
hónɡ xié
  • red shoes
  1. 世界上没有什么东西能跟红鞋比较!

    Nothing inthe world can be compared with red shoes .

  2. 但是请你把我这双穿着红鞋的脚砍掉吧!

    But strike off my feet in the red shoes !

  3. 她的红帽、红鞋和她的红色衣服十分协调。

    Her red hat and shoes correspond with her red dress .

  4. 比起那个女鞋匠为小珈伦做的那双鞋来,这双鞋当然是漂亮得多。世界上没有什么东西能跟红鞋比较!

    There is really nothing in the world that can be compared to red shoes !

  5. 她决定要买那双红鞋。

    She decided on the red shoes .

  6. 即使被包得面目全非,经典的红鞋底还是能显而易见。

    and even all busted up like this they still have the classic red bottoms .

  7. “多么美丽的舞鞋啊!”这时她就害怕起来,想把这双红鞋扔掉。

    She was frightened , and wanted to throw the red shoes away ; but they stuck fast .

  8. 这时她就害怕起来,想把这双红鞋扔掉。但是它们扣得很紧。

    Then she was terrified , and wanted to fling off the red shoes , but they clung fast ;

  9. 在他父亲不在世的时候,有一次一个年轻的女人订做了一双红鞋。

    Once , when his father was still alive , a young lady ordered a pair of red shoes .

  10. 她的灵魂飘在太阳的光线上飞进天国。谁也没有再问她的那双红鞋。

    Her soul flew on the sunbeams to Heaven , and no one was there who asked after the Red Shoes .

  11. 在这许多鞋子之中有一双红鞋;它跟公主所穿的那双一模一样。

    In the midst of the shoes stood a pair of red ones , just like those the princess had worn .

  12. 于是她脱下她最心爱的东西——红鞋。她把这双鞋抛到河里去。

    then she took off her red shoes , the most precious things she possessed , and threw them both into the river .

  13. 在她的妈妈入葬的那天,她得到了这双红鞋。这是她第一次穿。

    On the very day her mother was buried , Karen received the red shoes , and wore them for the first time .

  14. 在那里她穿上上衣和裙子,并且穿上一双放在筛子中间的红鞋。

    There she donned a jacket and skirt and stepped into a pair of red shoes , placed in the center of a sieve .

  15. 她把还在睡觉的老祖母吻了一下,于是便穿上她的那双红鞋,单独走出城外,到河边去。

    she kissed her old grandmother , who was still asleep , put on her red shoes , and went alone to the river .

  16. 珈伦以为这是因为她那双红鞋的缘故。不过老太太说红鞋很讨厌,所以把这双鞋烧掉了。

    And Karen believed all this happened on account of the red shoes , but the old lady thought they were horrible , and they were burnt .

  17. “我为这双红鞋已经吃了不少的苦头,”她说,“现在我要到教堂里去,好让人们看看我。”

    " Now I have suffered enough for the red shoes !" said she . " Now I will go into the church that people may see me !"

  18. 风琴奏出庄严的音乐来,孩子们的悦耳的声音唱着圣诗,那个年老的圣诗队长也在唱,但是珈伦只想着她的红鞋。

    and the organ pealed so solemnly ; the sweet children 's voices sang , and the old music-directors sang , but Karen only thought of her red shoes .

  19. 不过老太太不知道那是红色的,因为她决不会让珈伦穿着一双红鞋去受坚信礼。但是珈伦却去了。

    But the old lady knew nothing of their being red , for she would never have allowed Karen to be confirmed in red shoes , as she was now to be .

  20. 下一个星期日要举行圣餐。珈伦看了看那双黑鞋,又看了看那双红鞋——再一次又看了看红鞋,最后决定还是穿上那双红鞋。

    The next Sunday there was the sacrament , and Karen looked at the black shoes , looked at the red ones -- looked at them again , and put on the red shoes .

  21. “我的伴郎则穿黑色晚礼服与红色马甲,所以我们都感觉穿上红鞋一定会很棒。”他所说的休闲鞋一双要40美元。

    " My groomsmen had black tuxes and red vests , so we thought it would look great to have red shoes ," he said of the slip-ons , which cost $ 40 a pair .

  22. 于是她就说出了她的罪过。刽子手把她那双穿着红鞋的脚砍掉。

    And then she confessed her entire sin , and the executioner struck off her feet with the red shoes , but the shoes danced away with the little feet across the field into the deep wood .

  23. 但是当她刚刚走到教堂门口的时候,她又看到那双红鞋在她面前跳舞:这时她害怕起来,马上往回走,同时虔诚地忏悔她的罪过。

    but she had not got farther than the churchyard gate before she saw the red shoes dancing before her ; and she was frightened , and turned back , and repented of her sin from her heart .

  24. 新郎“上头”穿上长礼服,红鞋和带绣球的红绸肩带,新郎跪拜祖堂,同时新郎的父亲将带有柏叶装饰的帽子戴在新郎头上。

    The " Capping " Ritual Dressed in a long gown , red shoes and a red silk sash with a silk ball on his shoulder , the groom knelt at the family altar while his father placed a cap decorated with cypress leaves on his head .

  25. 当她在教堂里走向那个圣诗歌唱班门口的时候,她就觉得好像那些墓石上的雕像,那些戴着硬领和穿着黑长袍的牧师,以及他们的太太的画像都在盯着她的一双红鞋。

    and when she stepped through the chancel door on the church pavement , it seemed to her as if the old figures on the tombs , those portraits of old preachers and preachers ' wives , with stiff ruffs , and long black dresses , fixed their eyes on her red shoes .

  26. 红鞋从前有一个小女孩——一个非常可爱的、漂亮的小女孩。不过她夏天得打着一双赤脚走路,因为她很贫穷。冬天她拖着一双沉重的木鞋,脚背都给磨红了,这是很不好受的。

    There was once a little girl who was very pretty and delicate , but in summer she was forced to run about with bare feet , she was so poor , and in winter wear very large wooden shoes , which made her little insteps quite red , and that looked so dangerous !