
jīng mǐ
  • polished rice
精米 [jīng mǐ]
  • [polished rice] 精磨后的精白大米

精米[jīng mǐ]
  1. 品种间糙米与精米的维生素B1、B2含量都存在显著差异。

    Significant differences of Content of vitamin B1 , B2 in brown rice and polished rice were found in various rice varieties .

  2. 结果表明,人工减库会提高糙米率、精米率、AC、GC,垩白粒率与垩白面积变化复杂,而减源对米质的影响恰好相反。

    These results showed that artificially decreased sink would be able to increase the percentage of brown rice and polished rice , the content of AC and GC , the percentage and the size of chalkiness changed complicatedly .

  3. 泰国将精米出口到世界各地。

    Thailand exports its fine rices around the world .

  4. 精米中Cd累积量仅为谷粒Cd累积量的30%左右。

    Cd in milled rice was about 30 % of total amount of Cd accumulated in grain .

  5. SD则显著增加了籽粒中Cd浓度,但降低了Cd在精米中浓度。

    SD increased Cd concentration in the grain , whereas reduced Cd concentration in milled rice .

  6. 精米率、整精米率、直链淀粉含量和蛋白质含量随着K肥用量增加而增加;

    Head rice rate 、 perfect head rice rate , amylose content and protein content increase according with the increasing quantity of K.

  7. 施氮量和Cd处理对稻米的出糙率、精米率和整精米率无显著影响。

    There were no significant effects of N rates and Cd treatments on brown rice , milled rice and head rice .

  8. ICP-AES法检测云南稻精米和糙米与土壤矿质元素间的关联性

    Correlation of Mineral Elements Between Milled and Brown Rice and Soils in Yunnan Studied by ICP-AES

  9. 新香A的糙米率、精米率、整精米率与胶稠度的SCA方差都较大;

    SCA variance in brown rice recovery , milled rice recovery , head rice recovery and GC of XinxiangA ;

  10. 结果表明:出糙率、精米率和蛋白质含量都随着施N量增加而增加,直链淀粉含量随N肥用量增加而略有减少趋势;

    The results show : milled rice recovery rate 、 head rice rate and protein content increases with the increasing quantity of N , amylose content decrease a bit with the increasing quantity of N.

  11. 方法:选择36个品种,采用原子荧光分光光度计和原子吸收分光光度计,分别测定米糠和精米中Se、Zn、Fe、Ca、Mn、Cu等6个矿物元素的含量。

    Methods : Select 36 typical cultivars and determine Se , Zn , Fe , Ca , Mn , Cu contents in their rice bran and milled rice with AFS-2201 atomic fluorescent spectrometer and AA-680 atomic absorption spectrometer .

  12. 黑米的精米中Ca的含量显著高于白米和红米的精米,白米的米糠中Mn的含量显著高于黑米和红米的米糠;

    The Ca content of black milled rice was significantly higher than that of white and red milled rice . The Mn content in rice bran of white rice was significantly higher than those of black and red rice .

  13. 随施氮量的增加,颖壳、糠层和精米中Cd浓度均随之增加,但精米Cd浓度在0N(不施氮)与MN(300kgha-1)之间无显著差异。

    However , there was no significant difference in the concentration of Cd in the milled rice between 0N ( no nitrogen application ) and MN ( 300 kg ha-1 ) .

  14. 各供试亲本整精米率的遗传效应预测值表明,不育系亲本n一32A、恢复系亲本25、30较其它供试亲本能显著的提高整精米率。

    Predicted values of genetic effects indicated that the male sterile line II-32A and the restorer lines 25,30 and four hybridized combinations appeared to be useful for the improvement the milled rice percentage .

  15. 稻谷、糙米、精米在储藏期对玉米象(Sitophiluszeamais)的抗性差异研究

    Relative resistance of rough rice , milled rice , brown rice to the maize weevil ( sitophilus zeamais motschulasky ) during storage

  16. 结果:(1)蒸馏水浸泡的糙米在发芽24h前其GABA的含量呈现增加的趋势,发芽24h达到高峰,然后GABA含量呈下降趋势;各发芽阶段糙米中GABA含量均高于糙米和精米。

    Result : ( 1 ) Within 24h , the GABA content in brown rice soaked in distilled water increased , then decreased and kept higher than that of brown rice and polish rice in every germination stage .

  17. 实验以转基因糙米、非转基因糙米和转基因精米为材料,选择传统的CTAB法、改良碱处理法和高温水煮法提取各样品中的DNA,每个处理设置6个重复。

    In this study , traditional CTAB method , improved alkali-treated method and boiling-treated method were used to extract DNA from transgenic brown rice , non-transgenic brown rice and transgenic milled rice samples . For each method , six biological replicates were prepared for each sample .

  18. 结果表明:(1)粒长、粒宽、粒重、糙米率和完整精米率5个性状在F2米粒间没有发生遗传分离,它们的遗传受二倍体的母体基因型(F1植株)控制。

    The results showed as follows : ( 1 ) No genetic segregation occurred in F2 grains in grain length , grain width , grain weight , brown rice % and head rice % , which indicated these traits are completely controlled by maternal plant genotypes .

  19. 糙米和精米的NIR分析效果优于谷粒,可用来分析上述品质性状;谷粒则可用于直链淀粉含量、蛋白质含量的分析。

    Among the rice grain , brown rice , milled rice and powder of milled rice , the analytical NIRS results obtained from brown rice and milled rice were better than that of rice grain which was suitable for analyze amylose content or protein content analysis .

  20. 从总体上看,齐穗后0~20d的日均气温和日最低气温低,相对湿度大,有利于提高整精米率,降低垩白粒率和垩白度。

    Suitable meteorological conditions to increase head rice , decrease chalky rice and chalkiness were high relative humidity , lower mean daily air temperatures and minimum air temperature in the period of 0_20 days after full heading .

  21. 结果表明:优质食用稻籽粒灌浆后20d日平均温度在27.9 ̄29.8℃时,籽粒灌浆前、中期速度快,后期速度慢,整精米率相对较低;

    Results showed that the grain filling rate were faster in prophase and metaphase of filling stage than anaphase , when the date of average temperature preponderate ranges 27.9 ℃ to 29.8 ℃ after heading stage 20d .

  22. 新建精米厂厂房设计与设备布置初探

    Discussion on new white rice milling factory and arrangement of machine

  23. 杂交中稻稻谷整精米率差的因素分析

    Preliminary analysis of inferior head rice rate of hybrid mid-season rice

  24. 精米出成率及水分含量对米的食味值影响的研究

    Effect of milling recovery rate and moisture content on rice taste value

  25. 凯特.麦凯纳:精米白饭。

    KATE MCKENNA : Plain , boiled , white rice .

  26. 精米率随三因素的升高而降低。

    Head rice rate is correlative with the three factors .

  27. 粳稻谷粒不同水分含量对整精米率的影响

    Effect of rice moisture content on the rate of whole milled rice

  28. 智能着水与压力控制精米抛光机的研制

    Innovative design of rice polisher with intelligent dampening and pressure control system

  29. 不同色稻精米与米糠中黄酮含量的差异分析

    The flavonoid content in polished rice and rice bran with different colors

  30. 精米加工工艺的设计

    Discussion on Designing a White Rice Milling Flow POLISHED RICE MILLING TECHNIQUE