
  • 网络Red carp;paradise fish of China
  1. 万安玻璃红鲤鱼肌肉营养成分分析与研究

    An analysis of the nutritive compositions in the muscle of Wan'an glassy red carp

  2. 池子里的红鲤鱼泼剌一响。

    A carp splashed in the pond .

  3. 屋里的日光灯照亮了墙上贴的一幅年画,快乐的孩子们骑在一条吉祥的红鲤鱼上。

    Inside , a fluorescent lightbulb lit a wall poster of happy children riding a lucky red carp .

  4. 四小姐蕙芳低着头看池子里浮到水面吐泡沫的红鲤鱼。

    His sister Huei-fang had become suddenly absorbed in watching the carp which kept rising to the surface of the pond and sending up bubbles .

  5. 用特异于HMG-box(highmobilitygroup-box)保守区的简并引物扩增了异源四倍体鲫鲤及其原始亲本(红鲫和鲤鱼)的Sox基因。

    The main results were summarized as follows : ( 1 ) Using degenerate primers within the HMG-box ( high mobility group-box ) , the Sox gene of the male and female allotetraploid fish and their original parents ( red crucian carp and common carp ) was amplified by PCR .