
  1. 苹果公司创始人在琢磨着如何让iPod的机身更纤薄,电池续航能力更长。

    The Apple founder was mulling how to make the iPod slimmer and its battery last longer .

  2. 而索尼则称,自己的XperiaZ平板是全球最纤薄、日本最轻盈的产品。

    Sony claims its Xperia Tablet Z is the world 's slimmest tablet , and Japan 's lightest .

  3. 新款MacBookPro笔记本电脑的一系列升级最为耀眼。它拥有更加纤薄的机身,还配备了最新版iPhone和iPad上使用的“RetinaDisplay”显示屏。

    A new MacBook Pro notebook , touting thinner casing and the same " Retina Display " screen used in the latest iPhones and iPad , led a series of upgrades .

  4. 但对于英特尔(Intel)和惠普(Hewlett-Packard)这样依靠计算机的技术巨头而言,新一季更纤薄的笔记本电脑是它们试图采用电击式疗法提振市场需求的最新尝试。

    But for technology behemoths that count on computers like Intel and Hewlett-Packard , the new crop of thinner laptops are the latest attempt to electroshock demand .

  5. 摩托罗拉还宣称,DroidRazr是市面上最纤薄的智能手机,比iPhone还要薄。

    Motorola also claims the droid Razr is the thinnest smartphone on the market , two millimeters thinner than the 1.9-millimeter thick iPhone .

  6. 这种新的构造使其更薄,重量比带硬盘的15口MacBookPro笔记本还要轻一磅多,厚度上只比纤薄的MacBookAir最厚处多0.03口。

    This new build makes it thinner and over a pound lighter than a 15-inch MacBook Pro with a hard drive . It is only 0.03-inch thicker than the thickest edge of the slender MacBook Air .

  7. 目前的液晶电视都需要内置额外的背光源,而4K电视可以借助OLED直接显示,所以它能更纤薄,更柔韧。

    And because such sets don 't require a separate built-in light source to illuminate the picture , as many of today 's flat panels do , OLED displays are much thinner and more flexible .

  8. 纤薄的外形使谨慎的垂直或水平安装。

    The slim form-factor allows discreet vertical or horizontal mounting .

  9. 它们凭着纤薄上扬的翅膀

    that can be supported by even the slightest breeze . Its paper-thin upswept wings

  10. 全新纤薄的智能双面夹,配有一系列精美的颜色选择,

    There 's a new set of slim Smart Folio covers in beautiful coordinating colors

  11. 它的构想是利用这些最近成功商业化的纤薄有机屏幕所固有的柔韧性。

    The idea is exploit the flexibility inherent in these recently commercialized thin , organic screens .

  12. 但与消费型平板一样,它们外形纤薄,配有触摸屏和对用户友好的界面。

    But like consumer-centric tablets , they are slim and Sport touchscreen capabilities and user-friendly interfaces .

  13. 此外,产品的小型化也很重要,以适应消费者对纤薄产品不断增长的需求。

    In addition , miniaturization is also important to meet growing consumer demand for thin products .

  14. 造出像纸张一样轻巧,纤薄,柔软的是许多工程师的梦想。

    MANY an engineer has dreamed of making a battery as light , thin and flexible as paper .

  15. 的确,这个纤薄的小玩意比起前辈iPad2有着大量的改进。

    To be sure , the svelte gizmo sports a plethora of improvements over its numbered predecessor , the iPad 2 .

  16. 为了实现这么纤薄的设计,我们必须把很多内部的元件设计的更小。

    To achieve a design this thin , we have to look into making many of the components inside the design smaller .

  17. 纤薄的韩珀莱贴身超薄系列,带着几分轻柔,又是细腻与精致的化身,犹如人体的第二层肌肤,贴身舒适。

    As a fine and exquisite symbol , HIBLIN close-fitting and ultrathin series with comfortable feeling like the second skin of you .

  18. 然而牙齿并没有皮肤,所以这一说法可能代指小、纤薄而不重要的东西。

    Teeth don 't have skin , so it was likely an allusion to something small or so thin that it was insubstantial .

  19. 论述者还指出,紫外线辐射可破坏纤薄的组织,并且蝾螈的卵没有任何保护壳。

    The arguer also states that ultraviolet radiation is known to be damaging to delicate tissues and that salamander eggs have no protective shells .

  20. 不稳定斑块的特点是含有巨大的脂核、大量的炎症细胞以及纤薄的纤维帽。

    The characteristics of a vulnerable plaque include a large lipid core , an abundance of inflammatory cells and mediators and a thin overlying fibrous cap .

  21. 研究人员发现,最有效果的斗篷需要大约200层超材料,但在将来可以使用更为纤薄的材料。

    The researchers found that the most advantageous cloaking requires roughly 200 layers of the metamaterial , but there is scope for much thinner materials to be used in future .

  22. 纤薄的机身是它的一大特色,另外它还能从家庭的有线电视盒接收信号。它带有谷歌的一款应用,能让你避开使用微软的必应搜索引擎。

    Most notably are the slim box app that lets you stream content from your home cable box , and a Google app that lets you bypass the default ' Bing ' search .

  23. 我们还用蓝宝石保护罩更换了原先的玻璃盖,因为它相比更纤薄,更耐用,能更好的保护手机上的光学部分,并让拍摄的照片更好看。

    We also moved to a Sapphire lens cover , which is thinner and more durable than the previous cover glass . This really protects the optics , and keeps your photos looking great .

  24. 在开放式圆柱光栅的互作用区中注入纤薄的环形电子注,通过场匹配法建立了开放式圆柱光栅系统的注波互作用线性理论模型。

    The small signal analysis of open column grating structure . A thin hollow electron beam is employed in the open column grating system . Beam-wave interaction linear model of open column grating is obtained by field matching theory .

  25. 其原因在于钢材的强度高,构件比较细长,组成构件的板件也比较纤薄,因而在压力作用下很容易失稳。

    The reason lies in that the strength of steel is quite high , while the frame members are long and slender , and the components are very thin , so they intend to be buckling under the compression forces .

  26. 因此,国会应该缓解由去年削减基础研究资金带来的伤害,这样我们就能解放美国人的下一个伟大发现不论是能对付耐药菌的疫苗,还是纸一样纤薄,钢一样强硬的材料。

    That 's why Congress should undo the damage done by last year 's cuts to basic research so we can unleash the next great American discovery - whether it 's vaccines that stay ahead of drug-resistant bacteria , or paper-thin material that 's stronger than steel .