
  • 网络Mangrove swamp
  1. 周四夜间,警方发现,几名男性正在红树林沼泽地里往平底木船上搬运装有iPhone的箱子,准备用它再运送到停在附近的快艇上。

    On Thursday night , the police ran off several men in a mangrove swamp loading boxes of iPhones into a flat wooden boat that would ferry them out to a nearby speedboat .

  2. 珊瑚礁和红树林沼泽也是许多鱼类的繁殖之地。

    Coral reefs and mangrove swamps are also breeding places for many fishes .

  3. 它是世界上最大的红树林沼泽地。

    It is the world 's largest tidal mangrove forest .

  4. 研究人员研究了生活在红树林沼泽地带的水母,他们发现水母的眼睛总是盯着树冠。

    The studied jellies live in mangrove swamps and the studied eyes are always aimed at the tree canopy .

  5. 我国的滨海湿地主要包括三角洲湿地、滨岸沼泽、淤泥质海岸、红树林沼泽、海岸潟湖、砂质海岸湿地等几种主要湿地类型。

    Coastal delta , tidal flat , marine marsh , mangrove wetland , lagoon and sand beach are the main types of the coastal wetlands of China .

  6. 应用生态经济系统能值分析理论,定量分析广州市南沙地区十九涌红树林沼泽湿地的生态效益以及系统内的物流和能流。

    The energy and material flux in addition to ecological benefits in the Nineteenth Chong mangrove wetland in Nansha of Panyu district , Guangzhou City were analyzed quantificationally with the energy analysis method of ecological economy system .

  7. 我们驱车经过红树林沼泽时,到处可见巨大的黑白色斑凤蝶与招潮蟹,它们飞(爬)过大片的野薄荷与花生地,不一会儿又在海滩边现形。

    We drove past mangrove swamps , alive with huge black-and-white common mime butterflies and fiddler crabs , past fields of wild mint and peanuts , and then emerged once more at the coast , where a long ,

  8. 建造水塘也经常会破坏重要的生态系统,比如红树林和沼泽地,

    Their construction also frequently destroys important ecosystems like mangroves and marshes ,

  9. 这些感觉就像红树林和沼泽,吸引了大批鸟类,像火烈鸟、鹈鹕、苍鹭和鸬鹚。

    Those views include mangroves and marshes , which attract thousands of birds , such as flamingos , pelicans , herons and cormorants .

  10. 现代滨海红树林泥炭沼泽中硫的赋存特征将对煤中硫成因的研究提供重要的科学依据。

    The characteristics of sulfur in the sediments of coastal mangrove will provide theoretical basis for understanding the formation mechanism of sulfur in coal .