative density of the prepared nano-LaF_3 bulk material was 91 % .

  13. 纳米钨合金块体材料的制备

    Preparation Technology of Nano Tungsten Based Alloy Block Materials

  14. 主要总结了纳米晶金属块体材料的制备技术与力学性能的研究进展。

    The progress in preparation and mechanical properties of nanocrystalline bulk metals is reviewed .

  15. 纳米晶铜块体材料电化学腐蚀行为研究

    Electrochemical corrosion behavior of nanocrystalline copper bulk

  16. SPS烧结纳米铜粉制备块体材料的研究

    Study on SPS Sintering Nano Copper Powder to Make a Preparation of Bulk Material

  17. 利用自制的光催化装置对所得到的CdS气凝胶进行了光催化性质的研究,实验证明它比纳米粉体和块体材料具有更高的光催化效率。

    The photocatalytic experiment was performed on self-made equipment , and the result showed that CdS aerogel has better photocatalytic property than those of nanoparticle and bulk material .

  18. 应用水化硅酸盐纳米粉体制备块体材料

    Study on the Block Material Made by Hydrated Silicate Powder with nm-order Size

  19. 结果表明,SLS合成制备出了纳米Al2O3在PS基体中分散较均匀的纳米复合块体材料。

    The results show that bulk polymer / Al_2O_3 nano-composites were produced by SLS , and whose nano-sized Al_2O_3 particles are uniformly located within polystyrene matrix .

  20. 基于激光熔覆技术,以纳米Al2O3粉体材料为研究对象,研究了纳米陶瓷块体材料制备的技术。

    Fabrication of Nano-Al 2O 3 bulk materials by laser cladding technology with Nano-Al 2O 3 powder was achieved .

  21. 针对纳米粉末烧结时的晶粒长大问题,介绍了可能的几种纳米块体材料的烧结技术和今后纳米难熔钨合金材料的研究发展方向,并指出了今后该种新型材料的应用发展前景。

    Aimed at the grain growth of the nano_powder during sintering , several kinds of potential enhanced sintering technology about nano_powder were presented , and the forthcoming development orientation and prospects were also pointed out .

  22. 然而,纳米硬质合金粉末烧结过程中WC晶粒的快速长大行为使得难于获得真正意义上的纳米晶硬质合金块体材料。

    However , the rapid intrinsic growth characteristic of nanometer WC grain during sintering process lead nano-grained cemented carbides with excellent mechanical performances is not acquired .