
  1. 金沙江支流硕曲河V级及以上阶地阶面和两级带状剥夷面上发现中更新世红土层。

    The middle pleistocene laterite bed was discovered on the surface of terrace ⅴ or above and on the belting denudation plane of terrace ⅱ .

  2. 土壤剖面颜色呈黑-黄-红变化的次生黄红壤的黄色土层(B1)粘粒只含针铁矿,红土层(B2)含有针铁矿和赤铁矿。

    Both goethite and hematite were pre-sent in the clay of red B_2 horizon in the secondary yellow-red soil with black-yellow-red color profile but only goethite in the clay of yellow B_1 horizon .

  3. 在自然状态和风干状态下,崩岗土体的崩解强度都碎屑层>砂土层>红土层;

    Under the natural state and the air seasoning state , the intensity of disintegration is in order of the detritus layer > the sandy soil layer > the red soil layer ;

  4. 把典型的崩岗剖面从上到下划分为:红土层、砂土层、碎屑层和裂隙风化层(亦称球状风化层)4个层次;

    There are 4 layers in typical profile of slope disintegration : the red soil layer 、 the sandy soil layer 、 the detritus layer and the crack weathered layer ( also claimed the globular weathered layer );