
  1. 认为:YO-YO测试是渐增负荷的力竭测试,分别动员了运动员的有氧系统、磷酸盐系统和糖酵解系统供能;

    Yo-Yo test is an exhausted test carried out with a progressively increasing load , and separately mobilizes players ' aerobic system , phosphate system and glycolytic system to supply energy .

  2. 磷酸原系统的供能能力、糖酵解系统供能速率及其调节能力和机体的抗酸能力是100m运动员加速能力、最大速度能力和速度耐力的限制性因素。

    The energy supply capacity of the phosphagen system , the rate of energy supply in the glycolytic system , its adjustment and resistance to acids of the body were the restrictive factors of the sprinters in their endurance , maximum speed and acceleration .

  3. 通过对照实验,提出一种更适合普通高校散打爱好者的专项耐力训练方法,此方法能较好地改善实验对象的无氧糖酵解系统的供能能力,提高运动员的专项无氧耐力。

    Through contrast experiment , this paper puts foward another special training method of endurance suitable for amateur , which can improve experimental subjects well in anaerobic candy ferment and dissolve systematic energy supply ability , improve the special anaerobic endurance for athletes .